Chicken Rice Company: The Next Generation of Chicken Rice?
With Damien and Liverpool
Sakura Chicken: Will this herald a new wave of chicken rice stalls?
Singapore is the Chicken Rice capital of the world. And the standard of our Chicken Rice is so high that even the average Food Court Chicken rice stall is anytime better than what you get in other countries. I remember trying to find a good Chicken Rice when I was living in Bangkok and believe me, it is like looking for a needle in a haystack. However, even though the overall standard of Chicken Rice is very good, Chicken Rice Connoisseurs would all agree that the Golden Age of Chicken Rice ended when the legendary Swee Kee closed its doors over twenty years ago. Back in the good old days, they used to farm their own chicken and the owners were fastidious about picking only the best mother hens to put into the hot soup. Nowadays, even though most hawkers know the technique of making a succulent white chicken, they are limited by the quality of the chicken they get from Malaysia.
Around twenty years ago, some enterprising hawkers decided to introduce the Kampung Chicken to Singaporeans. The Kampung Chicken is leaner and tastier than the normal Battery Hen not just because it spends its days exercising its legs in an open aviary, but just because it is a different breed of (French) chicken. It was touted as a healthier yet tastier choice for chicken rice lovers. They have since cornered a significant part of the chicken rice market.
My problem with the Kampung Chicken is that even though it has a more chickeny taste, it really lacked the nice chunky and succulent texture of the normal White Chicken and the drumstick is so lean that it really is almost like eating duck! What I want is the tender, fleshy and tasty mother hen of Swee Kee!
Enter the Sakura Chicken which might herald the next wave in the evolution of Chicken Rice in Singapore. From the same people who brought us Kobe Beef and Kurobuta pork, our Japanese friends seem to have the uncanny ability to come up with delicately delicious delicacies. The good news is that the Sakura Chicken is now being farmed in Malaysia using Japanese technology so they don't need to be airflown here. The chicken is not given any hormones and like the Kampong Chicken, also given enough leg room to roam around an opened and air conditioned enclosure. They believe that this results in "Happier Chickens" which in turn makes for tastier chicken chops. (I guess the chickens are only "happy" cos they are oblivious to the fact that they are destined for the table). The chicken also takes 60 days to grow to palatable size as compared to the 45 days for normal battery hens, so all this just means that you are going to expect to pay more for a tastier treat.
The Sakura Chicken has less fat than the normal chicken. That's good if you are always concerned about having to change pant sizes every few months. The skin is thin with little fat so you won't be getting that succulent jelly texture when you bite into it. But the flesh is indeed really voluptuous, tender and tasty. The interesting thing about this chicken is that the red muscles ie thigh sections come out slightly pink when cooked. So it looks as if it is undercooked. (looking at the red marrow, I'd say they might be just cooked and certainly not overcooked) On the other hand the breast meat comes out really snow white!
For those who always find breast meat a little dry and tough, this chicken might make you change your mind. I found the breast meat succulent and delicate with a good chicken flavour. It really does have all the characteristics that make you want to say: "Oishi!" (Japanese for delicious). One has to hand it to the Japanese, they really know how to inject their Zen simplicity culture into their produce.
I wouldn't say it is the best Chicken Rice Chicken I have ever come across but I think this chicken has a lot of potential in cornering a significant part of the chicken rice market. And with Singaporeans all crazy about Japanese food as shown by our latest Poll, I'd say that there will be a lot of interest in this new Chick on the (chopping) Block. 4.25/5
Because the Sakura chicken does not have much fats, the rice is flavoured from the broth of the chicken. It was ok but I think a bit more R&D needs to go into the rice. The rice was a little mushy and did not have that wonderful fragrance wafting through the air when served. 3/5
Instead of the normal ginger, they provide a ginger-spring onion garnishing which good though I felt it lacked the bite and heat of a good "old" ginger paste. The chilli and soy sauce also needs a little more R&D in order to get all the ingredients to blend together. It felt like a band playing with instruments which are just slightly out of tune.
I think this is a great idea and this Sakura Chicken can potentially corner another portion of the market. So I am predicting that we will be seeing more competitors serving Sakura Chicken very soon. One of the concerns is the price of the chicken. They sell a 1.6kg bird for $30, so it might be a little too much of a premium for some especially if the rice, chilli etc still isn't quite up there with the major players. Whether Chicken Rice Company will be able to capitalize on their first mover advantage and be another major player in that market will depend on them getting the fundamentals right and being able to identify and target the right segment of the market. Whatever it may be, the future is looking brighter for Chicken Rice lovers.
