Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Wow Wow West: Tie a Yellow Ribbon Round the Old Oak Tree!

Chicken Chop $4

Whoa, tie a yellow ribbon 'round the old oak tree
It's been three long years
Do ya still want me (still want me)
If I don't see a ribbon 'round the old oak tree
I'll stay on the bus
Forget about us
Put the blame on me
If I don't see a yellow ribbon 'round the old oak tree

This song was based on an actual incident in 1973 where a recently released convict was on the bus home after serving a prison term. He wasn't quite sure if his wife still wanted him back after three long years. He said in his letter that if she had chosen to move on with her life, he would understand. But if she wanted him back, she should tie a yellow ribbon round the Old Oak Tree as a sign that he should get off the bus and come home.

As, the bus approached his home town, he was so afraid of disappointment that he asked the bus driver to look out for the yellow ribbon for him instead. When they finally saw the Oak Tree, it didn't just have a single ribbon, the tree was full of yellow ribbons! His wife wanted him to know, without the shadow of a doubt that he had been forgiven and he had a family to come home to!

We all know about the power of forgiveness. How many times have we done something wrong and needed to seek forgiveness from someone? Remember the sense of relief when the person you wronged eventually smiles and accepts your apology?

But here we are talking about a bigger wrong. Someone who has committed a crime against society and has been put in Prison for a period of time. Having paid the price for his transgressions, is he now accepted back into society?

So what does all this have to do with a Wow Wow West? Well, quite a lot really.

Eric Ng (that's his car on the right), the owner of Wow Wow West wasn't an quite an ex-convict himself, but he did spend some time at Boys Town when he was younger. He started attending Church after Boy's Town and began his career in the food and beverage industry working at places like the Raffles Hotel. He still does catering for the Istana (I was told that his honey baked ham was a favourite dish amongst the big wigs there). But he recalls that there was a time in his life when he was not serious about his faith and his family life was not exactly smooth sailing.

Pork Chop $5

Things came to a head one day when his eldest daughter ran away from home. It was at this time of trouble that he realized he really needed to get right with God. He made a deal with God that if his daughter would return home, he would dedicate his life to serving him as a counselor with the halfway house.

Well, you can guess what happened. His daughter did come home, so Eric made good his promise to God.

Now he employs ex-offenders (fully salaried) who work daily at his Western Food Shop up till 11pm. He then sits down with them and counsels them, sometimes till 2am in the morning. Although most of these men have already turned their backs on their previous lives, it still takes time to work out some of the issues which still haunt them.

It was such a joy to talk to Eric who tells me that though it can be very trying at times to work with the ex-offenders, he feels that his rewards have been bountiful. His whole family now helps out at the stall whenever possible and the business is brisk. His stall is easily one of the busiest at the Food Center, a testament to God's Blessings, says Eric.

Fish and Chips $5

I realise that there are really two styles of Hawker "Western" Food nowadays. The traditional ones have that local flavour as most of them would incorporate Asian ingredients like MSG and soy sauce in their marinade. However, there are those like Wow Wow West whose food taste more "Western" as they use mostly herbs like basil and tarragon and avoid the use of MSG.

The thing that struck me most about the food was the generous amount you get for the price. The first dish we were served was the Fish n Chips which was HUGE for only $5. Seriously, it was the size of a Ping Pong bat and it was thick! The bread crumb crust was also executed well so it was crisp but not oily. Now the only thing is that they use Cream Dory which can sometimes taste a bit muddy. I was impressed with the homemade coleslaw here which is cold and crisp and easily better than KFC's. The tartare sauce could be a little more tangy and have more pickles, but hey at $5, one should not complain too much. 4/5

The other best selling items here are the Chicken Chop and Pork Chops. Both are seasoned with western herbs which was alright for me. But you know, sometimes I still like the more traditional marinade with the MSG oomph. Again the portions are generous. For $5, you get 2 thick slices of pork loin the size of your hand (lady's) and a whole Chicken Maryland only costs $4. I like the way the meat is pan fried till there is a nice crust on the outside. 4/5


Value for money, "Western" Style western food with a great story to boot! Their foot long Pork Cheese sausage is just $3 and $5 if you get the set. They sell Beef Steaks here for $5 (did not try). The food is well executed and pretty decent. Definitely one for those looking to satisfy a big appetite for a few bucks!

Update: May 2008

The owner Eric has moved over to ABC brickworks food centre and given the ownership of the original stall at Bukit Merah View to the former inmate that he helped to train. I haven't got the number of the stall but it is just a few stalls away from the Pao store that I recommended.

Wow Wow West
#01-301 Bukit Merah View Market and Food Centre,
Block 115 Bukit Merah View
Open 10am to 11pm
Catering available: Call 93808571
Link to Breakthrough Missions Website


Keropok Man said...

The post today reminds me of the story of the Prodigal Son.

Indeed, with God there's always u-turn.

Anonymous said...

One of my favourite stall while I work ard the area 3 years back.

mita said...

I've been visiting your blog regularly and I must say this post is the most inspiring of them all:) We need more heroes like Eric Ng in our world dont you think:) And more souls like you!!! Wonderful post, keep it up:)

ieat said...

Yes, it was a real inspiration talking with Eric. He is quite unassuming really. But it was encouraging to see how God has blessed him while he is busy caring for others.

SCS butter said...

What an amazing story. happi mummi and I seen the car in jurong area and we could have sworn the driver must be a pastor...well, definately has the heart of one.

Way to go!

iwatch_ueat said...

Aiyoyo, it was really touching and awesomely promising. I actually felt like crying... (sob...sob...sob).

