The Whole Earth: Was Jesus a Vegetarian?
With smart, PK and PowerAunty
Tom Yum Soup $10
I think its best that I make clear my position on vegetarianism before I plunge headlong into my philosophical dissertation on this subject.
OK, with that out of the way, let's get on to this very interesting question that was being discussed during our vegetarian makan session: Was Jesus a Vegetarian?
- I believe that vegetarianism is a healthy lifestyle choice and that eating more veggies and less (or no) meat is beneficial in combating chronic diseases like high cholesterol and hypertension.
- I respect vegetarians and their choice not to partake of animal foods although I do not have any religious/moral convictions about not eating meat.
- I would opt to be a vegetarian for health reasons, but I just love my Beef Burgers too much.
My first response was: "What a preposterous question! Of course he was NOT!" For me, saying that Jesus was a vegetarian would be in the same league as saying that the Holocaust did not happen. It is quite straightforward, is it not?
Ah, but you'd be surprised that there are people who have written whole books and websites to "prove" that he really was a vegetarian! Some of the arguments that were given was that it was his nature to be compassionate and so he must have been compassionate to animals as well. Aside from that, they also gave many references to historical resources outside of the Bible to substantiate their claims. Just google "Is Jesus a vegetarian?" and you would be amazed at how much material there is out there!

Monkey Head Mushroom Satay $9
I guess, it would make a compelling case for vegetarianism if it could be shown that the founder of one of the major religions of the world was vegetarian, even though the religion he founded does not actually require its adherents to practice vegetarianism. Or perhaps, they argue, it was in fact a practice that has been conveniently overlooked.
For me, this sort of argument is easy to debunk. It is the same sort of True/False question that we used to get in school. I always remember this very simple principle when it comes to answering True/False questions. If the statement has the word "ALWAYS" in it, then it is most likely to be false. That is because "ALWAYS" does not allow for even a single non-qualifying event. This is especially true for medical exams. Questions such as "Breast Cancer ALWAYS occur in women" are most likely to be False because it only takes one case of Breast Cancer occurring in one man to make the statement false. (The fact is that men are affected in 1% of all breast cancer cases).

TWE Olive Fried Rice $5
So when it comes to the argument of whether Jesus was vegetarian, rather then going convoluted philosophical arguments that imply that he was vegetarian, the simple thing is to answer the question: "Did Jesus ALWAYS eat only vegetables?" meaning that if I can show that he ate meat, then the argument is debunked.
So consider this passage is Luke 24:41-43:
This scene occurred after his death and resurrection which means that it occurred after he had been with his disciples for three years:
".........he (Jesus) asked them, "Do you have anything to eat?" They (his disciples) gave him a piece of broiled fish, and he took it and ate it in their presence."
For me it showed three things. First, Jesus ate fish and he ate it without hesitation. Second, the disciples who had been his companions for three years gave him fish when he asked for something to eat. If he had been vegetarian, then it would be the ultimate insult to their master whose habits they should know after spending such a long time with him. Thirdly, the disciples would not have been much of disciples if after three years they have not modeled to follow their master's vegetarian practice.
Case closed. Back to the food.

TWE Sweet and Sour Delight $12
If you have been reading my other vegetarian posts, you would know that I would opt to go veg whenever I feel I have eaten too much meat. The problem is that vegetarian food is not readily available and the ones that you often see in the food courts usually serve lots of deep fried gluten disguised to look like common Cze Char meat dishes. They all have that particular taste about them that I don't quite like. PK (a part time vegetarian) also remarked that it seemed hypocritical that one would still try to eat something that looks and tastes like the animal when the whole point was to protect them.
So when I found out that this vegetarian restaurant served Peranakan/Thai cuisine, it really got my attention as it is something I have yet to try.

