Epok Epok Central: Epok Epok, Neneks and Hawker Hunks!
With smart and Mr.YaKwang
Epok Epok with egg 50 cents each
The most surprising thing about this Epok Epok is NOT that it is one of the most addictive things I have eaten recently, but the fact that the hands that make them belong to an exclusive breed of Hawkers whom I have created a new tag for --- Hawker Hunks.
Now, its been commented in the blog that one of the most attractive things about a man is the fact that he can cook.
I challenge that statement.I think that what women actually find attractive is a man that looks as if he would have women falling at his feet AND he can also cook at the same time. I think that women view the domestic ability of the male as an indicator of his domesticability. In other words, if he can cook, I can probably get him around my fingers.
Anyway, I don't want to detract you from the Epok Epok, so ladies, please avert your gaze from this fine specimen of manhood back to the picture on top. Today we are talking about Epok Epok. The type that Nenek used to make.
It was Mr.YaKwang (aka Jason) who alerted me to this particular Epok Epok. Now, Mr.YaKwang is one of the most fussy (almost obnoxiously fussy) foodies I know. Nine out of ten things recommended on the blog cannot make the grade for him. So he ends up eating his own food most of the time. So when Mr. YaKwang told me about how much he likes this Epok Epok, it got my attention straight away.
If you stare long enough, you too might be transported back to your childhood!
Do you remember the scene from Ratatouille when the food critic Anton was transported back to his childhood with one taste of the Ratatouille? Well, its sort of like that for Mr.YaKwang. He said that this was the type of Epok Epok he remember eating when he was a kid.
So after taking the first few pictures, I gingerly held the Epok Epok in my hand and prepared myself to be transported into a surrealistic dream sequence as I bit into the Epok Epok........ nothing. Not surprising since the curry puffs I was used to were those from my school tuckshop and they are a little different.
That's not to say that the Epok Epok here was not good. They were excellent. The crust was thin and crispy and combined with the freshly boiled egg and buttery curried potatoes, I downed about five of them before I knew it! 4.25/5
The thing I felt was missing is one or two pieces of savoury chicken meat in the Epok Epok. I know it is not so common in Epok Epok as it is with the Chinese version, but nevertheless I love the joy of finding that savoury piece of meat hidden among the potatoes! I am also dreaming of a minced beef Epok Epok which Lokman promised he will make soon.
Nasi Lemak with the works $2.50
There has been some discussion over at the forum about Nasi Lemak and more specifically, where to find a good Malay style one. Well, look no further! All I needed to do was just have a whiff of the steaming rice to know that this is a good one. The sambal belacan here is also very shiok and it is on the sweetish side which I feel should be the case with Nasi Lemak. The sambal also has that wonderful savoury taste of the belacan which hits the Umami Spot. You can buy the ready packed ones for $1.20 which comes with rice, ikan bilis and choice of egg or ikan kuning. They put in the special effort of sandwiching the chilli between two pieces of banana leaves for that added fragrance. Sedap lah brudder! 4.25/5
The chicken wings here are well marinated with lots of tumeric and ginger so they were very good, but I would advise you to be there around lunch time in order to get them freshly cooked.
The simple things in life are often the best. Personally, my idea of the perfect breakfast is a cup of Teh Tarik, a plate of Epok Epok and Nasi Lemak. That is what I miss most when I was overseas.
Oh, back to the Hawker Hunks issue, I don't want to be sexist, so I was actually going to name the Tag "Hawker Hunks and _____ Babes" but I can't really think of an adjective that begins with B to describe girls who operate hawker stalls who look like they should be on the catwalk instead. Let me know if you have any ideas. And don't forget to check out the other Hawker Hunks in the blog.Epok Epok Central
Blk 4A Eunos Crescent
Eunos Crescent Hawker Centre
Lokman 96958889
7am to 7pm daily
Closed on Mondays
"Hawker Hunks and Delicious Dolls"
Wow! This looks so good.
I wish I was in Singapore.
