Sunday, May 4, 2008

Izakaya Nijumaru: Where do you bring real fussy foodies?

With Mr. YaKwang

Lor Bak (Part of Izakaya Bento Box $18)

Do you know of someone who is just plain fussy? I mean these people can rightly be called "Food Narcissists" where only their own cooking or their own mother's cooking has got enough power to trigger a pleasurable response from their tastebuds. Mr. YaKwang is one of these people. Almost 90% of whatever is recommended in this blog would fail his taste test. So when such people rave about a certain eatery, one has to sit up and take notice.

This Izakaya is one of Mr Ya.Kwang's favourite eating spots. I am not an expert when it comes to Japanese food, but he certainly is. He has eaten many times in Japan (Used to be a steward with SIA) and tells me that the ambience of this particular Izakaya is pretty close to what you get in Japan.

For the uninitiated (like myself), an Izakaya is literally a drinking house where Japanese men gather after work to drink sake and have a bite to eat. Very much like a Japanese Pub or a Cze Char in the Singapore context. So with such places, you usually find a variety of staples at good prices since the main emphasis is on the drinks.

Tempura (Part of Izakaya Bento Box $18)

The Nijumaru Bento box here costs $18 and comes with the specials of the day. What I particularly like is the Japanese style Lor Bak (Braised Pork). To me, Japanese style Lor (Braising sauce) tastes more "clinical" than our Chinese style lor. By this I mean that it tastes cleaner and less complicated. In fact the style of the Lor epitomises Japanese cuisine as a whole. It's neat and the emphasis is always on bringing out the best in the produce rather then masking the taste with a cacophony of ingredients like our South East Asian cuisines.

This is perhaps a consequence of latitude rather than of attitude. Being situated further up North means that meats can keep fresh longer in the colder climate. So you can appreciate the freshness and taste of the produce with minimal preparation. Whereas in a hotter climate where meat turns bad quickly, the taste often has to be masked by cooking it in a curry.

Anyway the Braised Pork was very good and I wish I could have a whole bowl of it to eat with steamed Pau Skin. 4.5/5

Karubeef Skewers $15

The other item that I wish could be free flow was the Beef Karubi skewers. The USDA beef was brilliant and each bite caused my eyes to roll up to heaven. Simply marinated with salt and pepper and served with a salty miso sauce, you would imagine that it is something that you can make yourself at home right? Then why is it that they need to employ a middle aged Japanese chef just to do the grilling? 4.5/5

Butubara $6

The pork skewers were also very nice. Unlike our pork satays where the emphasis is on the marinade and the gravy, Japanese pork skewers are simply marinated with rock salt and pepper so the emphasis is on getting a good cut of belly pork and grilling it to perfection to bring out its natural porky parngness (aroma). 4/5

Zarusoba $6

I have to admit that one of the things like don't appreciate about Japanese cuisine is the cold stuff, be it sashimi or cold noodles. I think that I am too much of a Teochew Ah Hia who prefers his piping hot porridge. I had my customary degustation bolus of noodles and left the rest to Mr Ya.Kwang to finish. The noodles here are only cooked when you order so it takes a quite a while before it arrived. For me cold noodles on the whole are 3/5, but obviously to those who like it, it is more of a 4.5/5


This is where the Japanese themselves hangout. They are such regulars here that each of them have their own bottle of sake which are kept in the restaurant so they can decant a bit everytime they eat there. Overall the food here is very good and the prices are pretty reasonable and the place does have a feeling of authenticity about it. And at the end of the day, it is at least a place where Mr.YaKwang is raving about the food instead of lamenting about how sad the state of Singapore food is nowadays.

Izakaya Nijumaru
5 Koek Road

Cuppage Plaza

62356693, 62354857


liverpool1965 said...

is that mustard i spy on the lor bak? :)

ieat said...

Indeed it is! Mustard goes very well with pork. I especially like roast pork and mustard. Lor Bak and mustard also not bad. Someday someone should come up with a mustard pork recipe.

jems said...

wow, this one can go try man~ so near me some more. any idea what are the opening hours like? and if they are open on sundays? I usually go to the yakitori place where they have an outlet at level 1 and the original nanbantei at far east plaza. Since I know this food blog my waistline has really been expaaanding.... can't keep up with the list to try~!~!

khim said...

e butubara looks very tempting.. i'm drooling liao... =p

Damien said...

My favourite place for set lunch/dinner.

The set lunch/dinner is almost similar but the price difference is about $25 or so when I last had it in Jan.

