Ten reasons why this is not your usual food blog
Here are ten things that set ieatishootipost apart from the rest:1. The blog is responsible for introducing new and exciting dishes to the Singapore market by encouraging hawkers to experiment with new dishes and publicizing them for others to try. A lot of these dishes are now regular items on the menu! Godzilla Da Pau, ieat Superburger, Boston Lobster noodles in a Cze Char stall as well as the latest, Foie Gras in a Coffeeshop, are just a few examples. The rest can be found at the ieat's Creations label.
2. Not only is there a review on the food, but often there there are insights into the hawker's lives, Singapore's food culture as well as trends in the development of Singapore hawker food. So it predicted the explosion of stalls like Astons and Botak Jones as well has heralded the introduction of fine dining cuisine to our Singapore heartlands. There have also been lots of articles written about how hawker food is prepared, like how hawkers make XO Fish Head Bee Hoon milky.
3. It has its own forum with over 800 registered members who interact and exchange information on what to eat in Singapore. The forum is also a place where restaurateurs and foodies can interact to give feedback on their food.
4. Although we all enjoy good food, we also need to remember those less fortunate than ourselves. As such our makan kakis were responsible for raising $7616 during our Charity makan session in aid of the Andrew and Grace Home. We are planning new and creative ways of supporting the work amongst the less privileged.
5. The blog serves to provide insights into technical stuff like "how to choose a good durian" by providing a video tutorial by a Durian expert as well as documenting how to differentiate between the various breeds of durians. It also has an important role in documenting the history of Singapore food so that our future generations will know that foods like Tau Sar Piah and Bak Kut Teh originated right here in Singapore. It also explored the socio-political aspects of our hawker foods in posts like "Politically incorrect Bak Kut Teh" and "Invasion of the foreign hawkers".
6. Not satisfied with just organizing any old makan session, we continue to creatively think of new and inspiring kinds of things that our makan kakis can do, like organizing a Durian Degustation Session where Durians are enjoyed course by course. In the pipeline are a Makan Session plus Food Photography workshop as well as an overseas Makan Trip.
7. Our readers also get to learn about how our eyes work to see pictures in 3D in my special post, Food pics in 3D. This was an original idea based on principles of optics and the physiology of sight. As far as I know, this is the first time it is done to see if food pics can look tastier when viewed in 3D. Try it, it really does work!8. The blog is about applying some fun to our Singapore food culture. So it has zany labels like "Hawker Hunks" which document hawkers who look like they belong to a catwalk. The "President's Picks" lists some of President Nathan's favourite hawker haunts and "Food Nazis" focuses on hawkers who food are so good that they can afford to be nasty to their customers and still command a great following.
9. Not only do we ask tough questions like "Does Tariking the Teh make any difference to its taste?", we actually go out there and conduct a non-randomised, totally uncontrolled trial to find out once and for all! And don't forget the time when we wanted to find out which satay stall in East Coast Lagoon served the best satay. Our group of intrepid makan kakis went out there to try every stall in order to determine the answer! In order to gain more insight into Singaporeans' food preferences, we also conducted a poll where almost 4000 readers voted for Singapore's favourite hawker dish. It turned out to be Hokkien Mee rather than Chicken Rice to everyone's surprise.
10. One of the blog's mission is to share inspirational stories of our very own heartlanders. So we wrote of ex-con, Benny and his story about how he overcame drug addiction to start his own restaurant and how he is giving back to society by training other inmates before their release. Then, there is the story about Wow Wow West owner, Eric, who hires ex-cons to work for him and spends his after hours counseling them. The latest news is that he has subsequently given his hawker stall to one of them and started another stall for himself! Such stories serve as inspiration to us all.
So there you have it, a cook's tour of ieatishootipost.
What to do next?
Read the Lian He Zao Bao Cover Story here
To view the statistics of the blog, click here
Watch Channel U's coverage here
Read the Straits Times feature here
To read all of the media coverage of ieatishootipost, click here
I've only been at your blog for only 3 months and I must say that I'm here to stay. Its quite obvious to me that you've put in tremendous efforts to constantly improve your site and to make it relevant.
