The Ieat Durian Degustation II: Ah Loon and Ah Teck's Boutique Durian Stall
The pictures say it all. When it comes to Durians, we Singaporeans will throw any manner of decorum to the wind. It is one of the few times that you can actually eat with your hands, get durian all over your face, and talk with your mouth full without mom telling you off. This is especially so when mom is also in the thick of things.
Yes, when it comes to durians, it is the fruit that is the main focus and nothing else matters. No one bothers that the tables are not cleaned, that you can throw the seeds into a dirty plastic box and it is permissible to stuff a whole durian segment in your mouth because you got to use your hands to open the durian. Do it with a chicken drumstick and everyone will be staring at you!
So it is when over 80 durian kakis gathered outside a provision shop to enjoy the fruit together. From Neurosurgeons to students, retirees to property developers, there are no social barriers when it comes to durian. The only criterion for admission is that you love the fruit.
The degustation session covered 5 varieties of durians that evening. We started with D24, then move on to Hong Xia, Black Pearl, XO, Golden Phoenix and finished up with the prized Mao Shan Wang. The characteristics of most of these have already been covered in my previous posts, so I will only highlight the Black Pearl which was voted best durian for the night.

The Black Pearl
The Black Pearl is easily recognizable by its elongated Rugby Ball shape which is something close to the heart of this ex-Saint/Rafflesian.

The flesh is is greyish white and most of them have little "pearls" of black in the flesh. The shape of the segments are also elongated and looks very much like those fried fish cakes. The texture is pastey and the aroma is only mildly pungent. However it is distinctly sweet with a taste that I find as difficult to describe as the colour Red.

The small size of the segment is offset by the tiny shrivelled seeds, so you still get quite a nice mouthful of flesh. I am told that is it best eaten by popping the whole segment into your mouth, spitting the seed out and then spend the next few minutes savouring the taste while swallowing a little at a time. 4.5/5
I think all our durian kakis went home very full and very satisfied that night and woke up this morning with Durian breath! Don't forget to drink lots of water everyone!

Ah Loon showing off the characteristic star shape pattern of the Mao Shan Wang
Ah Loon and Ah Teck Durian
231 East Coast Road
Thanks to Sumosumo, Holydrummer, Holybro, Holybunny and Cactuskit for helping to organize the event!
Photos by Cactuskit and Ieat
Read about the other breeds of Durians here
Remember to vote today! Click here
Yes, when it comes to durians, it is the fruit that is the main focus and nothing else matters. No one bothers that the tables are not cleaned, that you can throw the seeds into a dirty plastic box and it is permissible to stuff a whole durian segment in your mouth because you got to use your hands to open the durian. Do it with a chicken drumstick and everyone will be staring at you!
So it is when over 80 durian kakis gathered outside a provision shop to enjoy the fruit together. From Neurosurgeons to students, retirees to property developers, there are no social barriers when it comes to durian. The only criterion for admission is that you love the fruit.
The degustation session covered 5 varieties of durians that evening. We started with D24, then move on to Hong Xia, Black Pearl, XO, Golden Phoenix and finished up with the prized Mao Shan Wang. The characteristics of most of these have already been covered in my previous posts, so I will only highlight the Black Pearl which was voted best durian for the night.

The Black Pearl
The Black Pearl is easily recognizable by its elongated Rugby Ball shape which is something close to the heart of this ex-Saint/Rafflesian.

The flesh is is greyish white and most of them have little "pearls" of black in the flesh. The shape of the segments are also elongated and looks very much like those fried fish cakes. The texture is pastey and the aroma is only mildly pungent. However it is distinctly sweet with a taste that I find as difficult to describe as the colour Red.

The small size of the segment is offset by the tiny shrivelled seeds, so you still get quite a nice mouthful of flesh. I am told that is it best eaten by popping the whole segment into your mouth, spitting the seed out and then spend the next few minutes savouring the taste while swallowing a little at a time. 4.5/5
I think all our durian kakis went home very full and very satisfied that night and woke up this morning with Durian breath! Don't forget to drink lots of water everyone!

