Ice Queen Ice Cream: Great Homemade Ice Cream at Hawker Prices!
3 flavours of homemade gelato $3.50
Golden Mile Food Centre will soon be turned into a centre for Hawkerpreneurship.
I am amazed that the place has quite a few stalls manned by young Hawkerpreneurs trying to break into the food business. Remember the Belgian Waffles and Pasta Planet which I blogged previously? They are all here, as well as some other new stalls selling "Ang Moh" food that I will blog about later. Yes, the Hawker centres are an cost effective way for anyone to create a brand which is relatively low risk. And the irony is that when you actually sell stuff that usually belong in a shopping centre, you actually attract more media attention.
One of the latest entrant into the "Cheap and Good" category is this little Ice Cream shop in Golden Mile Food Centre called Ice Queen Ice Cream. Opened by a young lady who calls herself a "part time hawker", this is the kind of hobby stall where the emphasis is on making something that the owner is proud of, as opposed to making enough money so that one can pay the bills.
I am amazed that the place has quite a few stalls manned by young Hawkerpreneurs trying to break into the food business. Remember the Belgian Waffles and Pasta Planet which I blogged previously? They are all here, as well as some other new stalls selling "Ang Moh" food that I will blog about later. Yes, the Hawker centres are an cost effective way for anyone to create a brand which is relatively low risk. And the irony is that when you actually sell stuff that usually belong in a shopping centre, you actually attract more media attention.
One of the latest entrant into the "Cheap and Good" category is this little Ice Cream shop in Golden Mile Food Centre called Ice Queen Ice Cream. Opened by a young lady who calls herself a "part time hawker", this is the kind of hobby stall where the emphasis is on making something that the owner is proud of, as opposed to making enough money so that one can pay the bills.
While studying in Melbourne, this "part time hawker" learnt the art of Gelato making from an Italian couple who ran a Gelato stall while letting out rooms to University students. Being a bit of a health nut herself (just a moderate health nut, I guess), she makes her Gelato with just enough cream and sugar to keep the ice cream from becoming icy. So it is low fat, low sugar and no egg which is healthier than your normal ice cream.
This Gelato (ice cream for the heartland aunties) really is "Cheap and Good" and it's every Kiasu Singaporean's dream. I was quite impressed with the Black Sesame Ice Cream 4.25/5 which was full of nutty flavour but without being too rich. The Peanut flavour was again quite excellent as is the dark and rich chocolate flavour. The ones with alchohol, viz the Rum and Raisin and Baileys were notably not "drunk" enough, but you really can't expect too much at $2 per scoop. If you prefer something a little more tart, you should try the sour plum sorbet which a lot of readers from the forum said they like.
Cheap and good Gelato. Where else can you get 3 scoops for $3.50? I really think that this part time hawker is really treating it as a hobby more than anything else and I suspect that after running it for a few more months, she will decide to increase the prices in order to get some money to buy some nice accessories. So better enjoy it while you can.
Update: 29 Nov 2008
Our readers are reporting that the stall has been closed for a while

Golden Mile Food Centre
Closed on Mondays
What do do next?
Find out what the others are saying about this in the forum
Go eat the Hokkien Mee or Curry Mee before eating the ice cream
Read about the other ice cream stalls in the blog
$3.5 for 3 scoops!? I hope no one will go tell the aunty that the price is too cheap for homemade gelatos. At least not before I go and sample it first. :)
ice queen ice cream?
opened by our regular reader ice issit..??
she is the queen of ice cream.. cos she loves ice cream....
could it be her..
where is Golden Mile? I am coming up in November and that ice cream looks to die for!
Les: Woah! Finally you wrote about it. I was there again yesterday and auntie was asking me about it.
Had my usual black sesame again, and earl grey tea. The black sesame I highly recommend to all, is the best black sesame gelato I've even eaten. Peanut is very fragrant too. There is also an chrysanthemum yesterday and it's not too bad. Usual order = medium AND small cup.
sumosumo: You wish. And I wish it's mine.
Opened by gelatomaker who posted in the forum as well. Must find time to visit Golden Mile... Been awhile already...
wow wow awesome!! someone FINALLY brought back melbourne gelato to singapore!! I've been dreaming about it ever since I came back. And usually it's overpriced or over-hyped here.
I just hope it's comparable to trampoline and al fredo....yummmmm.
One post that brings joy to my heart. :-p
Well, I look forward to your photos soon! Good to know I made at least one person happy today!
Les, you think the title needs some modification? Cheapest yes but that doesn't appropriately reflect the quality of ice creams here.
Just my 2 cents worth.
Thanks for that. I agree with you and have changed the title already.
I must make a trip to Golden Mile soon to satisfy my sweet cravings. Love the Ah Bahling stall there too. My fav tau sar piah shop is in the next block. Been craving for the white tau sar mooncake for a long time. It's the best!
les did you meet up with gelatomaker btw?
I always go there for the corner claypot rice, ah baling and now ymm yummy ymm ice cream; so ice=gelatomaker=our reader in ieat forum; asoka.
Keropokman, u were there too with Les?
Ice, Gelatomaker
That icecream on the selfdrawn signboard is so lifelike; it much nicer than some billboards and it saves you some thousands I am sure except some for sweat and in exchange for some fun; how to help you doodle when it's so high up; perhaps u put up a blackboard for guests to scribble.
jencooks and all: Hey all, I'll like to clarify here. I'm not the owner of Ice Queen nor gelatomaker. I'm just ice who eats Ice Queen's gelato.