The 11th reason which I've often mentioned before is that unlike many other sites, this site has a very friendly and pleasant culture where kakis gather to discuss and share about food without concern of being flamed or attacked. This place is kids friendly. I've also made some very good friends here. : )
We behind you man!
Thanks for your support! Being with us for only 3 months, was there anything in the highlights that you found out only after reading this post?
Uh... The first 10 reasons?
Haha haha! Just kidding. I read thru quite a bit of your posts and hence, have a pretty good idea.
Could you see the 3D pics? Care to shoot some of your own and see if it works?
I guess its not all about food...am sure ieat is a friend to a lot of the hawkers he has blogged, he is just as much interested in the people as well as the food!!!
ok will be waiting for Kim's XO HKM in 3D!!!
Wah lau wei LEslie. You really like very kiasu like that leh. You really want this award very much har?
This post you blow blow and blow until nothing to blow still blow. Really a typical Teo Chew.
Mr. Anononymous, again if you are the same person, please register an account and be recognised. Go to the forum and make a survey amongst the regulars and you will find that we all want Leslie to win the award. Not for himself, but for the blog, which we are all part of. I for one would be upset if Leslie couldn't care if the blog wins. Want to do, then go all out. Or else don't do. That's really what drives Leslie as a person. Over the 3 months, I've come to know him and hence can tell this to you direct. He is passionate about what he does, and for that we are happy to have this blog we can all gather together to banter daily, and new frens to meet weekly for makan.
Do not hide behind the freedom and speech and so carelessly sow your comments. If you are free, send me a personal message. I'd be glad to meet up with you in person and have a coffee. I can explain to you better why Leslie does what he does. As a doctor, he can definitely earn more if he invests his time and efforts and talents pursuing other avenues. Finally, get to know the other regular folks in the blog who know Leslie and see what they think. Hope to hear from you soon. : )
Well said Cactus :) Les really do deserve the award for all the work he's put in to share his passion with all food lovers out there.
Very well written Leslie! You totally deserve this award. It's totally interesting and I've learnt serveral handy tips from your blog. Plus, this blog is what many Singaporeans can relate to- FOOD! All the best :)
Cactus, well said!
You deserve the award, Leslie and I support you.
The honour is not just the blogger's, it belongs to the readers too. It's because of the support of our readers that it is possible for us to come this far. Go for it ieat!
Thanks everyone for your support!
As to what Anonymous has said, I can understand why he/she would say such a thing.
There are many groups of people who read the blog. Many are supporters of the blog who are already casting their votes everyday. To these people, I say a big thank you and I vow to continue to work hard to keep coming up with interesting events and posts.
There are those who will not support the blog no matter what is said. There is nothing we can do about these guys.
Then there are those who genuinely want to make the right decision and vote the the blog that most deserves to win. It is to these people that I address this article to. Just by reading the landing page of the blog, they might not realise what the blog is actually about. So this article is a executive summary for them so that they can then be better equipped to make an informed decision.
I knew Les in Aug 2006 and continue to support him till today. Having so many late lunches (my wife complaining)with him and some kakis.The 12th reason is Les is also concern on the Spiritual side too. I witnessed he spent from 2.30pm to 5pm talking to one of his (our) favourite chef about Christ. Some of you may know he lost his gall bladder too but still continue to eat n blog.Dont you think he deserve this award?
Is this your manifesto? You sound like you're running for GE lol
Miss Loi - u very funny, you! I'm sure he'll get elected if he runs anyway *hint hint*
This is more than a food blog. From what started as an acquaintance became a friendship that I am proud of. Likewise for the many readers who have come to know Leslie personally. This online (and real) community is one that welcomes with open arms, anyone who shares a common passion for good food and a love for life.
We're talking about Singaporeans from all walks of life, even those abroad. Needless to say, our overseas visitors from as far as the United States and beyond - this portal is a glimpse into what is quintessentially and, to borrow the slogan of STB, 'uniquely' Singapore. How much more insightful can it get? Heck, it'll be a matter of time before STB gives ieatishootipost.sg its full endorsement! But, I digress.
