Good Friday: We call Him Saviour
It's interesting. When you google the word Saviour, almost all the hits refer to Jesus Christ. I guess it just sums up who He is. He is the Saviour.
But just what did he save us from?
Well, most Christians will tell you that He was sent to save us from our sins. That is indeed true and when he died on the Cross on Good Friday, He paid the penalty of our sins so that we can be pardoned for all the wrongdoings that we have ever done in our lives. We call Him "Saviour" because we know that not only did he die on Good Friday, but he came back to life again on Sunday and thus paved the way for us to be right with God.
But it is interesting to note that he was known as the "Saviour" even before he died on the Cross. It is recorded in the Bible that when they saw him on the Cross, they scoffed at him:"He saved others," they said, "but he can't save himself! He's the King of Israel! Let him come down now from the cross, and we will believe in him.
Even before his death, he was going around healing the sick, freeing those who were oppressed and administering wholeness into people's life. The people knew that when they got to meet him, their lives would be touched and changed for the better. So for the Jews at that time, the Saviour doesn't refer to someone saving them from their sins, but to someone who saves them from their circumstances.
This is perhaps not so apparent to someone who is not a Christian. A lot of the time, we Christians focus the message on being saved from our sins, but we actually forget to tell others about the practical benefits that salvation brings. To put it very simply, we tell our friends that to believe in Jesus is to be able to go to heaven after we die, but we forget to emphasize that Salvation actually starts right here and now.
The original text of the Bible was written in Greek. And in the Greek, the word "Salvation" is translated from the Greek word Sozo. The Greeks understood Sozo to be more than just eternal life in heaven. Sozo refers to wholeness in mind, body and spirit. So, the understanding is that we are saved from our sins, saved from poverty, saved from depression, loneliness, anxiety and fear.
Before my aunt became a Christian, she was so tortured with depression that her life was a real mess. Jesus saved her from her depression and gave her peace. I myself have also gone through some valleys. There was a time when I was trying to carve out a career in the pharmaceutical industry but was suddenly asked to leave because of restructuring. Jesus was with me through the struggle and He guided me to a new direction in my life. The fact that I am writing this post today is solely by the grace of God.
Life is not easy especially in this economic climate. In my medical practice, I know that a lot of people are struggling with stress and anxiety over an uncertain future. But the Good News is that there is a Saviour and His name is Jesus. He said:"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light."
If you are in a situation and it seems that there is no way out, take heart, there might not seem to be a way out, but God can make a way. He would part the Red Sea for you if you are willing to believe.
Matt: 11:28There are lots of events happening throughout the Easter weekend. Today (Good Friday) we have a gathering at Mandarin Gardens at 10am and you are very much welcome to join us. The details are here.
Over the next three nights, the German Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke will be speaking at the Indoor Stadium at 7.30pm. I still remember attending his meeting at the National Stadium when I was still a teenager. I experienced God in a very special way that night which changed the course of my life. More information can be found at
On Sunday, my church, St John's St Margaret's at Dover Avenue (right opposite Singapore Polytechnic) is having the Easter Sunday service at 10am. May I invite you to join us if you are looking for a Church to go to on Easter Sunday.
As I am writing this post, I am very aware that it is not written to everyone. I know that many readers live very happy and well adjusted lives. If that is the case then that's really good. But if you are the one who is finding that life is a struggle, then I hope that you will look up at the Cross this Good Friday and see the face of the Saviour. He died so that you might have a chance to live life in abundance.
Have a Blessed Easter everyone.
If you have any questions or wish to know more about Jesus, please email me at
Have fun with your fantasy, reality is mine.
I am sure many lives will be blessed and touched this week. I would love to join in for the gathering but I am also involve in my cell event.
Have a blessed time :)
Amen to what you've wrote!
those who have tasted of the REAL goodness of God never regret making that choice of following Him..
To Anon,
Never say God abandon you when you've never open yourself to Him.
Never say you know what Hell is unless you've actually been there.
Never say reality is yours when your mind is closed.
And lastly, never promote chaos because your life is in one. For you'll suffer more unsolved questions within yourself when you see others in happiness, hope, courage and strength.
Hi, frankly, I don't expect this article coming out in this ieat website, as i thought any article should be relevant to topics that foodie might concern, as what the website URL states. Anyway, as the owner of this website, you are free to post whatever topic that interests you, just hopefully it will not be so pro-christian in future.
