Sunday, August 31, 2008

St Regis Mooncakes: Impress your Mother in law to be!

Seven Perfumes Snow Skin with Martell Cordon Bleu Cognac Truffle
with White Lotus Paste $68 for 8 mini mooncakes

Let's be very honest, Mooncakes are a great way to make money. Really. I mean how much does Lotus Paste (Ling Yong) really cost? If you can buy (Ling Yong) pau for 50 cents, why does each Mooncake have to cost $8? And if Ling Yong really costs that much, how come you have to pay like an extra $6 to put 4 egg yolks into the mooncake thus reducing the amount of Ling Yong? And salted eggs aren't that expensive either. It would be much cheaper if you bought some salted eggs and ate them with the Mooncakes.

But culturally, we have all grown accustomed to paying this type of money for something that we buy once every year. If Mooncakes were really all that great to eat, wouldn't some smart entrepreneur manufacture them all year round like what they do with Bak Chang? If that happens than I am sure the price of a Mooncake off-season would be less than $4 each.

That's beside the point. If you think that Singaporeans are all about getting everything cheap and good, then you have missed another equally important characteristic of the Singaporean persona. And that character trait hovers somewhere between "Not losing face" to downrright "Hao Lian" (Show off). Yep, even though we want everything cheap and good, we want other people to think that we bought it expensive, especially when you need to impress someone like your potential Mother-in-Law.

The St Regis Premium Gift Set $98

So for those young studs out there, I think I speak for the older, married guys when I say that in our Singaporean context, one of the secrets of wooing your potential life partner is to win the heart of your Mother-in-Law-TO-BE. Now, of course there are a lot of ways that can be done. The difficult way is to spend many years studying hard to become a Doctor or Lawyer, although nowadays a dotcom Entrepreneur or Banker also can. The easier way is to buy gifts that show that you are a man who wouldn't care less about splurging on something expensive for the all important Mother of your intended life partner.

Almond Snow Skin with Premium Bird's Nest and Custard Paste $228 for 8 mini mooncakes

So if you are in that boat at the moment, here is one suggestion for you. For this mooncake festival, forget about the $38 run of the mill mooncakes. You want to really impress the future Grandmother of your kids, go for the $68 Seven Perfumes Snow Skin with Martell Cordon Bleu Cognac Truffle with White Lotus paste. By the time you finish trying to tell her the name of the mooncake, the whole thing might already be ingested, so just make she hears the word "Martell" very clearly.

Now, if you want to be granted immediate permenant residence in your in-law's house, do the Singaporean thing and be a bit more Kiasu. Why stop at $68 when you can go for the ultimate Kiasu gift? For a princely $228, you can land yourself some Almond Snow Skin with Premium Bird's Nest and Custard Paste mooncakes and really send her over the moon. This one sure to score the winning goal since it not only has the word "Bird's Nest" in it, it is also gilded with a leaf of pure Gold to ensure that Aunty will be relating the story of your filial piety to your kids. Rest assured, the words "Bird's Nest" and "Gold" still possess mysterious powers over Mother-in-laws and is as good as saying "Aunty, may I have your daughter's hand in marriage? But before that can I come to your house more often?"

So in order to complete my National Duty of supporting PM Lee's call to "get married and multiply", it leaves me to reveal to you just where you can get your hands on one of these "Bao Nya" (Sure Win) Mooncakes. They are available from St Regis Hotel and if you want to memorize the details of the ingredients, you can log onto their website to read more about it.

Now, coming down to the taste. You really cannot compare these mooncakes with anything else. The taste of Bird's Nest and Gold you all should know right? But then again you are buying this to impress, not really for the taste right? 4.5

Of the eight different mooncakes that Amagada and I tried, the one we enjoyed most was the Almond Snow Skin with Advocaat Egg Liqueur Truffle and Black Sesame Paste. I think the Advocaat Egg Liqueur is a nice variation of the salted egg. It is savoury but not as salty as the salted egg yolk and has a nice smooth consistency and the sesame paste is quite special too. At $42 per box it seems like quite a bargain compared to the other flavours. 4.5.5


Somethings you buy when you really want to impress. This is one of them. Just make sure you subtly attach the order form so that your Mother-in-Law-TO-BE knows how much they really cost. The last thing you want is that she thinks it is only $30 per box. This might be the most expensive box of Mooncakes you would ever need to buy but as the credit card Ad says, the result is priceless. Just make sure you get married quickly or else next year you will have to top this year's feat!

