Andrew and Grace Home: The ieat Charity Makan Session
E is a teenaged girl who has been run but now she has found a real purpose for running.
Having dropped out of school last year, the troubled teen got herself into a mess when she got hooked on glue sniffing. After several fallouts, her mother felt that she was beyond parental control and filed a police report. That is when she found herself in the Andrew and Grace Home.
The initial few months were not easy as she slowly adjusted to her new environment. After her initial confinement period, she did lapse back into glue sniffing twice but now she is confident that she has kicked the habit once and for all. That's because she has found a new love in long distance running.
It all happened one day when her training coach got her to go for a jog together. Something finally clicked and she finally found something that she was really good at! Now she runs from AG home to Bedok Jetty and back, a distance of 17km in under 2 hours and hopes to be able to run competitively in the future.
When I asked her what made the biggest difference in her life, she mentioned that it was the love showered upon her by Ah Pa (Andrew), Mommy Grace and the other volunteers at the home. Her sports coach, who is an employee of the centre even sleeps in the same bedroom with the girls on a mattress strewn upon the floor!
The Andrew and Grace Home (AG Home) has its beginnings in 1988 when Pastor Andrew took in two troubled teens into his new four foom flat in Yishun. There was only one little problem. He and his wife had just been newly married and for Grace it was a bit of a shock. She recalled that Andrew had given away her music room which was her favourite room in the whole house. It was a bit of a tough time for the newly married couple but after a while, Love broke through. To love the lovely is easy, but it takes a very special kind of compassion to love the unlovely. Twenty years later, the couple now have 2 sons and 50 "adopted" daughters living in a hostel in Telok Kurau.
The present AG Home was set up 9 years ago and provides a haven for teen aged girls between the ages of 12 to 16. These girls may come from difficult home circumstances, drug addiction or are delinquents. They also provide shelter and protection for moms and mothers-to-be and sees about 20 babies being born a year who are subsequently put up for adoption.The home runs several programs to help the girls develop skills to enhance their employability upon discharge. One of the projects is the AG Cafe which trains the girls for the F & B industry. Food is of course closest to the heart this blog so I thought it was a good project for us to support.
This picture shows the kitchen which has been set up in the hostel. It functions both as the kitchen to prepare dinner for the girls as well as a training kitchen for them to conduct culinary skill courses. I hope that we will be able to hook up with some readers from the F&B industry to see how we can support this project.
Currently, it takes $500 to house each girl every month. Parents are asked to contribute whatever they can and the rest of the money has to be raised from elsewhere. The centre receives a monthly contribution from MCYS which covers about one third of the total running costs. Another third comes from pledges from individuals and companies and the remaining third has to be raised ad hoc every month. As you all know, ieatishootipost is one year old and I have hinted that there will be a makan session to mark its first anniversary. Rather than just coming together to enjoy food and make new friends, I thought it would be meaningful if we can make it a charity dinner instead and be able to raise funds to support the AG Home.
The picture on the left shows a mural on the wall of the the lobby area. This mural was drawn by an ex-addict and depicts Andrew and Grace with four of the girls in the centre.
OK, the details of the ieat Charity Makan Session are being finalized, but let me just give you all an idea of what has been planned so far.
Date: 15 Sep 2007 (Saturday evening)
Venue and Menu: I have found a Restaurant Owner who is willing to sponsor the event! I am finalizing the menu (5 course) with him so I will release the details later. But in the meantime, this is one of the items that will be on the menu:
Other Highlights: Found a sponsor for Wine as well! We are in the process of finalizing the Wine list!
Price: This is to be finalized. (Around $100 per pax)
What you can do:
- Come to the Makan Session! The money that you pay towards the food and wine will all go to AG Home.
- If you feel that you want to contribute more, there's nothing to stop you from writing a check and supporting AG Home directly.
- If you or your company can sponsor the event (Cheques direct to AG Home) or provide stuff that we can auction or use as door gifts do let me know by writing to All sponsorship will be acknowledged on the blog.
Hope to see you all at the Charity Makan Session!
More about AG Home can be found on their website:
Bravo! Such a worthy cause. It's on my birthday too! I probably can't make it but I'll send some money. I hope E gets to run in the coming marathons too. She's got interest and the potential, which is fantastic!
Wow, thanks for your generosity!
I will provide the mailing address and who to make the cheque out to later. Still trying to get all the details sorted out.
I am sure you all are wondering which restaurant this is. All I can say is that most of you probably have not eaten there yet, but you probably know the name when I tell you. heh heh, keep everyone in suspense for a while.
this is definitely a charity dinner worth supporting =)
sound good, I might not be able to attend but my company might be able to sponsor some door gifts. =)
hmm... morton's? lawry's? LOL
Will support this fully. I chop 2 places and will write in to reserve formally soon. Hope you will continue to have more such meaningful charitable events that we can support - esp. for coming Christmas. God Bless.
Hey Leslie,
This is certainly a very meaningful makan session with a worthy cause!
I think I know which venue it is... and if that's the venue, it is certainly a place I want to visit at least once in a lifetime! :)
But anyways, will try my best to go for this event... and bring my husband along too :)
And for those who are wondering whether to go, $100 may sound pricey for a dinner ... but just treat it like going for a wedding dinner and the only difference is that you are blessing a home instead of a newly-wed couple! :P
*drooling* the roast prime rib looks sooo good! Good food, wine, company, and all for a worthy cause. How I wish my wife and I can attend, but we have a birthday dinner on that same evening. Hopefully there'll be another one soon and we'll be free that time. Please do let me know if there are other ways for us to contribute $ as we don't have a chequeing account. Thanks.
Les forgot to add that seats are limited so pls book early.Liveydream well said. It is for a good cause and I can assure you the food is great.Money well spent.
I'm looking forward to hearing the "final details laterr this week" that ieat promised. Hope he will keep his promise to reveal all the details to us - venue, menu, etc.
Hi, I'm Walter and I chanced upon your charity dinner in which I feel is a worthy cause. Hence, I have posted a link in sengkang to spread the words. Cheers!! :)
Hi Indigo,
Could you please confirm your seats by writing to me at with your HP number and let me know if you like to have beef, chicken or fish.
Had an enjoyable charity makan session!!...nice meeting khim, indigo and wifey!!..always good to see smart and family, winelearner and kids...holydrummer and partner, iwatch_ueat...thanks for the tar pao...ieat, looking forward ieat to the next session... :)
ooo yes...scs butter should also mc the next again...hehe
me too enjoyed the dinner. Met Khim & bf, indigo & wife, winelearner & kids for the first time. Food offered by Anston for free is superb. Crazy aution: forgot to bring $$ so cant bid high high, lost the lobsters to Anston & John.Yes looking forward to the next makan. Tks to ieat n scs for organising such an enjoyable evening.
finally got to meet uncle Smart, liverpool1965, Holy Drummer, John, Kevin n Annabel as well as e rest of e makankakis!! =)
YES, i totally enjoyed myself tat night! e food were FANTASTIC!! looking forward to go back again!! ;)
thanks to les, joe n special mention to Aston for being so generous! God Bless! =)
Really enjoyed the dinner, company and entertainment. Thanks for organising the dinner for a worthy cause!
Ok guys I know you all are excited to comment! I am working hard to get the pics up by tomorrow! So wait for my latest blog post eh?
ya!! awaiting for ur pictures! ;)
Kambing soon tonight! I have to touch up the pictures so you look good leh!
More pics pls especially the 2 pretty models.
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