PS: They are currently having a promotion for $2 per plate of chicken rice for a limited time only. All you have to do is to go up to them and say: "ieat-ishoot-ipost" to get a plate of $2 chicken rice! Thanks to Damian from the Chicken Rice Company.The Chicken Rice Company
Lau Pa Sat Stall 18 St 2
9am to 10pm daily
Our meal was hosted by CRC
Honestly speaking, I can never tell the difference between kampung and normal chicken! :)
Well, if you take a look at my chicken rice label, you can compare the pictures of the Kampung chicken and the normal chicken. Even without tasting it, they are quite distinct.
No wonder you started a thread in the forum about Sakura Chicken and I received a email about their $2 chicken rice. Heh... Should have seen it coming. :)
I had nothing to do with the email. The Chicken Rice Company is not a mom and pop shop. They have a PR engine that does the marketing. So your email is part of their marketing drive. First time trying it myself
e 3rd photo looks like drunken chicken i've eaten at restaurants
i never heard of sakura chicken! is this the only place selling it for now?
Love the chicken from this stall. The meat was tender, yet firm to the bite. The pleasant aftertaste, fragrance and its nutritional benefits will definitely find fans among the health conscious.
They have another outlet at Newton FC too.
i'll go try it next week! =)
I received the $2 Flyer at Raffles Place yesterday and tried the chicken Rice Today. This is really nice esp the chicken meat. It was indeed tasty and they also offered herbal chicken soup instead of the traditional chicken soup.
The service crew was cheerful and bubbly. Would try again
They just opened for a few weeks and hear them on radio and this blog. Really has potential!
If only they had a better chilli and rice to accompany the chicken :)....hmmm they should try a soya sauce chicken rice and noodles...
I rushed down to lau pa sat after seeing the photos. Asked for the
promotional special. Was refused as I have no printout of coupons though I quoted this blog. The staff gave me a noncommittal answer till I demand a definite yes or no from her. They have PR engine? then that engine needs plenty of oiling and greasing.
ieat, do not be mesmerised by their hard sell - Sakura chicken is in fact available at NTUC supermart at a premium of only $2 so it does not justify their exorbitant price of $30 a whole chicken.
ieat, your comment on food court chicken rice being superior jars for it can never compare with those from our northern neighbour. Not even those so called superior outlets.
I think Sakura chicken could be available at NTUC.... I don't know if it is the same thing mentioned in the blog, but I heard my mum mentioned NTUC's whole chickens are branded Sakura. I always thought it was just a name.
Chaozhouzi, thanks for your comments. Yes I know Sakura Chicken is available at NTUC premium. You can also get kampung chicken. a $2 premium on a $6 chicken is a 33% premium. The premium of a $30 bird over a $24 is 25%. So the premium is around 30% which is about right.
Don't quite understand your last statement. What you mean by jars?
Adriane, please check the facts then comment. Don't be wishy washy with comments like 'I think/thought', 'I don't know' or 'I heard'. Granted it is the wee hour but no harm waiting for a while to check out the facts.
Sakura chicken is the label given to chicken that are bred in a controlled environment as ieat mentioned in his blog. The company
responsible for this method of rearing is Chew's Agriculture Pte Ltd. Click on link''S%20AGRICULTURE%20PTE%20LTD
Oops,Chew's only have sakura eggs, told me Kee Song Bros Poultry Ind is the one.
Unable to confirm this - promoter at NTUC claimed that Lactobacillus is added to the feed. But the above webpage says the sakura egg layers are fed this way.
ieat, sorry it should read as jars on the ear. That is the trouble with keeping late hour ;p.
Northern as in states before Bangkok.
The Chicken Rice Company is a spin off from our first F & B venture - Friends Restaurants and Catering Group of Companies which was established in early 2005 with our first outlet Friends @ Chomp Chomp (Serangoon Garden Village), followed by Friends @ Jelita (along Holland Road, Jelita Cold Storage Building).
We wanted to create our personal favourite dish Chicken Rice to a tastier and healthier level. The fundamental step was to find a better chicken.
When we first discover the Sakura Chicken we were concerned about the consistency and long term availability. We designed a series of modern European Sakura Chicken dishes to be served at Friends Restaurants and the respond have been overwhelming.