Well, the blog is about food, faith and family. I have written other articles on faith under the faith articles label.
i cant help it but want to tell of HIS LOVE for all of us....
The Greatest Gift of the Holy Spirit is LOVE.
Hey Les. Thats a nice post you did there. I agree that God sacrificial death for us does not limit itself to our eternal salvation but also practically in how we live. Its been a pretty amazing journey for my wife and I ever since we receive His free gift of grace from the Cross. We encounter His guidance and providence in all that we do. His blessings are tangible, and His peace is real.
Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.
John 14:27
You have shown in your own life how God led you through difficult and uncertain times and has never failed to be the Father who protects and guide his child.
"Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight." Proverbs 3:5-6
"So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. Isaiah 41:10
God bless all! : )
All glory to God for your sharing. Do not be afraid to use your blog to witness for Christ who is the only Saviour in the world. Amen.
To Anon #1 (regarding pro christian) - the blogger is a christian, of course he is pro christian! you should respect other people's faiths. he is not forcing it down your throat, you are free to choose to read it or not to read it. your choice.
just like sharing good food with readers... if he discovers a stall and has a good experience with the food, he is excited to share it with his readers. similarly, he has discovered and experienced God in his life, and he is also excited to share the good news with his friends and readers.
Dear Sumosumo,
This blog is ieatishootipost and the theme is never waste your calories on yucky food.
I read iprayipreachihopeyouconvert in this post and the theme sounds more like never waste your spiritual energy on anything other than christianity.
This is a food blog and maintain the integrity of this blog. Don't try to use this medium (which has a big fan base) to try steer them into topics like religion. That is a very dangerous ground. Religion can segregate society and harm peace if found promoting at wrong places. The same thing goes for politics.
The most important I think is that the dignity of this blog should be maintained, in the sense not to use the popularity of this blog's purpose for other intention, of course we all know Christians are very good at doing that - preaching.
If Leslie still can't get my drift, i won't blame him too since christians are brain washed into something and I cannot expect them to understand something that is outside that perimeter, but like what you say, the author has it's right to choose his religion, then as a ardent reader, I also have the right to comment on this. Fair game.
Hi Anonymous,
In order to be credible with your comments. Please register a pename with an email attached to it. Since you feel that as a ardent reader you have a write to express your views, I will respect that. But I expect that you will make yourself accountable for what you say by way of an email address.
Words like "brain washed" are quite offensive. No one likes to be called that. We are all conditioned by what we see, what we hear, what we read. Everyone has their own paradigm for looking at life and understanding how it all works. You, like it or not, have been "brain washed" as well by what you read, what you see on TV, what you see in the movies, what your friends tell you. So if you contend that you have the wisdom to discern what is good and what is bad then do give other people the courtesy and respect that we can do the same.
Rick Warren recently commented that he might not agree with 20% of what Barack Obama believes but that doesn't mean that he would have nothing to do with him. I think we can disagree on certain things, but still agree on a majority of other stuff. That is why you should still feel comfortable to come join us in our makan sessions.
To Anon,
as a Buddhist, i feel i should stand up to say something. i feel your strong words are only justified IF leslie puts down other religions. in which this case, he didn't.
if he's only enthused over his religion on a special (this being Good Friday), then why not a little mention?
all religions have their followers "brainwashed" not because of the religion, but they themselves choose to. it's exactly the same as people who would slash their wrists for their celebrity idols and many others wouldn't. there're blacksheeps everywhere, even in my religion, Buddhism.
and i don't say much about all these, as i understand fully well fanatics are in every circle. be it religious or not.
if leslie "contaminates" this food-based blog with constant deviation into other topics (religion or not), then he has lost credibility, and the masses following him loyally will surely leave and de-link this blog.
do not underestimate the intelligence of the cyberspace people, anon. bloggers rises because of a clear line of thought and direction in their blogs, not being "cult-ish". because it's an absolute popularity-driven mechanism in the cyberspace that one has all the more must maintain a level of integrity to their blogs.
yours truly included.
u may be the same person who berated leslie for losing faith in his rating system and all, but i must remind you, leslie has the exact power to delete all your comments to keep this place clean (as you so wanted).
but he didn't. am i saying this clear enough of his integrity?
btw, i'm not leslie's personal friend, nor have i met him before. and he has never saved my life (so far). i'm a long time blogger who has seen enough immature flamers like you, so decided to stand up for something right.
and oh, i dare to put up my blogger profile out and not fear you come flame at my blog. wat does tat say of me? =)
i forgot to add.
why did i mention God in my 1st comment here?
not because i'm a bad Buddhist, but i see the benefits of orthodox religions on people. the world dun need mis-guided people but one who is balanced in good faith. so i celebrate for a good Christian, Muslim, Buddhist....even an atheist who conducted themselves rightly for their own and the society.
conversely, i'll condemn a fellow Buddhist who's a terrorist, even if he's my blood brother. no human has the right to instill chaos and fear to others.
the fanatics will not understand my point of view but i trust many others will.