Lobby booth at The St Regis Singapore

29 Tanglin Road

Mon to Sun
11am to 9pm

Also available at the St Regis Retail Booth at Change Alley

Mon - Fri
11am to 7pm

Disclosure: My box of Mooncakes was provided by St Regis.


wahcow said...

wah...these looks very good and yummy..but the price ??...$$$$...still prefer the traditional stuff with chinese tea :)

by the way, gold got taste ? moohahah

i got a blogger acct liao !

KasumiKatsu said...

Seasonal products are traditionally more expensive because they are SEASONAL. Meaning you only make money on season. Hence they rent the whole shop, the equipment, you expect them to have those sitting there doing nothing for 9 months? Hence the higher cost of products to cover for the lack of it's sellability for the rest of the year.

Some shops actually opened for business for 2 months and the turnover could cover for the entire year's rental with handsome profit.

It is not as good money as you think. If so, everybody would jump into it and bringing the price down long ago.

Sumosumo said...

typical singaporean exploitation of whatever seasonal items they can sell to make more money..

eg: bakkwa, bakchang, mooncakes, flowers on valentine's day etc...

squeeze everything they can from the consumer to maximise profits.

bohtong - what are u talking about?> Everyone sells mooncakes during this period, from mom and pop bread shops in HDB estates to 6 star hotels.

profit margins are huge.

DarKneSs said...

wow.. it does realli look impressive.. ytd afternoon, i passed by a hk cafe called pin si.. saw the mooncake they were selling.. veri nice boxes they have.. esp the premium set tat cost 168.. so tempted to buy it.. 6 moon cake n 1 bottle of red wine + a box tat is EXTREMELY nice! it's at amk hub B1, can drop by if u have time.. =D

SCS butter said...

Obviously this post is meant for singles 'going to marry' ones hor. those married need not buy such expensive ones la...hiak hiak

Just remember to pronounce it as 'MAR-TAY' and not MARTELL to your kids grannies and pappies...

cactuskit said...

Steady wahcow! Finally got down to registering your account.

Smokeduck falls into this catergory. Khim can ask him to buy the gold version to score some major points ; ).

jems said...

this is indeed decadence to the max at such prices~

P. Chong said...

Agree that mooncakes are truly exploitative...and a real rip-off. I am nodding in vigrous agreement that you had noted that if ling yong is so expensive, why when you put in 4 salted egg yolk, which is also very cheap, suddenly the price of the mooncake rises 4 fold or more. (anectodal and agak agak)

Many of these shops are not really seasonal...and yes, everybody is jumping into it. Every chinese restaurant, and hotel in Singapore is up to it...and it seems that this one, due to the "hao lian" aspect the more expensive, the better.

I am wondering if there is a backfire effect to the super-duper-expensive mooncake syndrome...that prospective mothers in law, may think..."Eh, this one not very clever with money, maybe cannot take good care of my precious ah".


P. Chong said...

sorry anecdotal...wrong spelling...

khim said...

where have u been scsbutter?? mia for so long lei!! hope happi_mummi is fine! =)

cactus: holydrummer also falls in e same category mah.. holybunny's family already treated him as their SIL liao! =p

$228 is not e most expensive i've seen tis year! Mandarin Oriental is making 15 limited edition of treasure gift box which cost $1,288+ lor!! ingredients include american ginseng, Premium bird's nest, mother of pearl powder & omega egg white custard!!!!

i think MILs who get tis as a gift must chew at least 100 times before she can swallow e mooncake!!! wahahahaha

ieat said...

Wha khim, you putting a lot of pressure on smokeduck leh! Anyway, he looks as if he already has permenant residence at your house, so he might just settle for the $78 a box category.

khim said...

no lar.. i didn't lor.. my family very relac one.. more like i'm presured to buy for my future PILs lor..

but hor i dun have so much $$$$$$ lei!! =p

cactuskit said...

I think it'll be more meaningful to make your own mooncakes. Shouldn't be too difficult for those who do baking. That way, cheap and special. Can add all the yolks you wwant. Can even add in special ingredients.

I'll stick to my not so sweet white lotus with 2 yolks. Still affordable. The fancy ones, depends whether have some special deals or mood to try. Otherwise, no prob missing them.

ieat said...

Don't need to impress your Mother in Law anymore?

Damien said...

Hi cactuskit, you can bake some first and let us try first :)

I'm not really a fan of mooncakes but for your sake, i'll gladly go the extra mile for you. heheheh

EastCoastLife said...

If I'm the future MIL, I'll scold the future SIL, "Soo ku gai! (So silly lah!) Spend so much for these high cholesterol, high calorie mooncakes! Give me the money!" kekeke...

These mooncakes are really too expensive. I like chocolates so I would prefer to spend this money at Godiva!

angela said...

de price is crazy! I dun even wanna spend more than 50 bucks on a box of 4...