Have never been disappointed and am real glad they've expanded to a couple of seating units so you'd not smell of food after stepping out of the place :)

Can also try Nanbantei Yakitori at Far East Plaza for their value lunch set - less than $15 i think. The yakitoris are very good, albeit the place is very cramp and small and yes, the smell of grilled food sticks on you.

So don't bring first date there :)

Camemberu said...

Jason has good taste! Nijumaru's is one of the more authentic Japanese joints in town (owned by Japanese guy with local wife, I believe).

I first went ten years ago, and still remember a lovely miso dengaku and some fish dishes there. Back then, the clientele was almost exclusively Japanese. No English menus, everything in Japanese.

Pork and mustard recipe? Nigella Lawson has gone one up - pork chops with cider, mustard and cream! Yummmmy! lol

ieat said...

Mmmmm, you don't happen to have the recipe do you?

Camemberu said...

Yes, I do, actually. On my blog, along with photo of finished product!

The recipe is from her latest book, Nigella Express.

ieat said...

So simple? OK must try

Holy Drummer said...

Went with HolyBunny for lunch on Tuesday. We tried the Bento sets and ordered additional ika (squid) butter yaki & agadeshi tofu. Pity we couldn't try the karubi beef because they din grill (or probably lazy, in retrospect...)

Straight to the food, the lor bak is the best we've ever tasted - melt-in-your-mouth - and it was quite value-for-money with saba and tempura. The butter yaki was nice, the squid was pretty tender. The agedeshi was passable.

Now. With regards to service, we were initally receptive. No doubt, we arrived relatively late (around 1pm) and we stayed past operation hours (we left at 2:30pm) with the assurance of one of the servers that we could dine at our own pleasure, after having settled the bill first.

But we were appalled at the end of our meal when some serious lapses in service spoilt our lunch. Being the last customers, we can understand that our stay may be imposing on their break time.

But our simple request of our one and only top-up of ocha (green tea) just before leaving was met with utter nonchalence and ignorance.

There was this lady chatting on the phone and HolyBunny signalled to her politely to top up our cups, only to be met with a brush of the hand and a motion of 'wait'.

So having waited patiently for a full couple of minutes, we tried to seek her attention again but she simply carried on her phone conversation as if we were practically non-existent. So did the chef who was just at the next table, reading his book with his back facing us.

Then, another server came back into the restaurant (presumably to continue her break in the kitchen) and when we asked her for a top-up, her response was this: the pot was already emptied & washed.

Immediately I was skeptical, but I decided to let the matter rest. But we were left quite frustrated and understandably so.

So I have the following advice for Izakaya:

- Please respond to your customers duly in the fastest time possible and don't make them wait too long. Especially for nothing.

- Please do not be so rigid as to deny us a top-up of ocha, and even if the pot is 'washed'. It wouldn't be much trouble to make a new pot to accommodate diners, even after operation hours.

Speaking as a fellow service staff, I feel that this service (topping up of tea) is the bare minimum I can provide and I'll gladly go the extra mile (or metre, in this instant) - despite having my break - to serve my guests who are still in the restaurant.

Having said that - Izakaya -despite its good food, leaves much, much more to be desired in terms of service.

A pity, really.

jems said...

Went their for lunch today and decided to have the same bento - it came with the lor bak, tempura, sashimi and grilled saba and a bowl of gohan and miso soup.

My lor bak wasn't good at all. It was 50% fat and 50% meat (not like ieat's pic one where it's alot of meat with a thin layer of fats on top and in between)- the fat was THAT much and it wasn't melt in da mouth and meat was kinda tough....
Tempura was okies quite normal too.
Saba was grilled too dry and thus not to my liking....
The best was the assorted sashimi which was very fresh. Miso soup also tasted normal.

My lunch partner had their today's set lunch which was Maguro sashimi on gohan with miso soup. The maguro likewise had a real nice deep red color and was very fresh.

So seemed like for a 1st timer there only the sashimi stood out for us.

Service was brisk. No plus or minus.

Damien said...

Had the Nijimaru Bento ($18+++) and Sashimi set ($14+++) and both were still as good as ever.

The price for the bento (which includes a tempura, sashimi, saba, kongbak, rice and miso) has not increased since the recent drastic increase in food prices but the kong bak and saba fish in the bento has shrunk slightly.

However, quality has never wavered.

The sashimi set came with 3 thick pieces of salmon, tuna and 5 slices of mackarel.

Overall, decent prices with friendly service. The waitress even asked if we wanted to move to an adjoining table when she saw us sitting on the counter.

Song said...

Just tried out the place with my family. Pretty good food at reasonable prices. My kids enjoyed the food very much. Thank you for the suggestion.

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