Wednesday, June 11, 2008

PowerShot A590IS Special at PC Show

A few readers have expressed interest at getting the PowerShot A590IS. The good news is that they are having a special promo at the PC show where they will be including a free 4GB SD card, 2GB SD card, 4 x rechargable batteries, camera case and SD card reader. Full details of the PC Show promo can be found at by clicking this link

The PC show is at Suntec and runs from 12-15 June.


stormwhistle said...

Due to your recommendation Canon has been experiencing massive snap up on their digital camera :)

ieat said...

That's kind of you to say that but I am sure their marketing team must have been doing a lot of work on advertising and Canon should be congratulated for giving us such great gadgets.

Anonymous said...

no dis-respect but is it just a coincidence that you were doing a self help food pic shoot using the particular camera and model just days before pc show starts...truthfully, did local distro of canon cameras approach you to do this review?..maybe i'm just paranoid

liverpool1965 said...

too much coffee? :)

ieat said...

Believe or not it was my idea to do this and I only found out about the PC show just after posting the article.

It was after I found out that some people wanted to buy the camera that I asked them and they told me about the special package at the PC Show. :)

Anonymous said...

ok...then its just me being paranoid.....sorry mate...

The Dictator said...

i was at the pc show and was there to find out the price of PSP on behalf of my bro. I wanted to take a snap of the promo and was stopped by 2 big men. They said no phototaking is allowed. I asked for a pamplet and they said they dont have. I questioned them how am i suppose to remember their pricing. They boldly asked me to use my brain... How rude! They defended by saying their act is to prevent their competitor from knowing their price.

i was so tempted to write their pricing on any paper and tell them what they are going to do now that i took their pricing down and i intend to pass the paper to their competitor...

ieat said...

That really is the stupidest thing to do! Who knows how many photos have already been taken of the place. Real dumb, just bad service. Maybe you can start a thread on our forum and see if others have had the same experience?

chaozhouzi said...

Hey ieat, I recall reading on your tutorial writeup at the end that you mentioned it was sponsored by Canon. Now you said it was your idea ~puzzled~. So you approached Canon for the write up and they sponsored the A590IS???

The Dictator said...

i would love to start a tread. I m already in the forum but the number of threads is giving me a headache. simply too much to read! ha

ieat said...

Yes that is right. I wanted to write the post and so I broached the idea to Canon who also thought it was a good idea. At that time, there was no timeline of when to post the tutorial.

proelfie said...

ieat, you are a spokesperson for Canon! Haha. So be it. I am a Nikonian, but I don't think that matters. It's the technique to taking good pictures. I am more interested in the technical setup of your dSLR and info of photos taken with it. I think you take really delicious pictures. I believe in telling stories with pictures too.

ieat said...

How I wish! No lah, just use Canon so I support Canon, just like you support Nikon. Would you be interested in a food pics workshop where we can makan and learn techniques for better food pics?

Ping said...

Dear Leslie,
I would love to attend a food pics workshop!!! If it is not too expensive... hee. And if it takes place soon. I am going to revert back to 'student status'. I am sorry I missed your durian degustation session, though I check your blog regularly, I haven't been able to the past week cos I was on holiday. Also kinda sad I missed the Alpha course you had back in March. WOuld you have another one sometime?

proelfie said...

Food workshop? Sounds cool. I can rope my photo kakis in as well. I'm sure if u organise one, it will be well received. Count me in.

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