Satay Power!
Latest: Zsa Zsa has closed its doors as of 17 Oct 2006. It will be making a comeback to Jalan Kayu soon. Stay tune!! ieatishootipost will be the first to let you know!The banner says: Satay Power. Big in Size, Bigger in Quality, Power in Taste.
I can't argue with that.
Unlike many other "hawkers", Sha is a fine example of the 21st century food seller who strives to beat the competition through innovation and excellent service. Afterall, he should know about service standards as he was until 2 years ago working for SIA as a flight steward.
He differentiates his satay by making it extra big and full of chuncky chicken pieces. I was already quite happy with his satay, but this time round he decided that the ultimate chicken satay should also contain pieces of chicken skin to ensure that this is the most juicy and flavoursome satay. And the result is incredible. See for yourself!
The Super Power Beef and special chicken satay can only be found at Zsa Zsa's Warong located in Jln Kayu, just next to the Thesevi's Roti Prata stall. For those who would complain about chicken skin, all I can say is that there is still less skin on a stick of satay then on a chicken wing. And at any rate you can always remove the skin. Aside from the fantastic satays, the restaurant also serves Indonesian cuisine. Must try the fried chicken wings with sambal dip. Hmmmm...
Those of you who enjoy satay goreng, ie satay that is fried in a wok instead of BBQed, will be happy to know that you can also purchase this from Sza Sza Warong raw and cook it for your dinner party. Chicken $12, Beef $13, Mutton $16.
My pick as the best Chicken Satay in Singapore (so far) and, at 50 cents a stick, definitely best value as well.
Zsa Zsa's Warung
247 Jln Kayu
4.5/5 for the Chicken Satay
3.5/5 for the Super Power Beef
I want everyone to know that this is the best satay i ever had since the satay club days. Especially the must try chicken satay. No doubt about it. My salute to Sha for his innovative satays!!
Tried the satays last weekend. Really power! The sirloin beef is the best for me but my wife loves the chicken satays. Food at Zsa Zsa also very good. Reasonable price. Finally a satay Singapore can be proud of. Will surely come back again.
My family and i really enjoyed the satays especially my little boy. He just cannot stop eating the chicken satays. The food at Zsa Zsa quite good and tasty too.
Came to tapau prata but end up buying satay. The satay really is delicious and different. A must try for everyone. Thanks ieatishootipost.
hi, can i know if the Zsa Zsa Satay is (re)open already in Jalan Kayu? Thanks
They hit a snag along the way. Now Sha is looking for another place.
the satay at clarke quay is better and for catering orders contact jln tua kong satay. satay power is too sweet, nuting original. cannot fight others. if so great why cannot find it at other places?
what are the opening hours for the satay?
24 hours at Al Azhar. See the latest blog entry on Satay Power!
satay power is a product of al azhar or .... asked around and most stalls say its unlicensed product, is it true... then why promote an illegal supplier?
Satay Power is a product of DeeDee delights which has its factory in ShiMei. He is fully licensed and his satays are being supplied to several stores around Singapore. Thanks for your concern, I hope that settles that.
Jalan Tua Kong and anonymous. Please write directly to my email. I will be happy to hear your story and get the details.
Hi, I came to know Sha only supply from home becos there was once I went to his inlaw home in Bedok. Do Sha have any shops or stall? Curiosity!
Yes, he has a factory and I have visited it and seen his licence. It is quite obvious that you are either a competitor or just someone who wants to cast some bad light on him. If you are serious in giving us some information, please write to my email with evidence to substantiate your claim.
To Anonymous,
If you have an axe to grind with Shafudin Kassim, you should not do it as an anonymous. You can write directly to me if you really have evidence to support your claim.
I do not or either own a food satay business and I do not cast bad lights on him as I know that I am a christians and telling lies is a big sins, "Jesus christ" . Why not arrange we go personally with my NEA frens to check it out at the factory. Dr Leslie, please make arrangement so that we can investigate. Appreciate. Tks.
Sure, write to me with your name and handphone number and I will see if Shafuddin can take you on a tour.
Hi,perhaps you'd be able to provide me with the list of stalls and location that the satay man supplies his satays. As I just want to be on the safe side that he marinates his satay and cooks his gravy at a well and hygiene place where inspection are done by the authority.
My email is You can write to me, tell me a bit of your background and HP number so that I can arrange for you.
To the Anonymous who persist in writing negative comments about Sha. Your persistence in remaining anonymous has led to to doubt your sincerity in your comments. If you have problems with Sha, please take it up with him personally. If you write to my email, I will take you seriously. If not, you remain a vindictive person with a personal agenda.
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