It wasn't aspiring when you heard it from this uncle, tho, but the mentioned of the "old oak tree" melts my heart and I'm sure everyone's heart too!


the camel who was poor said...

by the way, Breakthrough has a Breakthrough Cafe at Chinatown, facing Subordinate Courts. It's a place where the ex-substance abusers work while they are still in rehab. the food's decent, prices are good, service is wonderful. :)

Jim said...

Good to know somebody out there is giving people second chances, and making good food to boot!

OnlyMan said...

Better to leave the imaginary being out of the pic, and stick to the food.

Anonymous said...

I concur too

Anonymous said...

HI, it touches my heart, I cried when I read it and sms leslie about it.

Thanks for sharing and God Bless everyone here.


Momo said...

Certainly its a 5/5 story, reading it again after hearing from you that evening, was reminds us of the 2nd/3rd/4th chances that God has graciously given to each of us :)

ieat said...

How can I write this story and leave God out of the picture?

After all He is the one who gives all of us a 2nd chance.

If anyone be in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has gone, the new has come! 1 Cor 5:17

These ex-offenders are not just given a 2nd chance at life by people like Eric. It is God that gives both Eric and the ex-offenders a 2nd chance.

readbutcan'teat said...

Yes, another lurkers is willing.....
I chanced upon your blog on AsiaOne some 18mths ago.

Wish I could just head down the road and get to taste whatever you posted on the
very day!!

This is a back dated to your post (JUL,19th)
I'm very encouraged by your grace on giving Glory to Our Almighty One.

Readers may already know this but please allow me to share with you.

God fearing Jews have a powerful habit, not only a short prayer of blessing
before they eat. They take extended time to give thanks after the meal and
also pray for Israel's restoration. One of the Psalms recited after each
meal is Psalm 126.

Is great to know that the dinner table is an altar in a Jewish home.

"When you have eaten and are satisfied, praise the LORD your God for the
good land he has given you. Be careful that you do not forget the Lord your
God." (Deut 8: 10-11)

Thank you Lord.

Camemberu said...

Another lovely story about ex-offenders given second chances - how do you find out about these? Sheer discovery by talking at length to the hawkers or some prior knowledge beforehand? Nice tie to the yellow ribbon song.

human said...

It is self confidence that gives both Eric and the ex-offenders a 2nd chance, not any imaginary ang moh.

ieat said...

Why don't you just go down there, order a chicken chop and ask both Eric and the workers there what helps them. After all, if you have not met them, anything that you say on their behalf is, well, imaginary, don't you think?

zhouzi said...

Hi to those who took issue with ieat mentioning God in his post.
Please read his profile. His favourite book is the bible and his consuming passion is his faith.
Since this is a food blog, consider this - there are those who don't eat fish eye but they do enjoy curry fish head and eat it with gusto but don't take issue with the fish eye being there.

weight watcher said...

i totally agree with Zhouzi, well-constructed analogy indeed!! Thank you, ieat, for bringing us so many wonderful review + inspiring life stories, Stories of Love. Keep It Up.

Damien said...

Thanks for the beautiful analogy.

Keep ya head's up as food blogs, due to the subjective nature of the theme are always abound with critics.

An excerpt from the hymn "The Summons" to vindicate your work so far :)

Will you let my love be shown, will you let my name be known?

Will you risk the hostile stare should your life attract or scare?

Will you use the faith you’ve found to reshape the world around?

DOG said...

I did that on behalf of human and they confirmed his "belief" in his "imaginations".

The Dictator said...

I had my lunch there during my internship. The meal was great. Chatted with them while talking and i found the little girl quite cute! ha

Smithy said...

I know him ever since he moved his stall over from RI. Awesome food, and I really envy and support his move to give these ex-convicts a 2nd chance when I heard it from him. He's really a nice guy, the family's a humble one. Business has been great among the stalls, what more to say? If you're looking at this, why wait? Head down to try it out! :)

Spatula said...

Had dinner there tonight - ordered a chicken cutlet and it was HUMONGOUS! Great value for $5. Tasty tender chicken coated in flavored batter. Large serve of coleslaw (definitely not a usual measly dollop). Next time I go I will skip lunch first to make room for the steak...

Anonymous said...

I think the stall has shifted to ABC market. Saw a new stall called Wow Wow West selling Western Food in ABC

ieat said...

That's their 2nd stall that just opened last Saturday. The original stall is still there at Bukit Merah View FC.

Fan of WWW said...

The original stall has shifted to ABC market. I just found out from the Bukit Merah stall. And they increased price already, chicken cutlet at $5.


greetings everyone. firstly, we would like to thank everyone for their utmost support. you guys have been wonderful in acknowledging our efforts for helping these ex-offenders out and we still are. for everyone's convenience and info, we would like to announce that the particular shop (formally WWW) from BUKIT MERAH was officially passed on to one of the ex-offenders. praise the lord for him as he was the only one who "survived" the many challenges and "eyes" that many gave him, thus, succeeded. that particular shop's name shall change into something else in due's time, reason being, we gave the entire shop to him F.O.C. the only requirements asked from him was that he must continue what our father's doing, helping out ex-offenders and giving them a 2nd chance, and change the name of the shop. but please do continue giving your support! = )
the ORIGINAL stall, Wow Wow West by (Eric Ng), is located at ABC market.

our best to all & god bless,
thank you !

Wow Wow West

Damien said...

Will definitely support both stalls :)

Am inspired to hear about your kindness and assistance to the Yellow Ribbon project.

chaozhouzi said...

Was there today. Notice the chef was different. With the latest info may go down tomorrow to check it out.

chaozhouzi said...

Oops, me again. Good thing I said may go down. Only managed to go there today. Had the chix chop. Was good but could have been better-the brown crust is missing ;)3.5/5.
Maybe because he is cooking everything himself and there were a number of orders. (8 orders and counting).

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