Well said Fresh Fry, thanks for your comment.
Leslie, you are right that we are all conditioned. But there is a proper place for religion conditioning. If i want to be conditioned, I will go to the church for it.
What will you feel if someone who is a famous, uses the power of his fame, to convert people to become a religion? Say Tom Cruise, what do you think of him? Well it's exactly the same thing I'm thinking of you.
I have a blog that enjoys the same readership level as ieat's here, but it's mostly about anime, not food. I thus understand why ieat would choose to write about his religion, and I support his right to write. While not a christian myself, (agnostic), I am disgusted by people who think they can control what others write on their blogs. Contrary to popular belief, this is not public domain, it belongs to ieat. Asking him not to write about the stuff he wants to write is akin to going to his house or shop and telling him what to talk about. Or even going to a restaurant and teling them not to serve Bak Kut Teh cos you love pigs or something.
When people tell me not to write on something because it offends them, I'll always write more. It's your freedom to not read, it's not like we care about people like that.
Forgot to explain why I thought he should have a right to write.
It's because of the amount of effort and work we put into our blogs, that it has become somewhat popular and has a wide reach. Therefore, it is our right to use it for commercial or personal goals. It's a lot more efficient than spreading via the usual means. For example, if my friend has a new product that is unrelated to my blogging topic and wishes for some publicity, I do not mind writing a post on it for his sake. It's like you make money, you have the right to spend it.
Goodness..why all these arguments over a post on Good Friday? Can't we all not quarrel over something so simple on a spiritually significant day...
Anyways..just wanna share my good friday experience.
The service at church certainly tugged at my family's emotions as we re-lived the Passion that happened more than 2000 years ago. As Jesus himself endured all sufferings for the salvation of Men, all of us at church certainly took time to reflect upon our lives, the times we have strayed further away from His love.
And of course, not forgetting Easter, in which Christ rose from the dead, conquering death, and restoring life.
Thank you Jesus for your sacrifice.
i'd assume you're incensed at leslie's "behaviour" because the "conditionings" should be done in a church by appointed people(priest or fathers). may i also remind you that they're no superpower human beings. they're like you and me who happens to choose to serve God that way, while for others, in another way.
we all choose to serve our religions in a way we feel right over and accusing a blogger of wanting to "convert people like celebrities" is outrageously funny.
you seem to underestimate the level of intelligence in the human beings.
the very people converted by tom cruise or even oprah winfrey (IF) to any religion is firstly, their own free will. and secondly, will not destroy the world nor upset the society unless they turn into terrorists. even so, there's nothing you and i can stop.
even if they convert because they're fanatics, i can assure you that without tom cruise or oprah, any other people would be able to convert them by use of some charisma and sweet-talking. pretty face would be a bonus.
with all due respect, you've the right to think bad/good of anyone, however, it'd reflect very badly on your individual integrity and upbringing to drop such comments in another's blog.
frankly, if you think this blog is so bad, dropping such comments will only garner more attention towards him giving him more publicity, in turn, help fuel his "wrong cause". if you'd like me to be more explicit, you're helping leslie.
surely, surely, your intelligence is more than that? =)
I guess at the end of the day, no one can "convert" another without the person being convicted himself/herself. The conviction of the heart and head is a complex process, and not one that is so easy to influence.
We all have a desire to share what is important to us. In Leslie's case, his faith is very important to him, and a central part of his being. He has shared that God has shown Himself true to him in many areas of his life, and during the many crossroads he faced.
