Delicious Boneless Chicken Rice: Best Value for Money Chicken Rice
With ieatjr
Half Chicken $13
Holydrummer has been telling me about this chicken rice since the early days of the blog but I never really got down to Katong Centre to try it. However, lately I have been going through a chicken rice phase, (you all go through phases too right?) and I really felt I needed to sink my teeth into some nice, fat and succulent chicken thigh.
Incidentally, when I say chicken thigh, do you think of the drumstick? You do realize that, anatomically speaking, the drumstick is not technically the thigh right? The drumstick is actually the part below the knee whereas the hind quarters ie the most fleshy part of the chicken is the real thigh. Don't believe me? Check out a bird's anatomy properly!
Anyway, I realize why I don't really like Kampung Chicken. In the normal chicken, the drumstick is usually fat and tender, but in a Kampung Chicken, the drumstick is really tough! So the only really succulent part of the Kampung Chicken is the thigh. Anyway, enough ranting about Kampung Chickens, if you want a well endowed chicken, this is one place where you will find some.
No such thing as Anorexia here!
The Lao Ban Niang here tells me that they use only chickens that are over two kg in weight. So you can expect chicken that you can fill your mouth with. What makes this place unique is that instead of just having the coriander over the chicken, they give this nice concoction of fried garlic, chillies, shredded carrot and radish garnish. Also every plate of chicken rice comes with a serving of their soup-of-the-day which happens to be watercress soup when I visited them. On top of that, you get a free flow serving of 2 different types of Achar. So for $4, you can a four course meal! Which is why this stall gets my vote for Best Value Chicken rice!
The only thing I would complain about here is the rice. They use yellow ginger to colour the rice, so it comes out a eerie yellow colour, as if you have just spilled highlighter ink onto your rice. The texture and flavour is not great but acceptable. If only the rice had been good, this place would have scored much higher. 4/5
Best value for money Chicken Rice! I had half a chicken, 2 rice, 2 plates of achar and a big bowl of watercress soup with pork bones and chicken mid joint for just $14! Mind you, half a chicken here is equivalent to a whole Kampung Chicken!Delicious Boneless Chicken Rice
865 Mountbatten Road #B1-85/87
Katong Shopping Centre Stall 3
Katong Gourmet Centre
10am to 8pm daily
Mr Goh 97896073
this place has been around for a long time, and quite popular.
as mentioned, the down side to this place is the rice not so nice. sometimes its mushy even, which i hate most -mushy rice.
I'm going back to Singapore next month and I plan on eating chicken rice every day. Thanks for the lovely post.
You're so right about the difference in thigh and drumstick. My kids and I like the thigh meat too. Somehow drumstick has this intense meaty/bloody smell that's too overwhelming. Plus, finding thick bloody veins running through the meat is not so pleasant.
Color of rice and chicken deters me visiting it.
Had the chicken rice there 2 yrs back. I had char siew n siow bak too. Reasonable price in aircon comfort.
Er, ieat, just checked your post on Five Stars chicken rice, there you said half chicken cost $12. Here it is also $12 but you said it is the price for a whole kampong chicken. How come?
After reading your blog this week, give me a craving for chicken rice. Come lunch, going for my chicken rice balls today.
What I meant is that half a fat chicken here cost $12 which gives you the amount of meat equivalent to a whole Kampung Chicken. At least that is how I felt when I was eating it.
Did I mention they serve a pretty mean sio bak too?
Do avoid this stall during the lunch peak hours, the queue is crazy. Sometime after 2 is optimal if you hate waiting.
The chicken rice looks divine~ Talk about soaking up all the artery-clogging-chicken fats&oil..
Haha, u should know better than me. But who cares when it comes to yummy food =p
i just ate it last week, auntie said 1 whole chicken $26, why half chicken $12? hehe u got discount?
Sorry, I must have remembered wrongly. Should be $13 per half chix.
Where can i find the best chicken rice
I love chicken rice topo. We should do a vote again on best chicken rice in singapore
Apart from clicking on the chicken rice label,
you can also have a read of what other people are recommending in the forum
The Best chicken rice in Singapore is Five Star, better than boon tong kee. I really dislike the idea of chicken rice without soup when I try it at BTK. The chilli sauce at 5 stars is also superb. They have branches at east coast road, bukit timah opp beauty and river valley.
The soup at 5 star is laden with MSG though.
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