I stick to my homemade baked mooncake. This aunty whom I order yearly, one with single yolk for only $6 and double yolk for only $6.50!

Eat until 'song song'!!!

Sumosumo said...

i m in HK now..
maybe i buy from the hotels here...

anyone has any suggestions where to buy good moooncakes in HK?

i hear the peninsular one.

Anonymous said...

Why be big suckers of the season? Mooncakes are really overpriced, if you know the cost of the ingredients. Effort to make it is also not that much. Not "Money Not Enough" but "Sucker Not Enough".

cactuskit said...

I haven't done any baking since my oven gave way several months back. Its not been replaced since. I 'd rather buy them coz I don't have the baker's touch. So far, only done muffins before.

Angela, can share the lobang for the mooncakes. I would like to order from the aunty. Can send me a personal message in the forum?

Sumosumo said...

i went to take a look..

so far, there rae some variations in the mooncakes in the hotels here..

but not so OTT as the ones in singapore.... mostly still traditional.. serving the double yolks etc, and snow skin variations.

thats sg for u...... u can call it innovative, but i would also call it exploitative.. always out to make a buck from the consumer...

i mean, $1288 mooncakes??? wtf??

cactuskit said...

Definitely don't have durian mooncakes. Only S'pore and M'sia have them.

Exploitation only works when there are suckers. We probably have more than most countries.

Usually OTT food items are found in Taiwan too. Some really quite outrageous. Wonder what type of mooncakes they sell there?

vb said...

Totally agree with eastcoastlife that if I am the future MIL, I will surely worry that my daughter marrying a 'kong kam' (bodoh / stupid) ok! Give me the money better!!!!! And anyway, for those of u guys who intend to splurge and buy for future MILs, be sure u keep it up ever year, married or not, if u are still with the same girl ok! If I am a guy, I will not start the 'trend' hor.....better to tk the money and bring the whole family for dinner.

Anonymous said...

VB : You must be Eastcoastlife herself. Same typical writing pattern. You have the reputation of going into different nicks and replying to yourself and agreeing with what you said. Don't you find such things very stupid?

cactuskit said...

I strongly suspect that there will still be a sizeable percentage of mother in laws who will be secretly or even overtly delighted with such nice mooncakes (not the ultra expensive type ok). It sends them a message that the future son-in-law is not stingy with them. They will also get to taste these special mooncakes they would otherwise not buy for themselves. Womens' mind not easy to understand... Say one thing maybe think another? I may be wrong... ; )

(( SKY )) said...

My family actually don't like eating mooncakes.

But if I were to buy...
I now prefer to make myself them instead.

cactuskit said...

Just because one agrees with the other, that makes them the same person?

Then all anonymous must be you.

liverpool1965 said...

have tried making yam moooncakes with wifey before, there's a lot more work than one might imagine! :)

ieat said...

Eastcoastlife is a very reknown blogger. You can read her rantings on I have met her in person.

VB is a very ardent chef and photographer who lives in Hong Kong. I have met both of them in person and they are people of integrity.

Having said such, both are going to make very difficult MILs! So you guys, read what they write before trying to make them your potential MILs! Very high standard lah!

And yes cactuskit is right, sometimes the ladies would like us to surprise them by giving them something they say they don't want. Other times they really don't want and you give them they get angry. So I don't know about Eastcoastlife, but I think that if a dashing young man would bring her a box of gold birdsnest mooncakes, she would grab him for herself instead of letting him take her daughter!

JENCOOKS said...

ieat and cactus, your mooncake story can talk a lot about woman moods and behavior too...

Yah Lor, Anonymous you always seemed to have some dark sides...we must be thankful that the sun rises and shines every morning except for the occasional rains..Be Happy with life.

Wahcow, CLAP CLAP CLAP let us know when your first story rolls out from your blog. Start talking wahcow things first.

Sumo - try HKG mix nuts mooncakes.

Damien said...

Bought 6 mixed nuts mooncakes for mum earlier today from Da Zhong Guo. Still the place to get traditional mooncakes and their retro packaging, IMHO, is the coolest around :)

JENCOOKS said...

I did the Singaporean way, tried a bit here and there at Tampines Mall but never buy...actually too many that I cannot make up my mind. Just had yoghurt mooncake at home bought from KL the last trip.

vb said...

hahahahahha.... tks to cactuskit & ieat for yr support. Alamak, eastcoastlife we should meet up and see how alike we are hor?!
ps. at least we dun hide behind "anonymous" when we dare to air our views right?

Holy Drummer said...

