R K House: Tasty, Buttery Prata!
With Tag Tag, iwatch_ueat and carnineviand
So this is the famous RK House Prata which does not sell any pork since they are a Halal restaurant. Those who don't know what it is all about can click here.
But anyway, I did not want to cause any problems so I ordered my usual "Double Dough Prata stretched thin and made thick and fluffy" Of course, that is the paraphrased version, I had to describe my request with my best Indian accent together with head rocking and animated hand motions!
When the prata arrived, it was not thick and fluffy as I would like it to be BUT boy it was tasty. The dough is crisp on the outside, soft and stretchy on the inside and it leaves a nice buttery, sweet taste at the back of your throat. Mmmmm lovely. People who take their prata with egg may miss the subtle flavour of the prata dough that can only be fully appreciated if you order the prata kosong (plain). 4.25/5
There is a lot of potential for this place to produce the ultimate Roti Prata. The dough has got a the right taste and texture. It remains for the prata man to really stretch it thin and really make it thick and fluffy. For those who love curry, you might be better off ordering the special curries rather then settling for the standard curry accompanying the prata. I am certainly planning to go back again to have another go at the ultimate prata soon.
Update: 3 Jan 2009
I was back at RK yesterday and I am sorry to report that they have now started to outsource the dough and the Prata has lost that buttery taste! It now taste like just another ordinary prata shop. 3.5/5R K Eating House
1 Kensington Park Road
24 Hours
HAH! and to think a friend of mine was declaring passionately the other day that RK House was just a stunt and didn't really exist! Ive got the evidence now!!
Btwm was it the same indian guy serving?
I did not try to order pork, so I did not find out.
The road name is 1 Kensington Park Road, the "park" is missing. Anyway, there is no clash with the road name, so no one will mistaken and end up in the wrong place.
*Stands up* Hi, my name is carnineviand, and I'm an alcoh... Oops! Wrong meeting.
I meant to say I'm one of those egg prata "people". :-)
So, even though I don't usually go around sampling prata kosongs, I must admit I found the dough tasty with a non-overpowering buttery flavour. But hey, what do I know? Wrong "people" to ask, remember? Ha ha...
And like ieat said, please don't bother with the standard curry. It does nothing to add to the experience.
no nasi babi?
EH?! RK eating house, is that the "no pork!!" place?!
Ah you haven't read the article properly. The link is given in the first 2 lines.
how do you really order the double dough prata? the paraphrased version sure doesn't sound like what one would say in a coffeeshop!
Just describe it as it is!
Its very irritating and disrespectful for those stupid guys to make fun of people culture and religion. Then, even to the extend of posting out. They think its funny but i feel disgraced at their acts. I'm the same race as those guys who took the conversation down. Very disrespectful and i hope no other people will mention the sensitive words or laugh at the video in this blog. Its not funny. Its disrespectful. Thanks
hey u are the saviour of the universe issit?
I want to try out the prata, but Kensington Park Road is nowhere near any MRT Stations.
I tried Googling it up and found that R K Eating House Pte Ltd is registered with more addresses as follows:
Blk 152, Bishan St 11, #01-225, Bishan Green, Singapore 570152
Ph : 6356 9003
1, Kensington Park Road, Serangoon Garden Estate, Singapore 557253
Ph : 6289 5379
Blk 681, Hougang Avenue 8, #01-855, Singapore 530681
Ph : 6385 1316, 6343 4531
Can anyone please confirm the other addresses?
hi vincentius,
i went to serangoon gardens (kensington is at sgn gdns) just last week.
take a bus at amk bus interchange (it's at amk hub). Bus svc: 73 or 136 goes to sgn gdns. the trip is about half-hour. u will alight at & take a return bus trip AT THE SAME BUS STOP (nice brick & wooden bus stop). press the bell when u reach the roundabout. RK Eating House is just a few steps away.
i would advise u to take bus svc 136, coz no. 73 is a loop svc which starts at amk & ends at toa payoh. it won't take u back to ang mo kio. when u take a return trip of no. 136, take note of the bus' side number plate. see that it's the trip which ends at ang mo kio & NOT EDGEFIELDS/PUNGGOL. (take note hor)
readers, u may find this useful. http://www.streetdirectory.com/travel/singaporedirections/
those who travel by bus/mrt may wish to buy "Transitlink Guide". it's cheap & available at book shops like Popular & Kinokuniya. i use these 2 directories to help me find my way.
don't call me long-winded ah, coz i find the need to explain..