Summer Shitake Mushrooms $15
For starters we had the Monkeyhead Mushroom Satay which was surprisingly quite good even though the only things that makes it a Satay are the peanut sauce and the skewers. The marinade is not your usual Satay marinade and they are deep fried, not grilled. It would have been even better for a meat eater like me to have the Satay marinated and grilled like Satay with pieces of Water Chestnuts in between the Mushrooms! That aside, the Monkey Head mushrooms have that chewability and taste about them that gives you that umami satisfaction that comes from eating meat. 4/5
Another dish that was quite commendable was the TWE Olive Fried Rice which we all felt was pretty good. They made a little concession and added a small amount of veg ham in it. The main taste still came from the liberal use of shredded olives and it was not too oily. 4/5
The Sweet and Sour delight is another dish that I would come back to order again. Instead of gluten, they use a Soy based protein "meat" which was nice and chewy and actually has that "Can't stop eating this" quality about it. Given that it does not have any cholesterol in it, I can say that I wouldn't mind substituting this for the usual sweet and sour pork. 4.25/5

Buah Keluak $15
In terms of the Peranakan/Thai food, I would say that they were a good attempt and definitely a nice departure from the usual but more work needs to be done before they would impress Peranakophiles like PowerAunty. The Buah Keluak could have been a hit since the main star of the dish is the Buah Keluak and not the meat. The gravy needed to be a little thicker, spicier and nuttier. However, I did like enjoy the Soya "meat" which was braised in the gravy. 3/5
The Tom Yam Mushroom soup is almost there but lacks that extra kick that comes from the use of Fish Sauce as well as a good stock base. But I think this can be tweaked by the addition of some Vegetarian fish sauce. 3.75/5. What I think could work really well is Tom Kha soup which is not on the menu.
We all liked the Summer Shitake Mushrooms which featured nice juicy Shitake Mushrooms simmered in a piquant sauce. The only thing we can't understand is why it is called a Thai dish since I really haven't come across this dish before even having lived in Thailand for two years. But still worth trying even if it isn't your classical Thai dish. 4/5

Oatmeal Tofu $15
The Whole Earth just underwent a change in the management and the new menu looks promising. The really good thing about the place is that you can actually bring anyone with food restrictionse. Not only don't they have meats, they also don't use garlic and onions. So they can actually appeal to people who are Vegans or Jains and to those who eat Halal and Kosher foods.
Overall, the food is not bad, but for a carnivore like myself it still only appeals to the health aspect. What I would really like to see is a vegetarian dish that is so good that I would crave to eat it despite it being vegetarian. Now that for me would be the "Holy Grail" of vegetarian food.

