Friday, June 19, 2009

Canon-ieat Food Photography Workshop for Home Econs Teachers

I was invited to conduct a photography workshop for the Association of Home Economics Teachers last Friday and managed to visit NIE for the first time. Gosh it looks a lot like army barracks as it is situated right at the periphery of Singapore where there is no HDB housing between it and the sea!

Anyway it was good to see that the Home Econs teachers are now teaching photography as part of the course. I guess if you are a Home Economist, then taking photos of the family might be a pre-requisite skill nowadays, together to use of the PDA to do your supermarket shopping, Excel worksheets to do up the family finances etc.

Speaking of Home Econs, don't you all think it is about time that this course be renamed to something that reflects a more modern age? Like, Home Econs is soooooo yesterday. They were using Home Econs in the days when moms were called Housewives. Nowadays we call them Homemakers. In some households they might even be known as Chief Operating Officers or in the case of my household, Prime Minister. (I of course am the President - all show, no power except for Veto powers in the more dire of consequences). I reckon Home Economics should be renamed "Family Life Sciences" or "Home Integration Technologies" or something more sexy so that we can have more students choosing the course.

Anyway, we should all appreciate the fact that our Home Econs teachers are so motivated that they would travel all the way to NIE to attend a course during their holidays so that they can be better teachers for our students. Three cheers for our Home Econs Teachers! It has been a pleasure to conduct the course for such an attentive batch of students!

If your organization would like to conduct photography workshops, you can do so by contacting the EOS Academy. More details can be found at their website:

So what do you think about renaming Home Econs to something more sexy? Any suggestions?

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