Before I came to the conviction to be a Christian, I too considered seriously what Christianity is all about. I found satisfaction in both my head (logical, rational) and my heart (felt the peace and forgiveness) before I committed my life to Jesus. And to his day, I thank God for opening avenues for me to find Him. A friend loved me enough to lovingly hold my hand to the Cross. He didn't force me, didn't push me, didn't rush me, respected my decision... But he lovingly shared what was so important in his life. I made my own decision.
why not just keep it simple and keep this blog a food blog as it always was and I hope will be. No offense but if Dr Leslie would like to share his faith, perhaps it would be more appropriate to do it by having his comments on religion on another blog. He can have a link to it on this present one. In that way, those who want to talk about religion and hear about it go to that blog. Those who don't, simply don't go there.
In that way everyone is happy.
Well, if you read my last paragraph, I already said it wasn't written for everyone. Only the sick need to see a doctor. There are people who are hurting and who need a way out. It would be very selfish if I knew something that works for me and not want to share it.
I know of some people who want to keep their favourite food haunts a secret so that it doesn't become too crowded. I feel on the other hand that if the food place is good I should want to share it with everyone so that the stallowner will get more business.
Hmms. I'm really puzzled: how come, if for eg. ieat posts about a purely secular charity, it doesn't get flamed at all, but once he starts talking about Christianity, the knives start appearing? i can only see that maybe it's because we all "agree" that secular charities are a good cause but religion is not since it's based on personal opinion and faith - but actually the fact is that the belief that "secular charities" are a good cause is also based on a particular worldview and is by no means universal - a loveless person would not agree to such a 'cause' anyway - he may say 'go and fight for yourself!'
similarly, if we believe that love is a good thing, we have to agree that if really there was such a person called Jesus who died for you so that you may live, you'd have to agree that it's love, based on what you know from human experience. the question rreally is whether we believe that account, but that's another question.
maybe we are really pre-conditioned and influenced by the Government's position that religious opinions are extremely dangerous and offensive and likely to cause riots, divisions, etc - and thus we just run away from all this and just put a veil over it as "offensive material! stay away!" when really there may be some truths about religion that can be logically defended and expressed and debated in a public sphere.
Anyway, blessed Good Friday and Easter to Chrisitans and non-Christians alike. I'm a Christian myself, a follower of Jesus, and I think that He is always sad when His followers don't show the same kind of love that He would and thus be a bad imitation of HIm, turning people off from Himself. but to everyone else, we're not trying to force the message down your throat or what or aim to prove we are right to you. no, that's not His way. we can only be an instrument, that if God will use us in His plan He will do so, for His sake and for yours!
have a good day
Leslie, a religion topic is not a food topic. Please don attempt to sit them side by side, Just like a fishing topic is not the same as a politcal topic. I hope you have the intelligence to cease this thread for further discussion. Cheerio.
Dear ceadsearc, there is a place call speakers corner for politics talk, do you know why? Because it is a highly sensitive topic which can stir emotions. Did you went to the anti PAP rally during last electiion? Well i did and I'm glad it was controlled because the mood was so high, people were punching fist into the air, there were serious hatred in the eyes i saw of people.
There is a danger there that that could harm unity and peace more than we can afford.
So it is the same case with religion where someone somehow and someday at somewhere, some religious zealouts might appear to be over passionate about his religious belief and do something crazy.
I advise Dr Tay not to go that route. Like what Adriane suggested, do it on another religious blog is fine and link it from here, but don't try to tease the religious buttons of readers who come here just for the purpose of reading information of food. Don't try hijack their arrival with religious stuff. Keep religious free and other dangerous topics free. Lets talk about food food food and more food. It is food that brings us together so lets enjoy the food talk.
Hmm, actually this "post" is really non-threatening, don't you think? Ieat is really just sharing his views and his personal experiences only and not forcing it down anyone's throats. i guess a casual reader who didn't want to read this post could just scroll down and look at others, i guess. i guess he has the freedom to share his views, like he said, of his faith, since his intentions are really to share with his readers something good he has discovered (which he believes is good) just as he discovers new places to eat.
oh btw you aren't allowed, if i remember the rules correctly, to go to the speaker's corner and talk about religion. if im not wrong it's expressedly prohibited (race and religion). just a clarification, in case.
ceadsearc, I agree this post isn't threatening. It's people like you who appear out of sudden to debate like want to fight that is the threatening part.
leslie, i think enough is enough from that anon, he's now flaming the benign commenters too. would you think it's good to do something about it? just a thought from me. =)
Hi Leslie,
Really appreciate what you wrote; I was a back slider and came back last August. The verse you chose to share really spoke volumes to me.