Alex's World! - http://www.kakinan.com/alex
hmm but I don't really like 'delicious dolls'. Sure, it's alliterative, just like 'hawker hunks' but there's an implicit sexism there in casting girls as inanimate objects (or this could just be me being picky)
With a full stomach after lunch I managed to bite the whole egg epok epok, 'cause it was delicious. The outer crust very well made crispy n not oily. The filling just nice not too heavy curry powder. I give a higher rating 4.5/5. Will go for the nazi lemark next time, no more space having eaten the epok epok.
Hawker Hunks and vendor vamps. Frankly I find "dolls" as innocuous as "babes" and it's not possible to please everyone - just as long as the intent is not to be sexist I say.
The thing is so far I haven't met any ladies who fall into the category yet. Yes there were some who look like they belong behind a desk in customer service but not on a catwalk. Or maybe I just find it easier to poke fun at the guys :)
So far no ladies commenting as to whether this guy can be considered a hunk or not?
Glad you found this place. The gentlement in the picture resigned from his job to help his mother who was getting on years.
Another place for great curry puffs (rectangular type) is Indian Muslim Bakery and Confectionery in Onan Road. Love the beef and mutton curry puff and with their homemade chilli, it's divine :)
from the pic how to see if he is a hunk or not... can only judge after a guy strips n show off his muscles mah.. kekeke...
but he is definitely in the boyish cute looking category... lol...
the epok epok looks good....
Sorry, didn't mean Dolls to be sexist. I'm female myself and I actually feel happy when people call me a doll. It means pretty girl.
how about:
"hawker hunks and chio cooks"?
Hmmmm Chio Chefs rolls off the tongue a little better but I like the Chio bit
Damien: Some 3 weeks ago the place was empty n I dont know if they are renovating. Will check it out this Sunday.There is another new Indian curry puff type run by Malay, it is near Tampines Round mkt Blk 138. Pepper Beef, Tandoori n another I cant remember.Abit oily n the crust in layers.
Epok epok w egg only cost 50cents? a real good bargain...
Ok, the actual size of the Epok Epok is not apparent in the photos. They are quite small but each one contains a quarter of an egg. So don't start imagining that they are the size of Old Chung Kee curry puffs!
Hawker Hunks & Brasserie Babes
Hi Uncle Smart, do keep us updated if you find out where they moved to.
I saw a similar shop at selling the rectangular curry puffs at Joo Chiat Road (few doors from Kay Guan Huat) and they were very similar to that at Onan Road.
50 cents a piece is cheap and doesn't look small. Too bad it's too far away from me. Had one 2 days back and it costs $1 albeit it was good.
Damien: Sorry my mistake. The 1 I am referring to is at Joo Chiat (few doors away from the Otah Otah shop.The 1 with bright Yellow colour door.
"busty babes"
i agree; a guy who can cook is pretty amazing and scores quite a lot of points. Reckon a guy who knows what women really like to eat is the ultimate.
great post...was very entertained by it. ;)
wow,the epok look really sedap !
Don't know hunk or not but if his puffs are so good he gets my vote ; )
I love curry puffs, what is the secret ingredient to making good puffs
hey, was this the joint which had a cockroach inside its puff. It really sounds ver familiar. Can u confirm this guys?
Hawker Hunks and Cutie Chefs...?
abg....its sambal tumis...not sambal blacan....sambal blacan would totally ruin da nasi lemak taste...funny lah u...LOL
Yum! Those look good. I can't say there are too many hawker hunks in the USA!
Looks soooo good. I love Nasi Lemak.
Shame on me! I had been living in Eunos Crescent for the past 10 over years and I never notice this stall. The stall is just in the market/hawker center near my house.
Now I saw your post and thanks for alerting me of this stall. Shall try it one of these days!
haha i concentrate more on the food i pay to eat :)
For decently priced nasi lemak, you might want to try the one at the Lavender food centre next to the ICA building. It's about 2.50. The rice and side dishes are pretty okay as well, especially the tempe and french beans one.. Forgot what it's called, though..
Just tried the curry puff yesterday. Really good! However the old uncle taking my orders has a bit of an attitude. Regardless, great epok epok!
tried these this morning, had to wait 15 mins though cos they weren't ready to sell
have to say that the young chap is very friendly, he seemed apologetic that i had to wait for the puffs
taste wise, nothing beats curry puffs hot off the fryer. its ok, but i prefer a flaky crust
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