Your Feedback on the New Layout
Been fiddling around with the new layout.
Putting the posts on the left makes sense for those who serve using the Blackberry.
Made all the colours more subdued.
So what do you think?
Thanks for all your comments.
Have done the following:
- Added a margin to the left side
- Increased the size of the font by 10%
How about the size of the pics - should I make them bigger? Like this?

The picture of the food on the banner on top- any comments
Overall, I have changed the most of the orange colour words to grey, also added a highlight to the titles on the sidebar.
Also changed to look of Google Ads and MyBloglog to reflect the more subdued colour scheme. Essentially, to make the rest of the blog less colourful so as to minimise distraction.
Last year there was a big debate as to whether the background colour should be black or white. I still think black is more distinctive as most of the other food blogs are white, although I notice that there have been more black food blogs since last year.
It feels natural to read from the left. I have not tried using my blackberry to read your blog tho, cos being picture intensive, I would expect loading time to be rather slow.
Only a minor change, cannot see much difference.
Perhaps can make the font more bright?
Dont like that there is no margin on the left side. Guess I am old school as we always have a bit of space /margin in our exercise books!
Don't like it.. feels wierd.. stick to the ole one..
ieat, stick to the old house
Love the new layout, it's cool and much neater although I agree with Alex that the fonts could use a little more brightness. Guess you got to take into consideration the fuddy duddies like me who would appreciate the extra help :-) Thanks
prefers old layout. can adjust to new, i suppose. we all need time - angelmom
still prefer the old one..
left is too near to the screen..
have to strain my eye to the left to see...
You didn't give a margin on the left side, its not comfortable to read.
blur ting is right..
it takes ages to load until i give up reading via my mobile..
Text is flushed too far to the left so it's really uncomfortable to read. If you work in a margin on the left, it'll help.
I still prefer your old layout. Much more reader friendly for those of us who don't use Blackberries!
old one is better.
new one looks weird as the contents of the posts fill up 1/2 of my computer screen nia.
if you wanna stick to the new layout (of having posts appearing on extreme left column), you may want to consider giving up having 3 columns (i.e. to merge the 2 RHS columns into one thin column that takes up approx. 1/4 of the screen).
Oh! I have been using a 17inch screen so I did not realise that the left is flushed with the screen. I will fix it and see if it can still work.
Looks like I might revert to the old format if it doesn't
increase the font size? find it a tad small....
otherwise ok.
It feel so tense,prefers old layout.
don't think many people use a blackberry to browse through your blog :), the previous format looks cleaner and brighter, the comments section looks dull...
The old look is still better. Have the pics in the centre, it is more visually appealing and makes for easier reading.
I much prefer the look and feel of the old blog design..this new one is too inclined to the left, so it's abit of a strain to read. that said, keep up the fantastic blogging and gorgeous photos!
-an avid ieat reader
i like the larger pictures and the larger font. especially larger pictures - makes everything look more delicious. i rather have nicer lrarger pics, than more words. but thats just me. other than that, larger pics.
on the layout, i m indifferent. let the rest have their say.
have i mentioned i like the larger pics.....?
Let me put it this way, Too many cooks spoil the broth! Do whatever you feel comfortable, and if you are happy with the revised format just go ahead, please don't revert to the old format. You simply can't please everyone. Remember, human beings never like change, but given time, they will adapt to the new format.
Personally thought the new format is pretty neat, big picture, bold wordings (except perhaps no need for such big font for "Looking for something" as you can see some have overrun and hence not as neat as those one-liner). Btw, ignore my comment if you are fine with it.
In any case, it is the substance of your review that I look forward to. The format is secondary. Keep up the good work.
Changing the design just to suit Blackberry folks? Are there so many of them out there that warrant a change? Can't they use RSS or somekind of feed reader for their mobiles? I know some may want to use their mobile to search for makan places when they are outside, I do that too and its nice to have the main text on the left for easier scrolling but I don't think its that extreme to require a remake of the layout.
I think efforts could be better used incorporating stuff like google maps of the locations rather than changing the layout to suit a minority.
not used to it.. feels weird.. i still like posts being in the centre :(
colour wise ok..
font size quite big, which does not necessarily help for easier reading
hm... i still like the old one with a left margin! it feels far more natural reading that way than tilting my head towards the left of my screen just to read!
i still prefer the old layout, posts in the middle, easier to read. the new layout on the left is really weird. pics and font size are great! i need not strain my eyes anymore.
Prefer the old layout, albeit love the size of the text and images.
Harder to read when the text are squeezed from left.
I like the black background, it makes the pictures stand out and the blog more attractive. Some people find difficulty reading but you've addressed that with the bigger font. This should be the max font size, any bigger will be too clumsy.
The layout looks more balanced now with a border on the left. Having the text in the middle or aligned left doesn't really make a big difference.
Photo size - the old size works. But since you've got fantastic shots, go for the big size. Looking at ultra big food shots will make people drool more and rush out to try the recommended food places.
Personally feel that the wordings on the left is not visible. Grey don't really go with black. I can't even see those hyperlinks, lest clicked on them.
Contrast is the keyword, black will look nice with Blue (light), Pink (light) or Yellow or White.
Just a comment.. :)
Another suggestion, can put the comments on the right while ads on the left?
Hard to read like that leh...
I really like your new layout and how you review all that food. Keep it up
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