Dear inibble, in fact you are very helpful.
Or take the NE line and alight at Serangoon Station, then walk to the Serangoon Bus Termina, next to the MRT station, and take bus svc315 to Sgn Gdn. Only 5 min ride.
well, some ppl don't like "long stories". and i explained in detail coz i lose my way easily.
sorry for a mistake *sigh*. 73 does go back to amk but on a return trip, it passes by toa payoh first, which is much nearer than amk. if u don't mind TPY, then ok lah.. for me, amk seemed convenient & i could visit amk hub as well.
tks to Anon for advising taking serangoon's route. in fact, for my case, i would get to cut back on some trip fares & minutes..
Oh I wanna try it!
And I cant pretend the video's not funny, cos..IT REALLY IS!! xD
I showed my cousins the video on Youtube,they cried and couldnt stop laughing!
Those silly dudes totally made my day xD
I have to agree with Anonymous that this video is nothing but insulting and a disgrace and shame on those who think it is funny. It is not only distasteful, I strongly feel these two fellows should be charged in court and placed behind bars to be taught a good lesson.
For those Chinese who say, its no big deal. Well put yourself in the Muslim stall tender's shoes. Imagine a Caucasian walk into a Chinese Vegetarian Stall opened by a devout buddhist and say "hey you have meat here? No chicken? What about beef? What about fish or lamb? No chicken?? Really dont lie to me man.. you dont have chicken??"
ok it can be disturbing, but hey, dont tell me u believe that they really did that and recorded it there at the shop? it doesnt sound even a little real to me. just accept it, it's a concocted joke.
erm jolean,
i believe it's real recording by e boys.. they played a prank on a coffeeshop uncle too..
if u listen properly, both "victims" really sounded annoyed n angry towards e end
Hmmmm Jolean, some things are not meant to be joked about. If you are saying that it is a recorded joke and thus it's okay. Then shall I record a excerpt of me asking a Jew why he dont take pork? Or I record me asking a Christian why he pray to a piece of wood? Or I ask the same Christian, how can Jesus rise from the death?
These 2 fellows basically insulted Islam, incited racial disharmony all in the name of "FUN" Well if we start to condone and laugh about it.... that tells alot about how little respect we have for other races and religions.
My goodness, have people lost sense of humor ? it is a funny joke. Think about the jokes that make you laught, there is always some kind of a victim wether it's a women, a blond, a black, a white a catholic, a jew, a priest etc etc what kind of person are you to think that muslim religion was insulted ?!!! i feel bad for you
i dont usually bother posting but this seems close enough to heart to do so.
firstly, i frequent RK between once to thrice a week cos im a real supper freak. so it was amusing (especially due to the infamous video) about how, despite singapore's small size, so many people are bemused by the existence of RK eating house (to put things in perspective, to me its just like saying "huh! so the colour blue really exists!").
secondly, i really think the video is a hoax. it is funny in the sense of the word, albeit insensitive.
thirdly, yes there are other RK branches and i've been to the hougang one.
and lastly, i really feel that RK's standard has declined since it came about a few years back. the service on busy nights are relatively poorer to many other prata shops i've been to, and the food and drinks served are rather inconsistent. that said, i really think its good location is its saving grace, as it can even afford not to show soccer and still pull in the crowds.
yes even my westsider friends come here, when they have holland village at their doorste, which kinda baffles me since serangoon gardens is really quite inaccessible. thankfully for me i can walk there.
To inibble,
The night I posted my question, I was on my second day in Singapore. Yes, I was traveling and the first day I was in Singapore, a friend of mine dropped that RK House vid on my Facebook wall.
I checked this blog everyday ever since while I was still there, but I didn't find any replies. Seems that the internet place cached the blog page so that I didn't get any update, unfortunately.. I didn't go to RK House in the end.
But thank you anyway inibble. I've copied your direction and shall use it to help me in my ultimate quest to find the RK House the next time I visit Singapore again.