Well Melvin,
I read your blog which is about making money from blogs and yet you talk about Valentine's Day and getting birthday gifts for your girlfriend. Are we so different? :)
this is the internet. and there is freedom of speech for everyone. is there an issue?
in the real world - hasn't anyone gone to a cafe in singapore and it is obvious that the owners are christian where they post biblical verses and hang crosses all over their eatery - is anyone going to complain that eating in a christian cafe offends their religious sensibilities?
similarly there are other eateries where the owners are buddhist and post buddhist related icons and buddhist scripture is available in a corner of the eatery.
everyone has the freedom to practise their faith.
aiya i wont want to debate la....lets just focus on more constructive things like reviewing food=)
Leslie, if you can't tell the difference between religion, politics, food, fishing or shopping topics, it is not my job to teach you. But I would had thought a doctor had a better level of intellect.
The amount of fools in this blog amazes me.
SO WHAT, if ieat wants to post on religion???
SO WHAT, if some readers find it OFFENSIVE (for some stupid reason) if topics on religion is posted on a food blog?
Reality Check.
This is ieat's blog. HIS blogs. HIS rules. Who the hell are you fellas to tell him what not to post and what to post.
You can just simply press the X button at the top right hand corner of your screen, and get your pompous asses out of here. Coz we don't need you fools to talk BS like..
"oh this is a food blog and other topics should not be posted here." =.="
It's freaking good friday for God's sake. What the hell is wrong with a christian just expressing his views on a day that is important to him?
get a life man. tsk.
Hi. I am a free-thinker, and after reading all the comments, I felt like I had to say something.
I think that no one has the right to tell the blogowner what to include in his blog. He is at liberty to post whatever he wants so long as it is in good faith and doesn't harm others, which I think is the case for this post. Do remember that if you feel offended, you are offended by virtue of your own expectations of what would appear on this blog, and not by virtue of what the blogger substantively thinks.
I would speak very differently if Leslie had written a post condemning other religions or other races. But he is merely putting down his sincere thoughts on his religion, and I don't see why anyone should have a morsel of a right to instruct him to do otherwise.
Do respect the blogger's rights if he hasn't breached any rules or written anything offensive. :)
As an aside, thanks for the wonderful food reviews Leslie, and continue to keep up the good work!
good point wobblyblob.
We should respect the blog owner's rights.
I am not a conventional Christian (it's complicated) and I don't agree with a lot of Leslie's religious views, but I come here to read about the food. I just ignore any religious posts I don't agree with (in fact I ignore all of them generally).
This being the case I don't see why Leslie should come under fire. Let's just eat lah, ok! Let him post whatever he wants, he's not harming anyone.
I do not read all the posts that Leslie puts up. If something does not interest me, I simply skip it. It's not for me to tell him to remove something simply because I don't like it. It's very clear that Leslie will post blogs on Christianity as it's clearly sometime that's close to his heart. It is the nature of this blog.
Agree with wobblyblog. I am a free thinker too, I see nothing wrong in Leslie sharing thoughts on his faith on Good Friday in his food blog. In fact, he did mention in the last para that:
"As I am writing this post, I am very aware that it is not written to everyone. I know that many readers live very happy and well adjusted lives. If that is the case then that's really good. But if you are the one who is finding that life is a struggle, then I hope that you will look up at the Cross this Good Friday and see the face of the Saviour. He died so that you might have a chance to live life in abundance."
I have attended many makan sessions with Leslie. Never on one occasion did he preach about his religion. We talked about food, cameras and other non-religious topics.
So for those who have not met Leslie, please do not think that he has a hidden agenda in his food blog. He is just sharing his thoughts on food, faith and family. Just like his food review, you may or may not agree with him cos each of us has different taste. There is no right or wrong.
Okay guys, though National Day is still four months away, please follow me to recite Our Pledge:
"We, the citizens of Singapore,
pledge ourselves as one united people,
regardless of race, language or religion,
to build a democratic society
based on justice and equality
so as to achieve happiness, prosperity and
progress for our nation."
I believe the fundamental in any religion is FAITH. I choose to be a Christian, not through brainwashing but through conviction. I studied in a mission school for 10 years but I wasn't a Christian when I graduated. It took me another 10 years to walk back to God and I have not looked back since.
I am grateful for the brother who had stood in the gap for me and again, he had a choice. He did it because he wanted to. Only fellow Christians will know the power of these words -"Stand in the gap".