Ah Loon showing off the characteristic star shape pattern of the Mao Shan Wang

231 East Coast Road
Thanks to Sumosumo, Holydrummer, Holybro, Holybunny and Cactuskit for helping to organize the event!
Photos by Cactuskit and Ieat
Read about the other breeds of Durians here
Remember to vote today! Click here
Wow! What a nice degustation session. I asked around and everyone had praises for the session. Thks to Ah Loon and Ah Teck for their hospitality and great durians. It was more than value for money. On the odd occasion where a durian was not up to standard, it was immediately replaced by the dynamic duo with apologies and no questions asked.
It was indeed a sight to behold the huge crowd of durian lovin foodies seated in droves along the sidewalk of East Coast Rd. I observed car passengers gawking and wondering what on earth was happening.
On the homefront, Holydrummer was dressed in the shirt he said he would be in (check out a pose he made for me in the forum thread). Both him and Holybro were busy the whole nite collecting money, assigning seats and emceeing. Sumo went around serving drinks and durians. Ieat and Ieatmrs like all good hosts mingled and chatted with the foodies. And thks to Leslie for making this session happen thru your blog. : )
Thanks to you all for the good time. Holydrummer and Holybro are so adorable. haha...
I still dunno who is Sumo.
Hi eastcoastlife, were you at the earlier session?
Many thanks to all who made this event possible! We now have a new female durian seller in town. Hee..
"drink more water"... interesting.
I wonder what is ieat's take on "heaty" and "cooling" food?
so when is the next one again? I missed it this time (again) :-(
I was at the second session. earlier session better meh?
Got famous female durian seller ah!? hehe...
No lah. What were you wearing? I need to review my pictures. I want to put a face to the familiar names. : )
Durians for both sessions just as good. : )
oooohhhhhh.... i'm devastated! I missed both the durian degustation sessions!
Ieat, would you consider having one more before the durian season ends??? Please.... pretty please? i'll be able to get at least 4 kakis. :-D
U are KILLING me hor with all the durian posts & makan sessions!!!!!!
The photo of Ah Loon smelling durian - SUPER SOR-LID!!!! He should enlarge & frame up at his stall. Really good shot.
Poor vb, no Mao Shan Wang in Hong Kong? Aiya, just fly back to Singapore and we'll organize a special session just for you!
Actually it isn't a bad idea organising another session for those who missed it, and before the end of this run of durians in 2 weeks or so...
Should see if there are anymore takers. I have at least 4 kakis or more who is waiting for one more. If we don't organise, I'll just take them there myself for a mini degustation.
Catuskit, you already start the link. Two takers here.
I must have eaten more durian during this session than the whole of last year!
Definitely good value for money and nice way to actually taste the different breeds instead of just hearing about them.
Maybe we should do a quarterly durian degustation, I'm sure there will be always be takers... seasonality permitting...
thanks Cactuskit, HolyBro, HolyDrummer & Sumo who worked so hard that nite to make it an enjoyable evening for us all!
jencooks and amagada, you're most welcome. I really didn't do much. The other 3 were the ones. : )
Let's see how the response is first.
I would eat Duran when it's made into a candy. But when it's a fruit. I guess I'll pass.I just can't stand the smell.:)
My friends all said they had a very enjoyable outing at the superb value-for-money degustation.
It was our first time trying so many different breeds of durians at one sitting, and we're glad we can now differentiate between the various brand names.
Thanks goes out to the holybrothers, sumo and everyone else who helped put the session together. Wonderful job, guys. It was the bomb. :-)
was very surprised to hear glenn ong recommending AL/AT earlier today.. wondering if he turned up for e degustion too? =p
ECL - i m the one in the Chairman Mao red T shirt...
do note that AT/AL gave out more durians than what $20 per head can get on a normal day... he just wanted everyone to have an enjoyable time and eat till they were satisfied.....
