Friday, June 19, 2009

Ieat Durian Degustation III - the Aftermath! Burrrp!

A very warm welcome to our new kakis who signed up for the Durian Degustation session from the ieatishootipost Facebook group! It is great to put a face to some familiar nicknames as well as to get to meet some lurkers!

I think we all can say that we really got our money's worth that night. Ah Loon gave us much more than a tasting menu and I saw many kakis had to tapau durians home!

The evening started off with the Hong Xia from JB which was excellent, followed by the D13 which looked quite similar the the Hong Xia but the taste was less complex. This was followed by the less common Penang Hong Xia which is usually quite sought after, but I think the batch that night was not really at its prime. This was followed by the Black Pearl which I thought was the best of the lot that evening. The bitterness in the Black Pearl was excellent. Then we had the Hulu, named because of its violin like shape like the gourd of the same name, followed by the petite Golden Phoenix and finally, we finished with the prized Mao Shan Wang or Butter Durian which is again excellent.

We are smack in the Durian Season, so prices are great. The Hong Xia is $7 per kg and Mao Shan Wang is $12 per kg. If you are looking for a reliable, honest Durian Seller, then you should visit Ah Loon and Ah Teck. They are at 231 East Coast Road (Opp Jago Close). You can contact him for your durian needs by calling 97514828.If you mention ieatisihootipost, you will get the special ieatishootipost price!

We might organize another degustation soon if there is enough interest but we will at least 50 pax to be able to get the same deal. So if you are interested to attend another one please let me know.

Link to the last Durian Degustation
Link to watch video on how to choose durian
Learn about other Durian cultivars


iJeff said...

Looks like a great durian feast! Must go back to AL/AT again.

Anonymous said...

I saw u there chatting with the owner.. quite a crowded place wor..

Akira said...

looks great. How do i register if there is a next one? :)

ieat said...

What you should do is to join the facebook group. When we organize any events, an invite will be sent out to you.

Anonymous said...

Superb value for the great quantity and quality of durians! After the Hulu, we had Golden Pheonix followed by the grand finale of MSW :P

cactuskit said...

It was nice meeting the new faces at the session last nite. I just walloped a box of very excellent "Rajah" from AL/AT a while back. Pale white soft and pillowy flesh. Extremely bitter. Shiokus!

ieat said...

Yes it as great to meet so many new kakis!

Anonymous said...

plz organise a next durian session!!!

Alvin said...

looks like you guys enjoyed yourselves, I just came from a " Eat all you can " Segamat Durian Feast too :)

Anonymous said...

Pls organise another.. I would love to join in the next one with my family..

Ping said...

Great pics Les! :) Thank you for the personalised caption! hee. I can't wait to come home and join you guys for a makan session!!

oinkoink said...

Hahaha, I thought you'll scream at me, Ping. And I don't know when did Les took that picture. Aiya, He should take one with durian stuff in my mouth, and then you'll scream at me for that one. Heh. But don't worry, I've eaten some on your behalf. Hee


ieat said...

Ping Pong diplmacy again! Aren't there any durians in Germany? Probably can get the Thai variety not Mao Shan Wang right?

Ping said...

haha... eww... Les, you should know how bad the durians in foreign countries are!! They cost about 12 euros per kg and have no smell, no taste (I would think, I never had the inclination to buy and try) especially when one has to pay that kind of money for fragrant-less durians!!!
You're right, they're only from Thailand. And I don't fancy Thai durians.

ieat said...

I wonder why Malaysia doesn't export their durians except to Singapore. Maybe the smell is so strong that they are banned or maybe we Singaporeans have eaten them all!

Anonymous said...

went there a few days ago,

had red prawn $7/kg. i asked for D13, but he opened this for me and said its the same. so... i was abit Duh?
then took one MSW, was quoted $13/kg. it was really good eaten on the spot. but not as good after a day being kept in the fridge.
then last one i had was golden phoenix. also was quoted $13/kg. small durian with small seeds. it was really nice & bitter. after 1 day being in the fridge, i felt it tasted even better.

b4 i went off, i paid. quoted u and ur blog, and asked for discount, he said ok. so he charged me $12/kg instead. now i realised he also had charged u $12/kg.

i suppose the real discount i got was then i lowered the final $41.60 price to $40.

overall experience 9/10

was very surprised to see an ang mor buy durian from them.


ieat said...

One thing we have to bear in mind is that durian prices fluctuate daily like the stock exchange. So the MSW you had that day might be priced differerently from the ones we had. Price differences are due to Durians coming from different regions plus the size of the harvest.

Anyway I am glad you had a positive experience. All our kakis go to AL and AT nowadays. It was Cactuskit and Sumo who started it all.

Anonymous said...

oh i see.
didnt know tat durian prices fluctuate on a daily basis.
i finished all my durians tat i kept in the fridge already. now my throat feels like a sore throat is coming.
on the same night when i bought them, i went for a walk at Changi T1, T2, T3. upon arrival then i remembered abt the H1N1. LOL

now i really hope its the durians thats giving me the symptomps.

again, I felt the MSW doesnt taste as nice when put in fridge like when it was fresh.
however, the golden phoenix tasted better!
given to choose, i'd spend $60 on golden phoenix and $40 on MSW if i had $100. tats how i'd rate them. having said that, i only bought 1 fruit each on that occasion. have to try more.

time to go back again pretty soon. many pple sick nowadays.

Falling sick on durian season is a big NO NO! but getting sick from excessive durian consumption is fine~


ieat said...

The problem with most people is that they take Durian by itself. When I am at home, I take durian with a fruit salad. I find that those fruits that are a littel more acidic, like Kiwifruit, apples, mangosteens etc help to balance out the effects of the Durian. Tea also helps.

Anonymous said...

oh ok!
thats a durian fun fact!
i shall drink lotsa tea then.
thanks Dr Tay!


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