Laura Tay (
Thanks to everyone for writing in. I have read every comment and appreciate that everyone here is writing because they feel that they are a part of the blog and want to see the blog develop in a particular direction. So even though I don't agree with some of the comments, I still take note of it.
There have been a few comments that needed to be deleted because of the use of language which is deemed to be too inflammatory. Let's keep the kampung spirit here and treat each other with respect.
everyone has said possibly everything that could be said about what they feel, whether they agree/disagree with dr tay's Good Friday post and so on. I really do not wish to start another pointless, circular debate.
To those readers of this blog who take offence at the religious connotations of this post:
Why should dr tay's opinions and sharing about his beliefs affect you so much, if you think about it? If you deem his views as rubbish, then you are entitled to your opinion and dare I even say, are free to express your feelings about it in a civil manner. It makes me wonder how similar or different the reactions would be if dr tay was a Buddhist who advocated the blessings and peace of Buddha on Vesak day, if he was a Muslim who simply wanted to share the purpose of Ramadan for Hari Raya Puasa, or if he was a Hindu sharing about his devotion to the Hindu gods by carrying a kavadi for thaipusam. Or could it have been his forthright and concise manner of driving his opinions across? Be as objective as possible and ask yourself if you really have a right to criticise him for his actions my friends.
As for suggestions for dr tay to move his religious-inclined posts to another blog, this begs the question: what difference would it make? He would still get all sorts of comments and opinions on whatever it is he posts on. Yes, the only difference is that readers have a choice of clicking, or not clicking on the link to the blog. Perhaps dr tay can consider putting a "warning" of sorts at the beginning of his post title to inform readers what sort of post it is? Would that be better (although again, what difference would it make if people still want to nitpick and fuss?)
last but not least, as a Christian dr tay feels he has a piece of good news and hope to bring to the sick and dying; this good news would be the gospel and saving love of Jesus Christ. If you had a piece of good news to share, would you withhold it? And when you share it, some people may accept it, some people reject it and some might be simply neutral, but can you fault the provider of the news for sharing it? As a Christian, I make no apologies for the Gospel of Christ. But in no way would I force it down anyone's throat at the same time. But if I were to let everyone impede me from sharing what I think is good for them, then I would be doing a great injustice to my faith and beliefs right? Therefore, should dr tay do injustice to what inspires him by refraining mention on HIS blog?
Just my few cents worth. Peace.
Blogging is about sharing a part of our lives.. and allowing free comments to flow.. I just find it interesting this is getting longer.. Totally enjoying your food blog.. Happy Holidays ieat :)
I log in every now & then to check what you've to share. Good Blog sharings, keep it up.
Try reading someone who talks like Yoda from erm.. starwars..G-something planet?.. I think u'd give up after 2 lines... just like u will stop going back to the stalls that gives u fd poisoning.. and stop reading things that sound preachy..
But if someone's just being themselves.. I dun give a .... and why should I be bother..d
Its nice to hear the diverse views out there. At the end of the day, its those views are presented in a polite manner that we often feel comfortable to read on and understand. Ever wonder why those flaming views are usually from Anonymous writers?
wow. amazing how the comments stretch out so far more than the post itself.
i think Dr. Tay is entirely free to post his views here. i think ppl have lost sight of the fact that this is primarily his blog. and it's not like he hid the message with any food reviews; he served it up (forgive the pun) as a post of its own.
i'm a believer too, and i'm especially proud of him taking his stand in such a public place..
God bless, Dr Tay!
Good post Leslie, fear not for we are with you thru this time of scorn and disbelief. Sometimes I wonder how some people can be so against Jesus and his Gospel of grace but upon reading their posts, realize that they have been exposed to all the false doctrines and promises of the enemy. Know that you are doing right and righteous in the eyes of the only one that matters. He who shed his blood and gave up his life for us. Who has washed us and presented us in gold to the Father. GOD Bless and Amen.
Alfie, we are not against your religion. However we do take offense at the way you perceive us "non believers as the enemy" That is precisely the reason why the suggestion to take religion out of this food blog. To you Christians, you might find it "glorious" and "right" to praise your God here in a FOOD BLOG. However to us "enemies of Christ" it is downright distasteful and reeking of arrogance. Something Christianity has always projected itself as... a religion that condemns all that don't believe in it.