The next step was to design a unique sauce for the Chicken Rice Company that will be different. The result is our Spring Onion based Ginger Sauce and Herbal Chicken Soup.
Work was also done with the chicken farmer to reduce the fat content of the chicken and still keep the meat thicker and sweeter.
The result is a chicken dish that has a natural sweetness with complementary sauces to show off the texture.
Opening hours:
Lau Pau Sat
Monday to Saturday
11 am to 10 pm
5 pm to 10 pm
Tuesday to Sunday
11 am to 10 pm
close on Monday
All reader just need to say:
I eat.I shoot.I post!
at either locations and enjoy Chicken Rice at a special intro price of $ 2 till the end of this month.
No coupon needed.
More details:
Ok sounds good. If this is next generation chicken rice, then must try. Can tell my grandkids next time,"When Sakura first landed in Lau Pa Sat, grandad was there.." ; )
Saw them and their mascot at the recent food show at expo. The q was super long did not get a change to try.
Bought the raw chicken home and got a dozen free sakura eggs. Excellent deal.
The meat is much better than regular or kampung chicken.
Grtz ieat, now that you put it in perspective about the price, it seems logical wonder why I did not see it that way, maybe the fumes clouded my brain ~fuming mad~ ;).
Hey Friends, in my above comment, I did mention I quote this blog - ieatishootipost but got nothing for my pain but the lady did say something like - Oh that. I even tried name dropping as in naming the good doc name but seem to fall on deaf ears. Maybe I should have whispered the blog's name into the lazy's ear. Oops, I mean lady's.
No way I am going anywhere near your food outlets after this.
chaozhouzi, the special promotion with ieatishootipost was made only after your comments. I am happy that at least Damian acknowledged my oversight and catered specially to our readers. So it shows that our readers comments on the blog are taken seriously.
So give a bit of chance lah!
Just visited their website The pictures looks appetizing and makes me hungry. Decided to downloaded the promo $2 coupon and head there for lunch.
Actually all you have to do is to say ieatishootipost and you will get the $2 chicken rice meal.
Whoa didn't check the thread and didn't know even saying I think gets me a "warning" now.... Hmmm Dr Lesile, is Chaozhouzi our newly appointed moderator and English teacher?
yeah... some self-claimed "ex-spurt" expect you to do a thesis on the subject before u can post.
i've tried e chicken rice today..
frankly speaking, it taste quite normal to me, whether it's sakura chicken or not..
e rice is still rather mushy/no "chicken rice" smell too & the ginger/spring onion paste dun really have any taste..
but i quite like e chilli though..
it doesn't really leave very deep impression on me. i wun go Lau Pa Sat especially to eat tis..
$2 chicken rice probably not enough for you too eh khim?
yup, u r right! it's probably only 5 - 6 mouthful of rice!
khim, I am surprise its only 5-6 mouthful. Your mouth must be very BIG. I had the $2 Chicken Rice yesterday and my friend paid $3.80 usual price (he didn't know about the special offer as he join me later).
Actually the qty is the same but the presentation is different. Chicken is place separately vs the $2 plate which the Chicken is placed on top of the rice.
Perhaps its their strategy to distinguish the 2 difference.
The chicken indeed is very tasty and sweet with little fats. I usually don't eat the chicken with skin and by the time I finish I realized I have eat all of it. I also noticed that there wasn't too much sauce on it as the sauce usually is filled with MSG and salty. The Chicken meat is indeed different from normal Chicken Rice
Chili was just right not too watery like some other stalls. Not too spicy . What I like was the Ginger sauce which was very unique.
Rice was not too oily but do lack some fragrance and per ieat mention the chicken has little fats left over for cooking the rice. Nevertheless the rice was nice and biteful without any strong oily after taste which always warrant for a cup of tea to wash it down.
This Chicken rice stall serves nice Herbal soup too. Which I find new.
Overall I would agree the Chicken rice is a more healthy yet tasteful version.
Would strongly recommend and agree with ieat that they have potential
This stall is really overrated and so expensive.
The drumstick in Boon Tong Kee is already very expensive at $4.00 and this stall charges $4.80.
texture and taste whilst very very normal, like normal chicken rice stall. i should know cos i am a high end chicken right eater, my meal there for 1 person plus take away another 1 share cost me $15.00
still prefer my Tian Tian Chicken Rice anytime.
I think the phrase "overrated" should really only be used for dishes that everyone says is great and has been given a least a 4.5 and above. So far my review and a lot of other people all agree that there still needs to be a lot of improvement. As such it does not qualify to be associated with the phrase "overrated"
Thanke Eileen for the posting.
