Monday, July 20, 2009

ieat Super Supper Feast!

Many thanks for the overwhelming support for the ieat Super Supper Feast! Over 100 ieaters signed up and we made up one quarter of the 431 people who set the record for the most number of people eating chilli crab in Singapore!

I think everyone agreed that it was indeed good value and many ended up buying drinks and pau home at the end of the evening.

It was great to meet so many new friends! I hope you all will continue to share your foodie adventures with the group through our forum and facebook group.

See you all at the next makan gathering this Saturday at Cafe de Hong Kong! Tickets have been sold out for this event, but there is still the Zento session and the Durian Session coming up. So if you want to be sent an invitation, do join the facebook group.

We are also looking for a few tasters for Buzzing Cashier this Wednesday afternoon at 2.30pm at Ulu Pandan area. Please write to if you would like to attend.


khim said...

actually, i think it was more than 413 people eating the crabs.. e "counter" only counted e people on left tables but he didn't count e people on e other side.. those tables nearer to e hawkers..

ieat said...

The table near the hawkers were not eating chilli crabs! They were just the public who could still walk in to buy food from the stalls.

ieat said...

Hey Sunny, if you are reading this could you please write to my email, Can't seem to find you in the facebook.

O cliente said...

Beautiful pics.. I really love your blog.. :D
keep "bloging"..

khim said...

yes, they were! at least for e 2 tables tat were right in front of where i sat. either tat or e servers got duped by them! 2 plates at least! lol

oinkoink said...

Wah! Looks like you all were having fun!!!

I had dinner at Tian Wai Tian, so that's why I couldn't make it. =(


ps: I like the pop up comment box! At least it's not giving me any trouble to make a comment yet. =)

ieat said...

Again, thanks Anonymous for your advise. I have read and deleted your comments here. Can we discuss this offline

Ee Ling said...

Thanks for the nice pictures leslie!!! It was really fun!!

Ee Ling

ieat said...

It was good to meet you too! Hope to see you at the Durian Degustation IV!

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