Monday, March 3, 2008

ieat - ishoot - ipost: Which one you prefer?

Been trying to update the look of the blog. Just a quick survey to see which of the avatars people prefer:





khim said...

i like ieat cos it's abt food & people can't see ur face so it's mysterious?

but then.. ur picture were in newspapers n magazines so people will recognise u anyway! hehe

tangyberry said...

i like i eat too coz of the contrast in colour between the food and the picture in general. it's simple and interesting.

Damien said...

The first one :)

Anonymous said...

ieat is great! nicely & artistically taken.

sumosumo said...

definitely not ipost...
that one can see all your wrinkles..!

but u cld incorporate all 3 side by side somewhere on the blogsite.. thats pretty cool.

Anonymous said...

ieat. the most visually appealing of the three.

SCS butter said...

ieat ieat ieat ieat ieat...i hungry now.......

lin said...

lol, that was funny about the wrinkles.

if u put all of them together, it will be very nice, it is like blog title in pictures.

THUNK Pte Ltd said...

i dun prefer i eat.. its bit too serious of you. the colors looks old, also not sure you eating.

i shoot is oki. I post is nice wat. cheeky, with the title.

I think if you wan i eat, maybe rather you hold a plate of something delicious and cover part of your face. Meaning some depth of field, or the plate is big, your face at background?

Chris said...

ipost looks cool!!!

on a another note, you should register your own domain and switch to wordpress!

Gabriel said...


The colour of the cake from ieat stands out which tells people that you're talking about food and that's the highlight of this blog

Camemberu said...

"ieat" is the classiest and most artistic of them all, even if a wee bit sombre. And it's the most relevant as the highlight is on food - not just the color, but the pose almost like bowing in deference to food.

"ipost" reminds me too much of Ivan! lol

Anonymous said...

Prefer the first shot, looks more gourmet/ foodie.
Jess, Melbourne.

Spatula said...

ishoot. then again i'm partial to cameras. more than food even. :)

Anonymous said...

all three!

Yummy said...

Hmm.. Am i a Wierdo? I prefer ishoot~~ haha~~

hope said...

i think ipost is the best.

cuz thats the thing that i appreciate the most!

Miss Loi said...

Think I mentioned once that you look more 'holistic' in ieat?

xiu said...

definitely i eat! =D mysterious yet getting the point across. =D

ieat said...

Hmmm, based on all the feedback, it seems as if I should revert to ieat avatar.

I was thinking along the lines of using all three in one

absolutlynn said...

ieat is my choice. An old meets new concept(the black & white effects of u vs colourful piece of cake), which says a lot about food. Traditional or new, good food beats all tide!

Esther said...

i like ieat cos it represent great food=)

Anonymous said...

ieat feels kinda pretentious. i vote for ipost

His Food Blog said...

ieat - people can link the avatar to the blog, which is essentially a food blog. The focus is on the food.

Blur Ting said...

i eat - cos it's more artsy. I shoot is nice too but it's been there for quite a while already.

Vince Chan said...

I read!

ah quek said...

yeah u should merge all 3 pics into 1 and replace the "wanton" pic in ur banner..

Speedy said...


Anonymous said...

ieat - my fav & authentic. Who's the photograher?

Anonymous said...

hi doc, i prefer "ieat" cos the other 2 can see your .... do i call that crowfeet? angelmom

sumosumo said...

i reiterate, put all 3 together - it really makes it quite cool, and defines your title in pictures.

Anonymous said...

Hi, I love IEAT, the first one.



Nod said...

ieat, casue without ieat, there is no shoot and post

Anonymous said...

ieat....for sure! class is the word!

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