This will sweep off my MIL's feet totally man!

But this aint the first time I've heard of such decadent mooncakes.

Last year, Mandarin Oriental introduced only 25 boxes of a limited edition Louis Roederer Cristal Champagne Mooncakes, one set of 8 retailing at $888.

And if I'd recall correctly, the hotel's Executive Chef Eric Teo went one up further by offering a set of $8,888 mooncakes with gold dust. 8 exclusive sets. Heard a prominent tycoon picked up two boxes!

This year is no different, like Khim mentioned, they are offering only 15 sets of the 8-piece treasure gift box @ $1,288, containing Ginseng Premium Bird' Nest, Pearl Powder and Omega Egg White Custard.

As far as I am concerned, I would rather frame it up and display, than eat 'em up (or give it to my MIL HAHA) shh...

My fav still remains Raffles the Plaza's snowskin collection. But I dun mind giving the St. Regis one a try, if only to score more brownie points LOL. Siao liao~

Hey, dun neglect Father-in-laws too leh...they are the ones giving their daughter's hand over to the son-in-law leh!

Or your own mother and father too *wink*

Holy Drummer said...

Oh btw, FYI - those interested to check the most expensive mooncakes in sg can check 'em out here :

For my visual feasting only...

Anonymous said...

eastcoastlife is reknown? she is reknown for offending people because apparently she has some condition where she needs to disagree with people in order to feel good, so much so that people had walked away from her. Don't believe me? Her reputation is as chaota as rice below claypot rice.

Reknown blogger for the wrong reason yah. Come on lah old auntie who has nothing better to do in life than to argue with people all over the internet and start a blog tried to communicate with lee hsien loong? LOL

EastCoastLife said...

Les, let me handle this. Thanks. btw, you're right about me keeping the dashing young man for myself. haha...

Sorry VB for being mistaken as the chaota Eastcoastlife. haha... we must meet up and see how alike we are!!

This anonymous must be one of those chao nan I wrote in my posts. It's a guy who has no balls. I don't have a dick but at least I have balls.

If I'm really so chaota, I'll be sued by many. But MPs and PM are reading my posts. That's something I can proudly claim.

fyi, I don't have to TRY to communicate with PM Lee because I can communicate direct with him!! HAHA....

P. Chong said...

What I really cannot understand is champagne hotel which shall remain nameless, even offers Krug mooncake!! bubbly with no bubbles? And Krug? King of Champagne?

Dom Perignon must be rolling in his grave.

ieat said...

Its all in the name and the status symbol that is attached to it.

I mean really, does a Mont Blanc pen really write better than a $1 pen? I have a Mont Blanc but the ink goes all over the place! Anyway, doctors seldome carry expensive pens because we tend to lose them.

wahcow said...

momohahahahahhha.....anyone can be more reknown than anonymouse !!!

whats going to happen to our mooncakes celebration ? liverpool ?? i volunteer to buy the lanterns and candles !

damn...i forgot my password

cactuskit said...

I have met Eastcoastlife and regularly reads her blog. My kids likes this aunty. No issues with where she stands too. Nice lady. : )

Yay! Lets gather for the mooncake celebration! Chinese tea and mooncakes. Shiok!

Champagne said...

Did I hear Champagne Mooncake? Ha.. Ok talking abt celebration, when ah?? I shall do some and let you guys try and give me feedback.


xalmon said...

The annual mooncake day is not all about all these fancy expensive mooncakes.

I don't really like those either.

I really prefer the traditional baked ones with lotus paste. But the lotus paste has to be smooth.

Those my mom buy usually meet the standard, those given by people don't. So, I'm sure there's a difference between the cheap ones and the expensive-er but not exhorbitant ones.

But then again, once in a year thing, can try la.

EastCoastLife said...

Mooncake celebration - I have two boxes of mooncakes and a packet of Chinese tea to contribute.

Flown here from popular restaurants in Shenzhen, China. :)

ladyironchef said...

hahaha! i had the chance to try the 6 different kinds from St Regis too. I found the martell truffle a tad strong, but then again i'm not a martell drinker.

the bird nest one really screams expensive, about $28 for one tiny mini mooncake. lol! nonetheless yeah its something to impress your MIL

Anonymous said...

I wonder if you eat gold will you shit gold??? LOL!!! :P

cactuskit said...

Yes, I think its called black gold (orh kim). Hhahahahah!

JENCOOKS said...

orr kim kim, ju kwa ju jip sin;
orr kim kim, ju kwa ju kek sim....muahahaha.

Fion said...

I did order this for my mum and boyfriend's mum. This is real good. I love this box of mooncake. =)

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