We are not exposed to false doctrines or whatever... we simply don't believe in your religion full stop..... and that does not make us any less worthy as people.
It is posts like yours that makes us disturbed and uncomfortable.
Adriane, what Alfie was refering to as the 'enemy' was not the non-believers, it refers to the things or 'the being' that lead you astray from God. As Christians, God command us never to judge or condemn any other person. By posting in such a manner, you are actually reinforcing Alfies's point of view. Why don't you pick up a bible to read through for reference? There are many non-christian bibical scholars too.
hey adriane, i think you have a misconception about Christianity "condemning other religions"
It is certainly not part of our doctrine to condemn other religions. To do that is just plain disgusting, and I do feel for you if you have encountered some extreme Christian(s) who repeatedly proclaim that Christianity is THE ONLY religion which everyone should believe in, or you will be condemned and go to hell.
And seriously speaking, if by not believing in Christianity I would go to hell, I would not want to put my faith in such a religion.
We (and i refer to everyone, not just Christians) should all respect each other's choice of religion. Whether Christian or not.
Nevertheless, as mentioned earlier in the above comments, the blog ownership does belong to Dr Tay, and as such it is within his rights to post whatever topic he wants. Food, Cameras, Faith etc etc.
Since you might be offended by posts on Faith, may I offer a solution that you just simply ignore these posts, and instead just keep your attention on the food posts.
After all, this IS a food blog share with everyone the best food in SG.
Happy eating! :)
I've been curiously following this thread and here I will give my view as an impartial observer.
First, I would like to say that I am not a christian myself and have no problem getting along with my christian friends. And I believe we all shouldn't judge or treat each other based on religion, or race/color for that matter.
It is interesting to see how at the very beginning of the thread where the intention was to recommend 'good' faith from the blog author ro the last comment which spiral into commenters coming here, using this little space to talk about religion matters. My point is you can never house a religion forum where you have Buddhists and Christians and Muslims all come together under one roof to talk about a common point where religion is to be used as a subject matter. That's exactly what has happpened here now.
Though religion is a highly sensitive topic, I applaud the author for sharing his faith and I also think Dr Leslie should be allowed to do anything he want with a blog he owned. There is no problem, as I see it. The only problem that can arise is from managing the crowd which should be expected to have different views and which some may come strongly with their views. As such I think to discuss any religion topic is alright, but it is the managing the public at large that is the headache part. Of course this blog gets a few thousand visitors a day so from my point of view, when we face such a crowd, we need to also uphold certain social responsibilities and do our part in preventing something though small but can get out of hand.
I think it is wise to cease a post of this nature for any sort of discussion. So readers all just can read. And then their attention will go to other food blog post instead.
Hope you find my views helpful.
Well said Steven! :)
I am not calling you the enemy unless you were the one cast out of Heaven eons ago by GOD. As for your claim that I think you are less worthy as a person, I don't see where you get that. I do not think you are less worthy as a person simply because you have not seen the light. I grew up Buddhist and then became Jaded renounced it and became Atheistic until the Lord showed himself in my life. Now I am happy to share and show everyone what the Lord has done for me.
Christians come in all flavours and before I was saved, I was the biggest critic and even took offense when approached by some. What I posted was encouragement for a brother in Christ affirming support.
I had read the bible even while I was a Buddhist and have since found my Shalom peace. I know it is difficult to accept others point of view but please don't assume that anyone is calling you names or get offended when there is no specific allusions.
I applaud this post! It's also clear who's narrow minded, and who's not.
Tp latest Anon, you might want to make yourself made known instead of throwing potshots from the side lines hiding behind a veil of anonymity. After all I thought Christians were supposed to be upright and righteous? At least most here have the decency to identify themselves unlike certain individuals who blabber and on and on hardline Christian rhetoric but are unwilling to even provide a name.
you go on and on about this issue of how Christians condemn others who do not believe and how we are supposed to be upright and righteous. Then are you saying that by not being Christian, you do not have to be upright and righteous and you do not condemn others? I am sick and tired of these accusations that you decide to randomly throw out at will. Just because we are Christians doesn't mean that we HAVE to be upright and righteous, we are already righteous in the eyes of the only one that matters to us, GOD. Whether we are upright or not depends on our own relationship with HIM. As for condemnation, I left Buddhism and Taoism behind precisely because of that.