I am glad you enjoyed the healthier features in our chicken rice.
The taste is achieved by using a better chicken rather than using artificial seasoning in the cooking.
The texture of the chicken is also another reason why we chose the Sakura Chicken.
Happy Dining
i’m sorry to disappoint u.. no, i dun have a BIG mouth. (btw, how do u define a BIG mouth? against yours??)
rather, i have a H-U-G-E stomach. anyone who knows me will know it!
n i know how to differentiate big & small. when e cashier was charging $3.80 & i repeated e “code”, she immediately told e uncle “xiao” n changed e price to $2, how “big” a portion do u expect it to be? i’m sure most people will know e quantity of “promotional” food will be more or less “discounted”, it’ll never be e same as a normally-priced quantity.
e chicken was bland. tasty & sweet? i dun think it’s even close! (at least not for e chicken i had yesterday!)
hi khim, if you look at how most chicken rice chicken is done, most of the chicken will be "bland" :), its the accompanying sauce, rice and chilli....I guess its only 3 weeks into their operations? I am sure they will be working on the feedback the customers have been giving them... :)
Khim if you have a HUGE Stomach you can always order more $2 chicken rice
economically if you order 2 x $2 which make its $4 you will get more in terms of qty than the $3.80 one.
I have seen the difference and compared the promotional plates - not much difference. Its only visual presentation. I have an eye for details due to my job nature.
like I always taste my food, i take them naturally first (without any sauces etc) then I dig in instead of opening my mouth and stuff 5-6 mouthful and not taste anything and complain its "Bland" :)
by and large its not bad since its its only 21 days of operations?
eh...I have a HUGE stomach...Khim just has a huge appetite (myself and a few others who have seen her in action can vouch for that)hehe
i think tat's y i seldom take white chicken lor.. i always luv roast chicken! =) (more pang & tasty)
hmm.. from their reply, they can only "see" good comments from people & never address other comments lei.. (in tis sense, i think bdr is more humble? =))
my work is quite busy & i dun often get e chance to go out & eat, thus i need to tabao. it was raining yesterday & when i go back to office, just imagine my disappointment when i open e box.. -_-
so, y would i wanna brave e rain & go get another pathetic box of chicken rice from there & get myself hungry again from all those walking?!
& ya, it's new & still having teething problem, thus, i might try it again after some time but not in e near future! =)
looks like you had a bad day blaming on work and rain and finally appetite :)nevertheless myself being busy too, I take time to enjoy the hard work people has put in. In Lau Pa Sat i don't see stalls with good food. Just a stomach filling opportunity.
If you compare with other chicken rice stall there, I think this is far better off. So give them some credit for that.
i dun see e need to argue wif u at all.. say watever u please, if tat makes u a happier person!
I wasn't arguing at all. I was being objective in my comments and I am always happy :) see my smiley face?
CZZ said - "Hey Friends, in my above comment, I did mention I quote this blog - ieatishootipost but got nothing for my pain but the lady did say something like - Oh that. I even tried name dropping as in naming the good doc name but seem to fall on deaf ears. Maybe I should have whispered the blog's name into the lazy's ear. Oops, I mean lady's.
No way I am going anywhere near your food outlets after this."
you talk to the head, you get a conversation.
you talk to the tail, you speak to yourself.
"like I always taste my food, i take them naturally first (without any sauces etc) then I dig in instead of opening my mouth and stuff 5-6 mouthful and not taste anything and complain its "Bland" :)"
WOW, i didn't know tat YOU can do tat! i can't cos i dun have such a huge mouth!! ;) i can only take a mouthful at a time, otherwise, will get choked!
"yup, u r right! it's probably only 5 - 6 mouthful of rice!"
Khim, you claim that u had it in 5-6 mouthful? I can't do that.
ai yo Eileen,
what's 1+1+1+1+1+1??
haiz.. *eye ball rolling*
n it's an estimation.
btw, i've counted e amt of rice grains in total lei.. it's 9,683
wahahahahaha... u r really hilarious, Eileen. very adorable!! wahahahahahaah
Instead of the smell of Chicken Rice .. I am smelling TEA all over again (Hint Hint)
Taste is subjective, chicken after cooking like liverpool said is all but near bland. Then its the presentation of the chopped up chicken, rice, accompaning soup, chilli and other sauces combines to make it a wonderful meal.