593 Geylang Road
Between Lor 29 and 31
11am to 3pm
5.30pm to 10pm
Disclosure: This was an invited review.
A few comments about ur vegetarian post.
"For me, saying that Jesus was a vegetarian would be in the same league as saying that the Holocaust did not happen."
Not really. Denying the Holocaust is a far more controversial and callous affair, because the weight of the evidence shows that the Holocaust did occur.
There are several types of vegetarianism, and I believe some do allow eating fish. (Although if Jesus was vegetarian for compassionate reasons, eating fish would be contrary to that belief)
Christianity isn't merely about trying to emulate Jesus: otherwise we'd be walking around in sandals and talking in parables. Thus that Jesus ate fish and lamb before does not provide an answer. Deeper study of the Bible and not mere cherrypicking of quotes to rationalise your beliefs will not suffice.
That said, it would appear that the Bible does not condemn meat-eating; some verses even support it (Deut 14:4-5). Plus they're always going around sacrificing lambs for some reason.
However, Jesus always preaches compassion; also, the Hebrew Scriptures forbid inhumane slaughter or cruelty toward beasts of burden (Exod. 23:5; Deut. 22:6–7, 25:4). As you surely know, animals today are bred, herded and slaughtered in horrible conditions, all for your consumption. How does this square?
Done rambling. Gonna make me a nice ham sandwich now.
Quotes culled from google search on should christians be vegetarian.
who cares if Jesus was vegetarian or not?
the whole point of Jesus was about his way of life, his teachings and the miracles he performed. that should be the focus, not what he ate or drank.
anyway, i just came across this story of my friend;s mother who ate a macrobiotic diet for 10mths and cured stage 3 cancer.
heard a number of such stories frome people who had personal experiences.
think i m going to embark on one and try it out....
leslie, actually you can go to a n. indian vegetarian restaurant? I dunno but I love naan and its associated dips, and such places always make me think wow I don't mind going vegetarian
I am an omnivore myself and must say that your photos are gorgeous and the descriptions make me want to eat these non-meat dishes. I have a few veg dishes that I crave, but way more meat dishes... I'd never make it as a veg.
Hi everyone,
Anecdotal evidence that one hears about certain food being able to rid certain cancers sounds too good to be true. And therefore has to be digested with a large pinch of salt.
While religious discussions around the table does not sound too appetizing in a food blog, I'm really into finding my own conclusion on whether the food satisfies one's palate or not. Will likely sample some dishes soon.
few are born vegetarian and die vegetarian ... quite a handful are vegetarian some point in their life esp. latter years ... so that's the question ... was jesus an advocate and lived vegetarianism at some point in his life ... many perceive seafood to be less close to humans than our dear poultry friends anyway ... doc, with your illustrious academic background you do know that your argument is more personal than anything else
that is so true about the medical school MCQ question. It's still the same nowadays. See an "always", and you know it's false immediately. No brainer.
Jesus is more then just a religious founder to Chrisitians. We relate to Him on a daily basis almost like a friend. If someone should say something about a friend of yours which is not true, would you not try to clear up the misconception?
You r a man of science, yet it is clear to me you are delusional. Scary thoughts
It doesn't matter if Jesus was a vegetarian. If we believe that God created this wonderful world we live in, we need to respect and show compassion for his creation (animals certainly included).
If you try vegetarianism for 30 days, you will find that your tastebuds become more sensitive, and you WILL start craving different kinds of food.
Like animals?
Wanna lose weight?
Care about the environment?
dear anon - there are many things in life that science cannot explain. religion fills that gap.
at the same time, there are things in life that religion cannot explain, and science fills that gap.
in the context of christianity - the focus is on the food for the soul, and not food for the stomach and the physical body.
hence whether Jesus was vegetarian or not, becomes irrelevant.
Honestly I find it really really straight that a entire good page was devoted to a heavy dose of whether or not Jesus was a vegetarian....
Firstly does it matter?
Secondly what does it have to do with the blog here?
Let's not make this blog a religious blog shall we.... its really distasteful.... The last post on the muslim store that was the object of a prank by 2 teens that ordered pork curry was bad enough....
The issue is not so much religious as it is historical. Which is also why I brought up the example of the holocaust. People can believe whatever they like about history, but it doesn't change the facts. There are really people who don't believe the holocaust happened, just as there are some who doubt that Japan really invaded Singapore.
Instead of Jesus, the person in discussion could easily have been Abraham Lincoln because the argument was not so much about what he taught, but about how historical facts are being perceived.
ignoring all the religious comments, just wanted to mention that the summer shitake mushroom dish is actually placed under the 'chinese style cooking' section of the menu. visited the website and noticed that so i thought i'd clear up your confusion =)
It's the owner who told us that it was a Thai style dish. It is considered Thai style because of the use of Kaffir Lime leaves. Why it is put in the Chinese style cooking section is a good point. No chinese dishes that I know of actually use Kaffir lime leaves.