I see no merit in serving gods who get Offended each time we do something that is Against them. Imagine my surprise as a child learning the fundamentals of the religion based on FEAR.
"You were born on this day, at this hour in this year, you have Offended these 3 deities and must pray and offer Joss and Paper and Oil for the offense otherwise you will be unlucky or even worse." Typical rhetoric from the mediums and monks in temples. Or the yearly practice of praying to Tai Sui. Every year you offend this deity or that deity, you must go to the temple to pray to them and offer Joss otherwise it will not be a good year for you.
Think about it, when have any of us Christians here talked bad about you or condemned you. All we have done is share our experiences with the Lord with anyone who wants to listen. If you feel uncomfortable with it, ask yourself whether you are uncomfortable enough to leave the topic alone or are you uncomfortable because of the TRUTH in our words. No one has the right to condemn you or anyone else. Don't like the music, leave the concert hall, don't try to ask the musicians to change the music for you.
Today I am taking the time to write this extended reply hoping that this madness stops and that you will stop this too. Think a little before you click send on the screen and don't ASSUME. It really makes an ASS out of U and ME.
Amen and GOD Bless.
To adriane. Veil of anonymity? What about you? Posting with a name without any URL/Profile. Talk about hypocrisy... OH LOOK! I'm also a hypocrite!
Concur with the anon ABOVE you.
It's also clear who's narrow minded, and who's not.
to Alfie, I apologise if I have offended you. My statements are directed at those that hide behind by anon and shoot remarks. And thank you for your clear explaination.
To the anon who used my name... well all I can say is shame on you. I have spoken to Dr Lesile before long on this issue on how I find it troublesome to sign up for any accts. And seriously it is beyond my dignity to post as Adriane and then to be anon. I can truthfully say that each time I post I will put my name down. It is out of respect for the good Dr who has requested before that we place our names so that we know who is here. Your latest post and actions only show how childish and silly you and please don't use my good name in vain. It only makes you look the dumb and stupid one.
To Alfie to prevent the misunderstanding that Im anti christ. Once again I apologize to you if you perceive me as having issue with your faith. I shall not post on this topic. To be honest i and others here just wish that this can remain a food blog and not turn into some religious one. I guess that we have differing views on that and let's not let it go that direction. And to prevent more anons from posing as me and making senseless silly remarks. I will not post anymore. And to those anons whom I know are going to post silly dumb remarks.... well sigh I guess no one can stop donkeys from braying.... Afterall I didnt know it is a sin not to have a url.
Ok guys. Let this be the last comment on this topic ok?
thank god i'm Agnostic.. haha... chill guys
Hmm.. look at what religion does; it speaks to our gut level, even we do not want to admit that there is God or not.
It seems it was not about God that causes a storm over waters, but always about the person whose name appears everwhere every Sunday.
I usually never failed to find a controversy whenever the MR "J" guy is concerned.
So, it this true for everyone, or just me.
Just someone who happens to pass by this blog, and, i don't even use the internet often.
Let's see whether i'll be back here or not.
Anyway, the guy is the boss of this blog, he owns it, if someone is happy or not, he/she can stay/leave in this blog.
EG: an video website offers free viewing of videos. However, the owner decided to allow an advertisement of a pornography company.
Q: will you(refering to those that can make a decision for themselves) continue to watch/stay/watever or comment/blast the owner of the website for making it undesirable?
My answer would be; who cares. If i love porn, i will most welcome the move. But if i am a person like you, i would blast him too.
Humans are afterall, self centred.
To the person that disliked other info than food: you and i are the same person that will blast others in that situation.
To the owner: haha, laugh, smile. You know your demographics better!
Happy Labour Day!
Hi ppl,
I think that what Dr Tay decides
to write on HIS OWN blog is his own pte matter, just as no has forced you to come to his blog
to read his posts,
nor to click on the "read more" url link,
I think it is ludicrous to give heartache
or a headache to a blogger who has put in
so much effort to blog on worthy makan places.
It is such an act of ungratefulness that
one should be ashamed of.
On top of that to enable a clear communication between his blog readers and himself, he has allowed us to post on his blog, yet he is attacked.
A very ungracious act indeed!
Tho' extremely belatedly, I just want to say that Dr Tay has exercised graciousness in a very unnecessary and painful situation.
Just hold onto what you believe to be impt,
and if need be just cut losses and decide if you like to continue with such comments boxes, because some just enjoy abusing it.
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