Goes well with waffles! ;p
Very creative boss. Can draw can make gelato. : )
Hi Everyone,
I have posted this in the forum and I am cross posting here.
After looking at the costs of the ingredients that we have incurred the last 2 months, we realized that we simply could not keep going at the current state. Two options that were open to us included trying to reduce costs by trying to swap in cheaper ingredients or keeping to our strict thoughts of not compromising on quality but adjusting our prices.
So it was with a heavy heart that we had to increase prices and the decision was not an easy one(something that we have been battling with for the last 2 months). Thoughts of our regulars, namely this little girl who like clockwork comes by at 4pm for her every day dose of durian gelato didn't make it any easier.
So here are our current prices.
1 flavor - cup $2.50; cone $2.80
2 flavors – cup $3.20; cone $3.50
3 flavors – cup $3.80
650ml takeaway box - $10.80
I'm sorry we may not be the cheapest gelato in Singapore but will continue to strive to be one of your favorite among the many other wonderful gelato places in Singapore.
This is so tempting with nice ice cream at great price but i wonder where is golden mile. Is there any bus services from the nearest mrt?
hmm ieat I was just reading this post again and as gelatomaker herself has said, 1 flavor is $2.50 now, 2 flavors is $3.20 and 3 flavors is $3.80. I was just thinking 3 flavors does not necessary equates to 3 scoops (maybe total volume is 2 scoops)? So perhaps you do want to clarify with gelatomaker again? :)
jems: Every icecream parlor has its own measure of volume for "a scoop". Some give more than the other, so I guess it depends how you interpret "one scoop".
One scoop from a Jap gelato like Azabu is definitely alot more than one scoop here. :)
Ice: yes Azabu also charges $3.80 for a single scoop vs the $2.50 for a single flavor we serve dont they?
There is no issue about price here. I believe jems was talking about "volume of scoops" and not "prices of scoops".
Yes I was actually also wondering whether the amount of ice cream per scoop differs with 1, 2 or 3 flavours?
yep. not the price but the volume :) cuz ieat mentioned that 3 scoops for $3.50 (now $3.80). Which means if you buy 3 individual flavor cups the volume in total is likely to be more than a 3 flavours in a cup :)
oh to avoid confusion, I am not comparing prices OR volume with other ice cream palor but rather just at Ice Queen itself.
since gelatomaker/gelatoadventures you are here, maybe you can advise if a 3 flavor cup adds up to the same volume if we buy 3 individual single flavor cup? :) Cuz ieat refers to 3 scoops and not 3 flavors like what you have mentioned :)
Hi Jems
The 3 flavor cups dont exactly add up to the same volume as 3 individual cups. But we tried pricing it so that you get more ice cream for your money the more flavours you get. I wonder if i am making any sense or is it too late. : )
Hmmm do you mind to leave the price and the volume per cup of your deals here for us to see? Then we will see if it make sense.
Like for eg.
Small : (200g)estimate lah : 1 flavour : $2.50
Regular : (400g) : 2 flavour $4.00
Large : (600g) : 3 flavour $5
thanks! :)
ieat I think in this case can we amend the 'scoops' to 'flavor' so that readers will not be disappointed and head down thinking that they are shortchanged or something cuz they read 3 scoops instead of 3 flavors :)
OK done!
Ordered the durian and rum and raisins. Both very tasty. Also sampled the Earl Grey. Interesting jasmine tea taste. Keep up the great work! : )
I think I am like the only left who hasn't had a chance to try da ice cream. Just paid $5.50 ($5 for normal flavors and extra 50 cents for premium flavors) for a 2 flavor cup at Ice Cream Gallery on Sat.
Shall we head down to Golden Mile this wednesday afternoon after Hock Lam? Then can go kill few birds with one stone :)
make that 2 jems... :)
jems, i totally haven't gone down to golden mile to try any of e food yet lor!! *sad*
after hock lam, smokeduck n i going to take our bunnies for a walk, so have to go back home. otherwise, i would have join u n liverpool! but will decide tomorrow lar! ;)
tried the coffee, rum and raisin, chocolate, sour plum, durian and black sesame. The gelato was value for money and very smooth in taste. The flavors are not that robust cuz I suspect its really low fat and healthy keke. Out of the 6 flavors I prefer the coffee and black sesame :)
3 scoops is $3.80 now, not $3.50.
have a look a few comments up... :) prices were updated 26/09/2008? :)
"So here are our current prices.
1 flavor - cup $2.50; cone $2.80
2 flavors – cup $3.20; cone $3.50
3 flavors – cup $3.80
650ml takeaway box - $10.80
I'm sorry we may not be the cheapest gelato in Singapore but will continue to strive to be one of your favorite among the many other wonderful gelato places in Singapore.
26/9/08 14:51 "
Still awake!!! Liverpool! : )
finally tried tis ice cream after e beef noodles.. but too bad no sour plum.. =(
had mocha, lychee sorbet n tea.. i think i like lychee sorbet e best.. e flavour's there but somehow, something seemed to be lacking...
i still prefer tom's palette over tis stall.. but hopefully i can get e chance to try e sour plum one of these days.. =)
I personally don't like the sour plum though =]
went today. seems like stall has closed. anyone can verify?
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