I would like to suggest again that Postal Code be given together with the address, it makes locating the place a lot more easilier.
I made the request the other time but was shot down.
Pse consider again, thanks.
Please explain how the Postal Code can make it easier to locate the stall?
It could help to counter check the addresses if mistakes are made.
Further more, it gives an alternative to those who prefer to check the location using postal code.
just a little suggestion to enhance the blog.
frankly speaking, i think only postmen n fastfood delivery hotline operators wants postal code, other than tat, i doubt people will use postall code to chk addresses, unless it's very ulu ulu place?
can u imagine, u r taking a cab or bus n u tell e bus driver e postal code instead of e address? see whether u get a scolding from e drivers or not..
even if u ask e indians at RK House wat is e postal code, they wun even know it.. very seldom people will remember postal codes other than their own house!
leslie is already doing us a favor by providing e address already. pls spare him e extra work from having to find e postal codes of e addresses when we, can do it ourselves..
plus, leslie even took a picture of e place, so if u r nearby e area, just look for e similar building! tat's wat i did if i can't find e place! =)
Hi Khim,
You are right, I was a postman before and now doing part time delivery for one of the fast food chain.
Guess old habit die hard. Really nowadays nobody needs a postal code to look for a place.
hi anonymous,
aha! so my guess is rite eh? ;)
btw, do give yourself a pen name so tat we can address u n differentiate u from other anonymous, ya? since u r a regular reader! =)
Hi Khim,
For me getting the right spot is important as I will know when to drop off from the bus.
If I drop off after sighting the place I would have to walk back at least a bus-stop.
You are right again, I am a regular reader. I enjoy this blog very much.
Mr Postman, can you please explain how to use the postal code to help you find the right bus-stop. I am really very curious as I have never seen the need for the postal code except to address mail.
to vincentius:
u are welcome! do try using the 2 directories i mentioned earlier to help u get around. i'm always using them in fact.
to the postman:
in case u have trouble getting to R K House even after reading those directions, pls take a look at the pictures i had taken on my trip there. they would help to identify the alighting bus-stop easier.
to download, copy & paste this link on your browser:
Hi ieat,
Go to streetdirectory.com and on the top right corner (Select More Service) select bus/mrt guide.
Just key in the postal code on the Starting Address and Destination Address. It will show you in details how to get to your destination.
Hope it helps.
i cant believe a simple post about prata turned into a discussion about islam, judaism, christianity, and postal codes...! lol...
jokes are jokes. if u go down deep into jokes regarding religion, race... its never politically correct. but if you know how to laugh at yourself and not take things too seriously, i dont see why not. in the context of the RK joke.. maybe the pork thing was quite insensitive..but the whole idea was to wind up the waiter rather than about insulting islam..
postal codes - i guess for people who dont drive, perhaps it may be more helpful using the online directory.
but otherwise, its quite useless unless u re a mailman..
Ok firstly I frequent the place 3+ times a week. Its located at serangoon gardens. Just search streetdirectory.com for "chomp chomp" and you have an address. Its just 10sec across the road from that address.
Secondly is that the video is fake. None of the workers there speak with such an accent and even at 3am. There is a minimum of 3 staff members there (drinks,food,service). If one of the workers start shouting no pok, don't you think that the others will hear?
And finally, the damn police post is 45sec walk away. Why even bother to call the police when the worker can run there in 20sec or less.
Errr.. he did say "I'll run and call the police I tell you..."
hi The Postman,
it's very interesting to know something new! thanks for e info! ;)
however, i still think tat it's really not feasible to put e postal code..
e streetdirectory gave a summary which i think is far too detailed!!
u can always leave a comment to ask for directions here. there's always people replying! =)
hope it helps!
Khim, for the benefit of all readers, please stop those senseless comments/ramblings. thxs
audrey klien,
first of all, these r not senseless comments as The Postman did suggest to Leslie to include postal code which I feel is not feasible..
secondly, everyone n anyone is free to leave their comments..
lastly, NO ONE is asking u to read all comments...
What is the difference between Roti Paratha (sp?) and Roti Canai. I have had both (RP in S'Pore and RC in Msia) and to my observation they are more or less the same. Can someone educate me please?
Soij / USA
Ask them for pig nuts the next time and see what happens.
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