Sunday, June 15, 2008

All Natural Kitchen: You make me feel like a Natural....Man!

This Stall is closed

Chicken Wraps $4.50

Ok, time for a post to highlight some healthier stuff for our gym going, organic insisting, calorie counting friends who want to make sure that their tight T shirts remain comfortably tight but not bursting at the seams.

Yes, there is a market for people who want to eat chicken breast without the skin and all natural mayonnaise that is whipped by hand instead of being churned in a industrial vat. It is the same people who would for brown rice, whole wheat, whole grain, no artificial this and that stuff. In order words, the good stuff that they used to grow in the farm before the advent of genetic modification, pesticides and hormone injections to increase the yield of the harvest. All good intentions aside, these are the very people who are contributing to the global food crisis by insisting that we grow our food slowly. OK Ok, I am just joking, its good to be natural - just like armpit hair is also very natural.

Anyways, if you have just had a 3 hour workout at the gym, the last thing you want to do is to put back all those calories that you just worked so hard to get rid of --- Unless of course you are in the gym to burn calories in order that you can eat more. So what do you do if you are also on a tight budget since you have already spent all that money on the gym instructor and the latest gym gear? You do what most Singaporeans do when "money no enough" and head down to the hawker centre where you can spend the minimum cash for maximum satisfaction. But here is the dilemma, Char Kway Teow has too many calories, Chicken Rice is full of hormones and Yong Tau Foo is probably laden with trans-fats from deep frying in palm oil. So what to eat?

Enter Kenneth, our twenty something year old, half Eurasian, quarter teochew but "all natural" Engineer who got so fed-up facing the problem everyday that he decided to open a stall to sell the things he would like to eat after a gym workout. All natural kitchen is not called "all natural" for nothing. Kenneth makes all the sauces here using natural ingredients. I guess natural means no stuff like artificial enhancers. After all, if you are already on artificial enhancers to build up your physique, you won't want to overload yourself would you?

One of the popular dishes here is the toasted tortilla wrap which is filled with roast chicken (with no skin), fashionable lettuce (not iceberg) and fresh tomato salsa. Not bad and I especially like the spiced yoghurt sauce he provides with the salad. Think healthy and it can be quite shiok. 3.75/5

If you are looking for a wholesome breakfast, you can go for the wholemeal pancakes with raw honey. Tastes really healthy. Know what I mean? 3.5/5 OK, I admit I still prefer my Pratha but when you are struggling to keep your belt buckle from slipping under an ever expanding belly, this is what you should be eating right?

Kenneth had to hide behind the counter because he didn't wear his tight T shirt that day and was too shy to let us take a picture of his abs. Damien insisted that he should be tagged under "Hawker Hunks" though I felt he was more of a "Metro" Male. Well, you guys can tell me what you think.


Eat healthy food, it's good for you.

All Natural Kitchen
Amoy Street Food Centre


Open for Breakfast and closes around 4pm


Damien said...

Both the chicken sandwich ($4.50) and chicken salad ($5) are also recommended.

Hearty and healthy - what better combination :)

Kenneth's baked salmon $(7,50) gets my thumbs-up too, however, he only makes this when there are request, so please check availability.

Little Nutbrown Hare said...

Palm oil is actually one of the more stable fats, together with lard and coconut oil. As long as it's not reused, it's probably one of the safest fats for deep-frying. But of course most businesses reuse their oils... Still can't resist deep-fried foods though.

chaozhouzi said...

little nutbrown hare,you said not to reuse the palm oil. As in reuse for deep frying?. Normally the oil I used to deep fry would be kept in a container and used for stir fry. What is take on that?

Anonymous said...

haha the stall name is all natural but seein ur take on the food is all unnatural wadever compel u to try this stall?

ieat said...

The stall sells all natural food. No msg, no preservatives etc. I thought it was interesting to see the kind of stalls that are appearing in our hawker centres run by young professionals who left their jobs to open hawker stalls.

The food was tasty but of course not as shiok as a bowl of laksa so I wrote it for those looking for healthy food.

cactuskit said...

With the office crowd around that area and the increasing consciousness on good and healthy eating, All Natural Kitchen will do well. All the best.

I'll stick to my usual fares for the time being and eat at All Natural Kitchen out of novelty for the time being...

liverpool1965 said...

actually liked the pancakes and raw honey :), better than your usual hotcakes at Macs with syrup and "butter"...

yrruc said...

I feel that the photograph of the owner makes him look kinda eerie.. ;p

ieat said...

Yeah, its that lighting coming from below upwards. Like how you shine a torchlight upwards at your face when telling ghost stories! Was the only pic I had and I was rushing off.

Indigo said...


think you shouldn't ask the "guys" for their view on whether he should be a Metro Male or Hawker Hunk...not unless you specify which "guys" you are referring to. Should be the gals you should go to...not so?

Anonymous said...

i don't think he is gay, if thats what u meant.

ieat said...

When I said "guys" I meant both guys and gals.

flyboy said...

I think if u eat out alot such natural food is quite a gd alternative, this is a gd recommendation do recommend more if u come across any more such stalls & of coz hopefully can be delicious at the same time.

kenny said...

Hey guys, thanks so much for the comments i am trying really hard to be both tasty and healthy.If you're got any more suggestions please let me know.
from 23rd june(monday) we will be doing deliveries from 11am-2pm in the tanjong pagar 98250615 for enquires.

ladyironchef said...

woo, the food looks really healthy. haha! i been to amoy before but didn't see this stall before.

chronic said...

the egg mayo sandwich RAWKS like the chef himself! give it a try, you guys will love it. its the mayo, trust me.

Bonafide said...

the chicken breast is just so juicy and thick and i love the mash! i just dont feel like i had a guilty meal in the end, cuz the food really makes me feel rejuvenated... generous amounts of everything

iamspidermonkey said...

Kenny also makes provisions for part-time vegetarians like myself. His salads are awesome! Filled with chunky roasted pumpkin, carrots, salad greens, cherry tomatoes and topped off with almonds. YUM!

And yes... He's definitely a hawker hunk lah!

cheerios ookies said...

I just want to tell everyone, ‘the kitchen saved my friend's life!’ Two weeks ago, a friend was about Amoy street market looking for something he could have on the go (last minute meeting, at the other side of town). Most of the stalls had already drawn their shutters; whatever was opened wasn’t serving mobile friendly food…
My mate went up to the kitchen and told the chef what he needed: non-meat, non-messy, taxi friendly, and quick to put together. All the chef said was, ‘egg?’

The chef made my mate an egg-mayo sandwich, which he said was ace! Kenny also left three cherry tomatoes in his take-away bag, and said to have it after the meal, as a natural mouthwash!

Kitchen goes beyond food; Kitchen, you are a life-saver!

jems said...

years back I used to frequent a health food cafe at bugis junction and I love the natural food flavor

alas, again the location isn't more convenient for me. Maybe Kenny will soon consider opening another outlet near somerset? keke.

One-Legged Gingerbread Man said...

The stall isn't there (anymore).

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