Ah Loon & Ah Teck Durian Stall: Let's give this D88 a name!
I have made it my goal to document as many cultivars of durian as possible so that they can all be nicely cataloged on this blog. So with around a week left before this durian season ends, I am posting this to remind you that you only have around one week left to get your durian fix.
Here are another 2 cultivars that I managed to come across. The first one is the D88 which surprisingly does not have a name like "Hong Xia" or "Mao Shan Wang". Now, I could be wrong, so if you know the name of this cultivar do let us know. If not, why don't we all come up with a name for it?
Just look at that beautiful, luscious, golden yellow flesh! Doesn't it lure you like a sotong (squid) to the light? The taste of it wasn't as good that day because, as Ah Loon explains, it was not the right time of the harvest. The flesh was a little fibrous and it wasn't as sweet. However, I can just imagine what it must taste like at the peak of the season! 3.5/5
The Tawa is a oblong shaped durian with flesh that is pale yellow, less creamy and more watery and very pungent. Quite similar in flavour to the XO. 4.25/5
So what do you think is a good name for the D88?
Update 5 Aug 2008
Had a good D88 today. Nice and creamy, soft and pungent. Like a cross between XO and Hong Xia with a milder flavour. 4/5Ah Loon and Ah Teck Durian
231 East Coast Road
What to do next?
Check out the other durian breeds.
Check out what durians our forummers are eating.
Trying to find something to eat before durians? Try these
Only 1 more week?! Gosh, I haven't eaten any yet. It's either this person sore throat or that person coughing... better do it soon.
I had these 2 breeds over the last two days. It'll be a long wait to Dec. Amazing that there are so many different breeds. : )
U noe what I'm gonna do now dat we have only abt a week left?? Since i'll b on leave this friday, m gonna call AL/AT on Wed or Thurs and go get as much as my fridge can hold and 'safe keep' my durians in de freezer! I can then feast on MY durians during de loooonng weeekend... WHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAA....
Technical note:
may I suggest you use the term "cultivars" as opposed to breed? The durians we eat are from the species "zibethinus", the only one of the 30 or so species which is cultivated widely. The genus is "durio".
The variants we get are known as cultivars because they vegetal clones...reproduced by bud-grafting, marcotting or other horticultural methods. Each cultivar will result in variations in fruit shape, pulp, smell, and other characteristics. The Dnumber is a code number given when a cultivar is registered. More than 200 are registered in Thailand and more than 100 are registered in Malaysia.
Yes, when I first wrote the blog, I used "cultivars" but changed it because I felt it might be not be understood by readers. But thanks for the explaination, will change it back to cultivars.
The 1st name that came into my mind? - Golden Peony. kekeke
Hahaha! Good one.
BTW what the heck is a Peony?
a flower which wahcow will remember for a looonnnnng time! :)
ya peony / peonies are commonly known for their flowers :)
doesn't it the D88 look like a round fat golden flower to you? keke
"Thats a good one"? Hahahaha. The great Ieat finally speaks on this topic of Golden Peony.
Now pls respond to the thread, Mr. Leslie on Golden Peony... ; )
peony is called mu3 dan1 in Chinese. It is a popular flower in chinese culture.
Why do i find the name Golden Peony very familiar? Seems like heard it very often the last few days.
i thikn calling it d88 is fine..
just like the d24.. there isn't any other names for it...
in fact.. the hong xia is actually D13...
and there are D101s, 17s, 21s, 7, that i have come across so far....
d88 sds nice. and can be easily remembered.
tk = the chinese restaurant in conrad hotel is called Golden peony.
Thts probably where u heard it.
yahhhh...sumo is right...lets leave it as D88..... 88 leh ! eat already heng heng...can buy 4D.
peony sounds weak....lets all just forget about the word peony ok ? ...
How about DWahcowdunsiam? Nice name for D88.
D24 also called Sultan Durian.
I was told Hong Xia is D101.
D13 is similar to Hong Xia but not the same cultivar.
my understanding is that Hong Xia and D101 are different.
This is according to plantation owner Mr. Gan whom I blogged about here http://shiokhochiak.blogspot.com/search/label/durian
the durian season is ending, not that i like durian anyway. but i do find it quite a sight when everyone sit by the roadside savouring the durians
haha~ jemster just saw the pics of the D88 and she got very excited and asked me what durian are they? Told her they are D88 and she said to go and try soon~! Now I must go interview her abt her knowledge of durians (if she actually knows any!) cuz she talked like she machian noe alot~ haha
Better call to check with AL/AT if you want the D88. They don't come in everyday. AL/AT can keep for jemster. : )
You just dont want to be reminded of Peony dinner do you. Thought Peony is a nice name for the durian. Just want to comment that
D88 has a pearl drop look.
We'll spare wahcow and call D88 Precious Moment. ; )
yeh jencooks...you are absolutely right..moohahahaha....
but really..D88 sounds good too...think the name sounds better than D24
Just got my fix of 2 excellent D24s before the season winds down.
Why not name the D88 "Double Fortune"
Earlier we went down to AL/AT at about 4pm. Also tasted D88 again. Found today's D88 very Hongxia like.
the d88 seems a little like the golden pheonix, but i might be wrong.
ah teck recommended the tawa to me on sunday, i sorta fell in love with it, but it seems its like the last few days, i wonder if there'll be anymore on saturday.
Golden Phoenix is a much smaller fruit with small seeds while the D88 is more like the Hong Xia. The two are very different.
Even the colour is different. D88 brighter yellow. GP paler like Black Pearl. Taste of GP is lighter on the palette.
Will be organising a final session for my office colleagues before they close. Farewell until Dec...
By the way AL/AT mentioned that there may be a 2 week stretch of durians at the end of Aug. If there is, I'll update the post and the forum. : )
went to AL/AT last night. And it was their last night till the next season. Had D24, D88 and MSW. The D24 and MSW was good. Only 1 out of 4 of us liked the D88. A tad too dry I found.
They put up a sign saying that the next season starts early Oct.
there are so many parlances in Durians lexicon: all the Ds and it is mind-boggling!
Hey Man of Ideas, you should come join us in the forum!
This blog is cool.
They put up a sign saying that the next season starts early Oct.
i want to buy durian grafted plants, can these be shipped to suriname?? please reply: jairliew@hotmail.com
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