So, Leslie thanks us for giving him your vote and surely we, as his readers, couldn't do less than to express our deepest gratitude for what he has offered and given to global netizens. He certainly has showcased a integral part of Singapore to the world and we ought to be proud to be a part of it all.
Thanks, Leslie and all of you, who are a part of ieatishootipost.sg - for spreading the friendship, the camaradarie and the love for food and life.
Indeed an insightful blog. How could I not vote for this blog everyday for the award?
oceanskies79, it'll be great if you can join us in the forum. : )
cactuskit@mac.com :
Why do i have to register an account and be recognised? Especially when there is a choice to remain anonymous when i comment. Just to feed your perverted urge to put a face/identity to my words? Sorry but i think my face or my identity is not relevant to this matter.
I understand you all are supporters of Leslie so sure friends are going to help friends. I can tell you I am also a supporter of this blog but I was not commenting just for the sake of being his supporter. I have read many blogs asking for votes and supports but none blows the way Leslie did. Well you may say that's because Leslie is passionate but I call it a Teo Chew attribute. And nothing wrong being a teochew or having an attribute of a teochew. Infact i am also a teochew. People used to call me Teochew lang kar chng ang ang, so what? I respect your choice of words and i hope you can reciprocate that same respect on mine.
leslie : You misunderstood me. I am a supporter of yours too! We all are teochew, nothing to be shy about our attributes.
Hey, did u see the rating. No 1!
All the voting effort helps.
Are the two Anonymous the same writer?
Anyway, thanks for your support!
Don't know what you mean by "blows the way" but you know, a friend told me once that "if you have it, flaunt it" I don't think I have been flaunting it very much, but now that it is awards time, I thought I would write something so that voters can have a quick glimpse of what the blog is about. If not, one might just read the first page and conclude that it is just another food blog.
Dear Anonymous,
If you read my comments carefully, I did not attack you as a person, because I don't believe in that. Yet, you labelled my request as a "perverted urge". That pretty much sums up our way of communication.
I can respect your desire to remain anonymous, but ask any neutrals reading only your first post if there are any hints of you being supportive, and the answer is pretty obvious. Check out what other supporters wrote and you can see positive words of encouragement in their posts (what Leslie needs at this time). I have re-read your post again and still have not found anything indicative of support. The support you claimed was only inserted in your 2nd post.
Hence, I had asked you to register so that I can explain to you about Leslie and the blog, a responsibility I feel I need to show as a moderator in the site. I find it perculiar a supporter would write something that would so obviously be interpeted as something quite discouraging to Leslie.
And if you are indeed a supporter, then show it in your post and not discourage him. If you insist on making such remarks (and only such remarks), then don't claim to be a supporter. We can accept that.
Hi there,
This blog is great n it rocks!!! Keep on the good work. Though there will surely be some party-poopers along the way to burst ur bubbles, never let them get u down. U the man!!!
I've been depending on ieat's forum and his food hunts for great food in singapore.
So of course I'm going to vote for ieat.
Good luck.
Thank you very much! Hope to see you at the next makan session!
cactuskit : Grow up baby. I don't have to report to you who i support, or who i voted.
If you'd like to know, kindly ask and I will politely tell you.
We all have different ways to handle matters...lets agree to disagree....if you want to shove something up someone's ass using leslie's blog..i am sure if any flame war ever started....you will be the most guilty of all.
And i say again i am also a teochew and proud of it!
Alright, the matter ends here. I apologise if I offended you. Thanks for sharing your views. : )
tis is really a great idea to have an exec summary for new readers!
we r behind u all e way! ;)
tis blog is like a food bible to me! =)
Finally, I have voted for you Leslie! Not that I was hesitating to do so, but because I had problem logging to my compter. You truely deserves the award. Thanks for this creating this blog.
wow, long post! but i think the ten points really said it all. haha
This blog is great. It certainly has helped me find good food, something which I love.
As I have not visited the other 'contenders'' blogs, I cannot comment on them. But since this has been my favourite blog, I will certainly vote for it, which I did everyday and will continue to do so.
Thanks again for your support keano, ladyironchef and taukwa! See you at the next makan session!
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