if u ask me, its just a case of how you interpret the facts. if you just google, there will be at your disposal a whole host of journals, theses, and even abhorrent material presenting a separate side of the argument. but i should not. you are a christian and your beliefs are founded on the right grounds. its pointless postulating to you negative or different interpretations of the bible as it contradicts what you believe in. all i can say is that the bible, being so vast and all-encompassing in content, has definitely sparked, historically, a whole host of nebulous innuendo and implications. yes, the facts are there, but they carry a plethora of interpretations or misinterpretations as you might have it, which explains the myriad of teachings on it. two apostles might even present the bible differently, much less an atheist, agnostic, and others from different religions. the critical part is not how right you are or think you are, but how well the core values and teachings are manifested in you aint it not? doc, you are an ideal singaporean role model judging by the way you have presented yourself since the advent of this blog, surely now you would not let emotions take over your rational mind that has brought you this far? i know you are trying to sound objective, but even an apostle in triumph is limited to the people who crown him as such and you can't cast absolute judgments based on your own beliefs and interpretation of the colossal array of facts entailing christianity ... have you been swallowing the bible and regurgitating information out even better than you are treating patients and conducting food ratings? was your opinion made on grounds of pure cogitation or merely what your obviously high intellectual abilities have led you to believe? whatever the case is, regardless of how many people believe in what you have said, i know deep down and unconditionally that there are many out there with stronger objections. and some probably devote much more time to the question in matter than you. all i can say is: good on you with your unique and noble medical practices, and great big thank you with this food blog ... just really hope that religion - the reason for holy wars and terrorism i.e. ultra-sensitive issue, could be left out. oh yah, by the way, i'm an atheist.
"surely now you would not let emotions take over your rational mind"
Based on which statement do you make your claim?
Buddha wasn't a vegetarian apparently.
because Buddhism suppose to eat whatever that is given to them. a practice still practice by the monks in thailand and of the Theravada branch.
however Buddha was in India, and Hindus do practice vegetarianism.
look doc, aint my intention to get you or anyone affected. truth is i'm just voicing my opinion just as you did yours earlier with your claims on how jesus was not a vegetarian. logically, i think he's not either. but thats just me and my silly mind. simple as that. but the way you have propounded how facts can't be denied and that it affected the good christian friends
(one even prays for me knowing i'm a non-believer i can't help but appreciate them) i know out there in that they have reason from elsewhere in the bible and hearsay to believe he's not, and they are entitled to their own faith and wasn't expecting to see such vehement and 'outrightly correct' promulgation on a sweet and harmless website as yours. such opinionated comments weren't expected. in short, we have been spoilt by your tact and diplomacy that we have been taken aback by this. let's end it like this doc, you are a fantastic guy and great role model. you are doing us and the society great favours man.
There is the broiled fish, and there is also the explicit gifting of animals for food. What do proponents of Jesus-as-vegetarian do with Genesis 9:3, I wonder.
I'm only interested in the food.
I was vegetarian for almost 3 years, and one little place that I discovered and really love is Success Vegetarian at 301 Changi Road. This is one place my husband (who would never becme vegetarian) and I always look forward to going. Their claypot tofu is great, as is the "bai yu gu" (a kind of mushroom). They also have "sea cucumber" which is really mushrooms rolled up to looked up sea cucumber. maybe you'll check it out?
Sounds good. Where exactly is 302 Changi Road?
It would be very useful if you could start a vegetarian thread in the forum and list your fav vegetarian places there too! Makes it easier for people to find your recommendations.
"What shall it profit a man if he gains the whole world - and losses his health?"
We are what we eat. When one understand how meat are being produced nowadays, one may want to cut down or even stop eating them. But the truth is, most of us are just too desire-driven. We crave tasty food only to satisfy our tongue, but eventually our other organs suffer. Of course, not all vegetarian dishes are healthy. We just got to be careful what we eat. Unhealthy food should not be our main diet, we have to minimise such intake.
Hmm... is it right to eat meat??? The Buddha has told us the whole Truth, and it can be proven by ourselves whether what He said is true, if we can strictly practice His Teachings. Else, unless the animals can tell us in human language about their sufferings during the slaughter.
Normally, animals like tigers, kill and eat other animals only when they are hunger. They don't eat just to satisfy their greed.
A student will only understand the Teacher's teachings, when he has gained an adequate level of wisdom.
tried going to the website but failed
planning a trip to Singapore end of July for 3 days and plan to go to this restaurant as my hubby is vegetarian and has never tried peranakan food
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