so remember to go back to partonise them and return the goodwill he had extended to everyone..
According to Cactuskit, he mentioned that if you mention the blog, he will give you a special price!
khim, glenn ong didn't join the degustation, but he lives in Telok Kurau I think. And growing up a St Pat's boy, he probably know their stall.
or maybe he also visits ieat's blog keke
If there's another one think I'll bring my gal and you'll see a petite 6 yr old girl wolfing down and licking her fingers exclaiming shiok shiok~
Maybe... ha ha ha.
So you and you girl also interested in the next degustation, if there is one?
yep so long it's a non school day for her :)
Probably a Friday night then...
Go to my blog and you would see how I look like lah. The female durian seller, wu boh? :)
wa, so tempting. It will be good if therez pictures showing diff types of durians. I luv the yellowish fruit. Look so yummie. :)
Eastcoastlife, sure, I'll visit your website.
James, you can visit Leslie's blog entries on durians for the pictures. For more, you can also visit the forum to see the pictures of the durians under the various degustation threads as well as the small roadside durian stall thread.
hope there will be a 3rd Durian Degustation...yummy durian pics...
Greetings Durian Lovers,
Too bad I missed the durian session on Friday..However, I made it up today with a trip to 717 - Highland Centre.. I couldn't resist when they quoted $13/kg for their Mao San n Pheonix.. BURB...:P~~~ Seasons Should be peaking these 2 weeks with certain days one type or another better..
I also did a rackee of Heartland Durian Stall in Bishan Street 22 and Toa Payoh Lor 8 and they quoted me even lower $8 - $12 for "Mao San and XO" however, I didn't bite cos these maybe from younger Plants in Segamat...
Bon Apetit
Hey Les, Cactuskit,
3rd Durian Degustation ON BOH???
If it is ah..I'll be glad to render my services again, and I think this time we could give priority to those who din try, and were put on the waiting list.
Who's with me?
I really dun mind another session too. The interest is still there. : )
ha ha, as much as i would like to go for another session, I agree with Holybro that priority should be given to those who didn't get to try.
It is afterall a degustation.
next session when?
"3rd Durian Degustation"
I learnt something from the pics that Mao San Wang has a clear star on the bottom; sometimes I wasnt sure before but now I will not be short changed by another durian look alike. By the way, Mao San Wang in JB was quoted at RM30+/kg.
I was at my usual durian stall with guests last night and tried the MSW and Red Prawn ... hwahhhhh.... better than what I had that night.
This stall is in Geylang and the Boss is very ngay with his prices because his durians so far are good.
I'm trying to organise a Durian Buffet for my blogger friends. If you want, can come down with me and try his durians one night.
Has Anonymous decide to revert from his pen name Yummy or this is a "mauchong" or new anonymous?
hey les / holy bro/cactuskit,
i went awol on 2nd durian session..was stuck in dinner till late..sigh !!
can do one next thurs or fri ?? i have a few guests with me..
fashion foodie..
We may do one on Sat nite to accommodate Leslie's timing. Is that day and timing fine? If not, can sure talk to AL/AT to help you have one on your own with your frens.
Durian session probably not materialising anymore. So anyone with cravings better go to AL/AT to have your fix during the next 2 weeks. After that, they will close. Will reopen in Dec for about 40 days when the next harvest comes about.
after dinner last night, went to AL/AT for durians. They only had 2 kinds: D24 and Mao Shan Wang. The Mao Shan Wang was so good that my friend, who was with me, was shaking his head when he tasted it. Knowing him, it's a sure sign of something beyond good.
Indeed it was the best MSW i have ever tasted. The shrivelled seeds were so small.
The D24 was good too but not mind blowing (that's what my friend said) like the MSW. Slightly bitter and sweet.
AL said that season should end mid August. 10 days to go.
D24 definitely best.
lol yea d24 rox
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