Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Special Feature: Food Pics in 3D!

WARNING: Please make sure you don't stare too long and take adequate breaks to look in the distance to minimize eye strain!

Place your head 1 foot from the screen. Cross your eyes and look at the 2 pictures. You should see that the 2 pictures start to overlap to form 3 pictures. The one in the middle is a composite image of the 2 pics and will appear 3D.

Don't give up. If you persist, you will see the pics in 3D. It really does work. For those who still cannot see, please read the section in orange which will give you more tips.

Big Prawn from Noo Cheng Prawn Noodle (Zion Road Riverside FC)

In my opinion, the most important aspect of a food photo is that it tricks your brain into thinking that the food is actually there. A good picture should get you to start salivating, your tummy to start rumbling and your brain to start making plans to get hold of the tasty morsel.

Photography as an artform delights mainly the sense of sight. So already it is limited to one of the five senses. Not only that, but as a 2 dimensional artform, it also lacks the sense of depth which we all appreciate in our 3 dimensional world.

I was looking at my pictures one day and suddenly a thought struck me. What if we could see the food pics in 3 dimensions? Would it make the food more delicious and elicit a stronger response?

Cod Fish from Fishermen's Wharf

First we have to understand how we can actually have stereoscopic (3D) vision. Put simply, we are able to have a sense of depth because we have 2 eyes. Each eyes sees a slightly different image from the other. So the brain is being presented with 2 images which it merges into one. The brain processes the data to accurately sense the depth of field. If you don't believe me, try using your index finger to touch the edge of the computer monitor with one eye closed! (Do it several times quickly)

So, in order to create a sense of depth on a 2 dimensional computer screen, what we have to do is to present the brain with the 2 images and trick the brain into merging them into one image. You will notice a series of paired images in the blog. They are not duplicate images but actually images of the same thing taken about 2.5 inches apart (The distance between our eyes). What we will try to do is to get the brain to merge the two images into one.

Noo Cheng Prawn Noodle from Zion Road Riverside Food Centre

For those having difficulty, try these methods:

1. Place your head about 1 foot away from the screen. Place your index finger halfway between the screen and your eyes. Look at your finger. Now make sure you don't move your eyes, remove the index finger. You should see 3 images. The middle image should have a sense of depth.

2. Place your head about 1 foot away from the screen. Place a sheet of paper in between the 2 images so that your left eye only sees the left image and the right eye, only the right. Stare at it long enough and your brain will merge the two images.

It helps to close your eyes a little to get a clearer picture.

Have fun and don't stare for too long as you may over strain your eyes. Make sure you take a break and look into the distance regularly!

San Lou from Sin Hoi San

Fish and Chips from Fishermen's Wharf

So how? Did you see the food in 3D? Does it look more delicious or are you having a headache?

Let us know. The polls are opened!


liverpool1965 said...

ehhhh...think I'd rather let my mouth do the work instead of my eyes...hehe

offspring said...

woo. how did you take those pics

Anonymous said...

fwah, the san lou really looks 3D, the rest were ok.

ieat said...

The San Lou was my 2nd fav. I thought the best was the bowl of prawn noodles. You can actually see the eye and tail above the soup and the legs really popped out

liverpool1965 said...

oooo I think you need to open longer hours tom..I got headache trying liao...

khim said...

i think it's redundant to put double pictures lei..

no need to see very long to get a headache.. =(

ieat said...

You have to have 2 pics in order for the 3D effect to work. I explained how this works in the blog.

liveyrdream said...

wow! The doc really knows how to fuse his medical and photography knowledge together!

I'm trying to see... but still can't see it... my eyes are going blurr.... haha...

Anonymous said...

I think the author is trying to use the concept of 3D stereo vision to trick the mind into seeing it as 3D. The distance of the picture from our eyes also plays a factor...

And i am having my exam on this topic in 2 days time.. That explains why i know it... ha ha..


xalmon said...

No, i think one picture is good enough,should make the picture like big big more shiok than 2 small pictures.

fefe said...

