Monday, June 30, 2008

Nominated for Most Insightful Blog: Please vote for me!

Ieatishootipost has been nominated as one of ten finalists for the "Most Insightful Blog for the Singapore blog awards organized by

It would really mean a lot to me if this blog could win some sort of award, so I am asking you all to do me a favour and cast a vote for me! And if you really want to support this blog, you can actually cast one vote for me every day until the end of July!

You can do this by clicking this link

And then choosing my icon - the circled lobster head

My sincere thanks to everyone who votes! Oh and if you do sign up and vote you stand a chance of winning travel packages to Bangkok, Vietnam and a luxurious resort holiday in Phuket!

Thanks to Alvinology for the nomination.


Miss Loi said...

Congrats! I'm sure you'll do well with the support of your massive army of foodies (which includes me).

Meanwhile, Jφss Sticks is sending out a SOS for help to fend off the kawaii teeny spree blogs in Best Blog Shop!

ieat said...

You got my vote too Ms Loi

Alvin said...

Both of you are great! :)

Anonymous said...

Why is there a need to go round asking for vote? Cheap thrill to win under such circumstances. Win on merit is better than solicitation. Otherwise the whole event is a farce.

cactuskit said...

I disagree with Anonymous. Please register a name so that we can get to know you. Anonymity means you are not a contributor to the site, hence, your views should be taken with a pinch of salt. The supporters of this blog know Leslie, and I think its perfectly fine to drum up some support. We forummers are wise and independent enough to vote or not vote.

Go ask Obama and McCain to just keep quiet and let people vote without campaigning?

oceanskies79 said...

Congratulations for being nominated. I have enjoyed many of your posts and have been referring to it when I need insightful ideas for good hawker food. You've got my vote. May you win the scores from the judges. That would be 70%.

Anonymous said...

organized by (not MyPaper) :)

ieat said...

Oh thanks for that! Somehow I always assumed that omy was the online version of my paper for some reason!

Tingxiang said...

Congratulations on your nomination!....and being in the Top 3 finalist! You will have my daily vote till end July! Best of luck!

khim said...

hey les,

congrats on e nominations! sorry, was too busy yesterday BUT.. e moment i got ur post, i went straight to vote & got back to my work.

i dun even have time to read e blog & forum yesterday!!! ='(

but u know tat u always have us for support! ;)

smart said...

Certianly I will vote for you. You have been very consistent and active putting up those great pictures n well written comments on the food stalls almost daily.By the way I did voted yesterday and will be voting daily for you.'Ja U'

Anonymous said...

Hi Les, sorry. Company has quite strict rules and blocked some pages. So, had to choose Anonymous as the quickest way. "Dugong" is the nickname I've been given by all my friends. Simply love your almost daily post! For this, I've voted this blog yesterday. Yummylicious recommendations. Put on 8kg hahaha following those foodie lists! Thanks again and keep going with the great recommendations!

Willie said...

Dun worry. I got a click happy right index.

ieat said...

Thanks Dugong, remember that you get one vote everyday till the end of July!

Thanks for the support Willie, I trust your index finger!

cactuskit said...

Dugong, do join us more often in the forum : ). Look forward to getting to know you better and hearing your makan tips. : )

liverpool1965 said...

gained 8 kg following the food trail here?!!! thank God there's a doctor here somewhere hehe

Anonymous said...

Aiyah, all a farce as many votes can come from the same person. Winning the contest no meaning.

Anonymous said...

Dugong here again!
Thanks Cactus! Will try to. Yup, have loads of makan places to share also,but no chance to write for now. Will be away for 2 weeks. Gotta sign up & get my nick up first.haha
Yes! 8kg and up! "Jiak Lat". BMI is skyrocketing to Obese Stage 1! Anyway, I just love to eat yummy food!

cactuskit said...

There are various ways to stay alive with the eating we are doing. You have Leslie's way, which is to whack one meal and then go light for the rest of the day. You have jem's way, which is to whack for a few days then diet a few days. Or my way, whack and run and whack and run. You decide. : )

See you in the blog soon.

Veron said...

Congratulations Dr. Tay on being nominated! Your blog is one of the few deserving finalists in the entire competition.

You have my vote :) Hope you win!

Anonymous said...

Hi Doctor Tay:

I have casted my votes for you. I have told my students to vote for you too.

Hope you will win. By the way, yr blog is really good, well documented, informative,reliable and full of mouth watering photographs...

Thanks for yr hard work..

ieat said...

Wow, thanks for the support! To whom can I express my gratitude? Instead of using anonymous why don't you use the third option and adopt a pen name? Again, my sincere thanks.

khim said...

wah.. now then i noticed e enticing prizes u get when u win e award lei!

"The top blogger in each category will walk away with a laptop and a trophy designed by Singapore's multi-disciplinary artist Tan Swie Hian. The top three most voted bloggers across all categories will win a LG mobile phone each"

ieat said...

Yes, my five year old laptop now battery dead, DVD player cannot play DVD, 20GB harddisk always running out of space. After 2 years of blogging, perhaps now it can pay for its own laptop! So please vote for me!

jems said...

Hey Les,

good luck! Will vote for you whenever I can :)

lovegoodfood said...

Hi Dr Tay:

I have casted several votes for you. Hope you will win in yr category....

I have also told my students about yr blog and they are amazed with so many food around their neighborhood... They should have voted for you too.....

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