A Personal Invitation to Explore the Meaning of Life
There must be more to life than finding that ultimate plate of Hokkien Mee!
I am sure that the regular readers of this blog and those who know me personally will know that I have many other passions besides Food and Photography. (Fishing being one of them but that is another story). One of those things I find really fulfilling is to meet with a group of friends to share our views on God, life family and faith.
Now, I know that there are some readers out there who might be wanting to be part of such a group or who have many questions that they would like to ask, but just don't have the opportunity to do so. So here is your chance!
My church group is organizing an Alpha Course which will be starting on 28 March (Friday) night and it would be a great if you could join in. We will meet in someone's home in the Bedok area, have dinner (Yes, there must be food!), watch a 45 minute video and then everyone will sit down together to have an open discussion. It will be a great chance for you to ask the questions that you have always wanted to ask in an environment where everyone is expecting to ask questions.Alpha has been over the years the most successful introductory course on Christianity and is supported by most of the main stream churches. (Catholics and Prostestant) It has been so successful because it is designed to allow questions to be asked and answered in a non-threatening environment. The Guardian (UK) wrote:
"What Alpha offers, and what is attracting thousands of people, is permission, rare in secular culture, to discuss the big questions - life and death and their meaning."
You can read more about Alpha here
So if this is something that you feel that you would like to do, why don't you come join in? It would be a real pleasure to meet up with you.
You can write to me at leslie.tay@gmail.com and I will furnish you with the details. If you feel that Bedok is a bit too far but would still like to join a group, there are also other groups around the island which you can join.
Below is the except from the Alpha brochure
What is Alpha?
- The Alpha course is a practical introduction to the Christian faith.It is relaxed, non-threatening, thought-provoking, low-key, friendly and fun.
- Listen, learn, discuss and discover. Ask anything. Alpha is a place where no question is regarded as too simple or too hostile and all viewpoints are respected.
- No matter what you're facing, Alpha is a place to ask why – with freedom to share or just sit back and listen.
- It is supported by all the main Christian denominations.
Alpha is for everyone, especially:
- Those wanting to find out more about Christianity
- Irregular church-goers
- New Christians
- Those who want to brush up on the basics
What are some of the topics discussed?
The Alpha course consists of a series of weekly talks over 10 weeks on topics such as:
- Who is Jesus?
- Why did Jesus die?
- Why and how do I pray?
- Why and how should I read the Bible?
- Who is the Holy Spirit?
- How does God guide us?
- Does God heal today?
Congratulation for organising the Alpha Session. I am sure those who attend will get to feel the spiritual side of Life. I urge the ieat blog readers to join in this casual get together. For me I am attending the Alpha Session at St. Hilda's church every Fri noon time with my fellow ex Saints.
Was involved in Alpha on 3 occasions previously. Enjoyed every one of them thoroughly. Got to meet people from all walks of life. Alpha gives us the opportunity to meet and talk within a friendly and casual environment about issues of life. Some do find out that there is indeed more meaning to life than a plate of good Hokkien mee or char kway teow. Others made a few new friends over a cup of coffee. Nothing to lose. Do sign up.
got food?
HUH? SCS, is food all u think about lah... wahahaha...
joined alpha course once, interesting and made lotsa friend there,
Meaning, you welcome anybody?
We welcome anybody who is genuinely wanting to participate in a group to explore issues of life, spirituality, friendship, personal development etc etc......
Why do you ask?
What time does it start and how long is each session?
I'm sure you'd welcome anybody but don't think you'd welcome just "anyone".
Dinner is served from 7 to 8pm. At 8pm we will be airing a 20minute video. After that will be a time for discussion. Depending on the number of questions, the discussion should not go beyong 10pm. After that is free and easy for those who want to stay behind to get to know people over supper.
Well, "anyone" is an all inclusive kind of word, so it is very difficult to answer that question adequately in small space like a comment box. Perhaps you would like to give a more specific example or write directly to my email?
Good news Nicky Gumbel will be giving a talk at St. Andrew's Cathedral on the 10th of April 12 noon - 2pm. Admission is free. Those who attended Alpha Session will know who is he.
Our suggestion, you don't have to answer b'coz, we (as in me & frenz) kinda know your answers. We would like to attend but think our fren is not welcome. No comment!
I helped in a few Alphas before. Have been a Christian for many years yet each time helping in Alpha, I see new questions answered, lifes changed & my own understanding of Jesus & the world is deepen. Great to try out!
Hi Doc, thanks for sharing all your wonderful experiences on the web for everyone to view and grow!
Indeed, you are blessed and will continue to reap the harvest you have so diligently sowed!
Keep it u.
In Him
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