I love seeing in 3D! what a wonderful idea ieat, when i tried it, i was like wow, so cool can see so much detail this way.. very cool and novel way of presenting your food pics, thanks! I suggest maybe just one 3D pic per post in future, so pple don get eye ache

Anonymous said...

i am not really interested in looking at 3D food although it is a commendable effort.

i am interested in good food and that is what attracted me to this site in the first place.

keep your eyes focussed on the core and not the peripheral stuff...

smart said...

specky guy like me cant see in 3D.Just good pics with high resolution ok for me.Eat with my mouth not my eyes.Anyway good try for those who can see in 3D, fun isnt it?

Camemberu said...

Haa, this is an interesting sideshow. What I actually see is three images - it's like the two photos have parted and a third "merged" 3D-like image in between the two photos. Fantastic!

I realised that if your eyes are feeling strained, you're trying too hard. Just relax a bit and the image will appear - you don't even have to squint or cross your eyes anymore. The sam lou horfun is my favourite! Very pretty and good use of 3D.

But honestly, well-taken 2D photos are more than enough to make me salivate. The 3D aspect makes it a novelty but also lends a slightly eerie look (I guess we're not used to things jumping out at us in flat photos!)

But overall, great job, ieat!

ieat said...

Hey camemberu, thanks so much for your comments. I was getting worried that so many people were not able to see the 3D images! At least now they know that it is possible and it is quite fun. So to everyone out there who are still trying, as Cmdr Peter Taggart of Galaxy Quest would say...."Never give up, Never surrender"

Laplace said...

I'm going blind...

khim said...

i agree wif e last anonymous but for goodness' sake, y r there so many anonymous?? pls select "other" n give yourself a pen name instead!

p.s: les, just tis post 3D can liao, pls? if u r gonna post pictures 3D onwards, i think it's really very difficult to read n my migraine will come back sooner or later.. =(

ieat said...

No no. This is only a special feature. Don't worry. It actually takes a lot more effort to produce these images and I am not planning to do anymore in the near future

khim said...

thank goodness for tat! =)

i'm glad! thanks so much! i'm sure everyone out there appreciate u for taking e effort to make tis site more interesting! ;)

liverpool1965 said...

finally managed to see them in 3D...just don't ask me how many times I tried...took camemberu advice and not strain too hard....

yixian said...

haha i trained myself a long time ago how to look at things 3D cuz I found out the technique quite by accident.


ieat said...

liverpool, remember to change your vote! I am hoping that as more people try and actually see the 3D images then the poll figures will start to change. You can change your vote by clicking "change vote" at the bottom of the box

jx said...

This is absolutely cool... ok..2.5 inches apart .. i'm going to try it .. very very soon... can't wait .. it's going to be so much fun!! .. THANX a million..

Anonymous said...

dis is sooo fun... saw all '0' din know can achieve dis effect with screen... wow... cos normally seen them on prints...

EdAltis said...

Have a peek @ this link Easy step to making 3D photo with Digital Camera.

EdAltis said...

At first, keep more than 15 inch between your screen and your eyes. When viewing stereo photo, don't tilt your head. (keep horizontal level).

If you could not see it, you can try the next way.
Place a piece of paper between your screen and your face
Then, see the stereo photograph with your eyes. Don't lean your head.
Can you see it in 3D?

jemmyling said...

hey doc, u're really killing me man! as if the regular 2d pics weren't tempting enough, you had to "chut" the 3d ones and with the prawn noodles some more! *faint* how i'm ever gonna satisfy that craving here in the US, i'll never know! *sigh*

SteamyKitchen said...

I've been trying for 15 minutes! I can't do it!! :-( sad

SteamyKitchen said...

I SEE IT! I SEE IT! That so so neat. It took me all afternoon haha!
I finally used the paper trick.
~~happy dance~~

ieat said...

Another believer! Rejoice! Rejoice! Well done. Persistence pays off yah?
"Never give up! Never Surrender!"

proto said...

Mouthwatering in 3D ;)

though I think the left and right pictures for "San Lou from Sin Hoi San" are swapped. I unswapped them and they looked fine.

yi said...

managed to see it within 5 mins

the prawn shot is the best - actually it's possible to create the pics using a single shot but that would require more concentration

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