Point to note is that the chicken has no growth hormes injected into it so its all natural, a plus for organic food lovers but due to its longer growth period (60 compared to 45 days) guess the price per chicken has got to be higher.
Its one those few chicken that looks good to eat unlike a earlier post by ieat on Yet Con .. the chicken looks ugly but is flavorful.
i get wat u mean, TAG! =p
ya, agree tat normally white chicken is bland.. tat's y when i take chicken rice, it's always roast chicken (wif lotsa skin!) for me! =p
gosh, how i wish CRC will do roast chicken for me to compare? ;)
Tried this stall a few weeks back when it opened. Was taken aback with the nice tasty chicken and glad that ieat pick this stall so quickly for a review.
Out of serious curiously I went down early today with my bf to test if the $2 chicken rice was per what Khim claim 5-6 mouthful or a pure exaggeration I took to liberty to ask my BF to bring his digital scale (he works as a baker in a hotel) to compare between the $2 and $3.80.
$2 chicken meat 103gms
$3.80 Chicken meat 108 gms
$2 Chicken rice 387 gms
$3.80 chicken rice 392 gms
Conclusion : no significant difference
Further analysis: if one were to finish in say 6 mouthful that would be 82 gms of food per mouth.
Each spoonful is only about 30+ gms of rice.
To place 6 mouthful would meant 3x spoonful first than chew.... not a nice eating etiquette
82gm would also meant almost 1 tennis ball size. WoW that is such a BIG mouthful.
Today's chicken rice was really nice and my bf ordered a 2nd plate ($2 one) :) after being convince there is no difference. But he added chicken feet which was nice too. I personally like the freshness taste of the chicken meat .
Would go for another round b4 the promo ends.
*clap clap clap clap clap*
wow rena, tat's a fantastic analysis!! =) i salute u for e effort to do e test!
but too bad, i'm such a scatter-brain as i forgot to weigh e rice when i'm brought e food back to office.. ='( otherwise, i'll let u know my analysis.. =)
next time i must remember to bring a digital scale wif me everywhere i go, so tat i can do wat u did! ;)
btw, how big is e digital scale? dunno if i can get a small one! =)
can let me know? thanks!
you can check it out at supermarkets.
Hey there... I have been reading the comments posted on the topic of Chicken Rice Company... Fair enough, everyone is entitled to their own opinion. Khim may feel the value of the promotion is substandard and the rice may lack flavour. Eileen however feels otherwise.
No one is obligated to accept the opinion of another.
I read the reviews by Leslie and am impressed by the quality of content and description. It makes me reminisce of the food I'm missing from Singapore.
I don't mean to stir anyone up but would someone be so kind as to correct their grammar before posting? It's disgraceful seeing such horrendous grammar. Know when to use HAS and HAVE, and when to put "s" behind a word.
One more thing, why is everyone at each others neck? It seems there is someone who is taking all the comments personally. Relax mate, no one is here to attack you. They are here to compliment the reviews given by Leslie.
Errr Deb are you not guilty of starting another uproar by asking us to correct our grammar? I mean after all this is a food blog and not a Speak Good English discussion page. I personally feel that as long as the conversation is cordial and good... who cares about how one uses has, have this or that?
Adriane, my apology to u if you take offense at my 'warning'. :{ Thought I was being helpful to point u to ieat's comment in his blog, din know u take it so hard. Anonymous, I had not done a dissertation on the 'thesis'. Note that I did not know my chicken from my eggs. ;) I thought that to post comment is to add something of interest to others.
Enuff of myself, on to the food. Like ieat suggested, I tried again but this time at Newton FC as parking was easier.
The lady was pushy with the side dishes when I asked for the $2 special. Like I said before PR engine needs plenty of oiling; when I ask about take away, she said "you read the blog yourself for the info. I dunno anything."
Anyway was surprised to get the works-chicken rice, achar, chili, ginger/spring onion paste plus soup.Verdict? Average 3.5/5. Rice not soggy almost hard. Like Khim, not full with one plate,(wing tip and mid joint) asked for another plate (BTW, wanted to add bishop nose ;)). Lady face blackened, said "next visit" and gave me a $2
value sticker. I chickened out of there. Next visit? No Way!
Sumosumo, u r right, should hv talked to the head!
*Aside* still thirsty from that 'lunch'. Ain't all natural for sure.
hmm the way i see not enough is that the food must be good and need a 2nd round?
hah I forgot to put I am NOT taking it hard
I am taking it hard nor offended... rather I find you really really weird.... I mean read your own statements... in this thread and the Durian one.... u just sound way weird man.... I mean its like u rant on and on and frankly I also don't know what you are ranting about.
No need to apologize to me... cos none needed...
this is one of the funniest comments on this blog in a long long time........
how petty are u people? weighing scales?
come on, get with the program folks. this is a food blog comments section - comment on the food.
this is not a criticize your fellow food blog readers comments page.
Back to sakura chicken... the chicken looks very nice and tasty hor.....?
Good thinking.
Lets focus on the chicken in chicken rice and not just the rice and chili
Hi Sumosummo, I dont think ppl here are petty but rather irresponsible,fame and full of exaggeration. That is why Rena was so righteous to proof Khim exaggeration.
If Khim has over exaggerated that their serving should reinstate the statement and of coz apologize. Comments here should be responsible and stating facts.
I would like to see other readers to also ask Khim to apologize for such an irresponsible statement defaming the stall.
anon- public apology???????
are u from the gahment....???
The chicken is beautiful.
Super texture.
Only wish they are more generous with the ginger sauce.
The $2 promo is worth the drive down for a Sunday evening dinner.
Too bad it is ending soon.
Heard on the radio about free tasting but did not catch the full details. Does anyone else have the details?
It's ok for Singapore standards.
where else in the world have better Chicken Rice Standard?
Ipoh. Penang.
anyone heard about where to get the FREE chicken tomorrow?
We are doing a promotion with Mediacorp this evening.
Come to Serangoon Stadium @ 33 Yio Chu Kang Road from 6 pm.
We are giving away goodies bag with the following:
1. One whole Sakura Chicken
2. Rice for 4 person
3. Sauces (Chili, Ginger and Chicken Soy Sauce)
4. A pack of Raw Sakura Eggs
item 1 to 3 are ready for your to enjoy immediately and are all cooked in our Chicken Rice Company central kitchen.
Best wishes.
The Chicken Rice Company
the meat, rice and sauces are all very tasty. unfortunately, the portion of meat in the $2 promo was unbelievably small. hopefully the regular portions will be much bigger.
I finally made it to the controversial Sakura Chicken while I was in town last Wed.
I managed to purchase the promotional $2 plate just by asking if the promotion with the blog was still on.
Taste-wise: I liked the rice which did not have the meshed-up rice texture. It was enough flavour in the rice. The chicken was also tender even though I only had breast meat.
Portion-wise: I felt the chicken portion was okay but there could have been more rice.
Also, I did not see any signage about Sakura Chicken, just some write-up about chicken reared in some temperature controlled environment etc.. I thought they could just put "Sakura Chicken" somewhere prominent that would catch some attention. If there was, it was simply not easy to find..
Had Chicken Rice for Lunch at Lau Pa Sat just now. Very tasty and nice. Felt was better than Maxwell which was salty i had other day
I really didn't want to comment here...But I don't know whether to laugh or cry at the above 71 comments. lol
Grow up people. All these are such childish and naive comments made without thoughtful consideration for one another, not to mention showing immaturity on Dr Leslie's blog.
Dr Leslie, maybe you should start practising some moderation, before such comments become detrimental to your blog.
Cheers to Good Food for ALl! :)
Tried the Sakura Chicken Rice at The Chicken Rice Company today at Newton (Newton is a great place to have lunch even on a very hot day. The design of the place is airy and parking is easy )
I normally do not eat white chicken skin but oh the skin looked so translucent and non fatty Meat was very tender and smooth. So I guess there IS a difference in sakura chicken. I also liked their achar - very crunchy and tasty. One more thing to note was that they shredded their cucumber and placed it beneath the chicken. Usually I'll leave the cucumber untouched but the shredded cucumber gave a better texture for me so I finished it all.
The rice they used tasted closer to calrose for me. Not so oily not so typical but overall still very good. Oh ya, it was a HUGE plate the rice.
Now the sauces. I really liked the green garlic ginger thingy. However it was a lil too dry. The chilli was a tad too sweet. In the end decided to mix them and it worked out much better.
Overall I enjoyed the chicken rice alot and definitely warrant a repeat visit for me. Service was great - the young girl tending to the stall was very polite.
I like Sakura chicken. Ate at the Lau Pa Sat branch. Rice is so so. Chicken a lot of taste. Wonder how Sakuara chicken would taste like if cooked old style TWee Kee way?
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