Hakka Yong Tau Foo: Unique, Innovative, Never Seen Before YTF!

The book of Ecclesiastes tells us that "there is nothing new under the Sun" which is very true. Everything you see which is "new" has been tried before and recycled. Take mosaic tiles for instance. They were in fashion in the 70's and are now in fashion again. But when you trace it back, you find that they were already in fashion in Greek and Roman times! So there is really nothing new under the Sun.
BUT, this does not mean that we never get to experience novelty in our lives. We perceive something to be new because we are ignorant of its existence in the first place.
So with that excuse, may I say that I have been pleasantly surprised, delighted and very excited to share pictures of some Yong Tau Foo which I have never come across before. There may be nothing new under the Sun, but these were certainly new to me!

The giant fried Sui Gao looking item above is called a Poh Piah. It might look like an XXL fried Sui Gao, but when you actually bite into it you find that the ingredients are quite complex. I could make out black fungas, carrots, vermicelli and maybe meat and fish paste. The owner was tight lipped about the contents of the "Poh Piah". All I can say is that it was very yummy and had a very unique texture that can really be described as spongy. The filling is like a spongy matrix which traps all the juices within the Sui Gao. Very difficult to describe. Very easy to eat.

If you just had a quick glance at the picture on the right, you might have thought that it was the usual bittergourd with fish paste. But look again, it is actually long beans which have been weaved into a circle and filled with fish paste in the middle.

I could go on and on about the other stuff here, but I think you already got the idea. Just like a picture, a taste is also worth a thousand words so I shall spare you a few thousand words and just let you experience the YTF yourselves. 4.6/5
Here's a challenge for our readers. Let's see if anyone who has never been to this shop can come away not discovering a YTF that they have never eaten before!
If normal Yong Tau Foo were a sightseeing tour, this would be an expedition!

Tampines Round Market and Food Centre Stall
7am to 1pm (sold out)
not sure you guys tried this YTF stall at AMK central's Hawker centre.. I'm sure it's on par with those you mentioned here :P
there is a stall in toa payoh lor 1 which sell gd YTF ... not sure anyone been there before. its in a coffeeshop at blk 116 near at e entrance of the braddel mrt station exit b
Hi leslie...
just found ur blog recently... amazing stuff u have here... keep it up dude:D
the shredded chicken noodles at tamp round market is good too:D go try it:D
I visit the place occasionally but end up eating the same old lor mee or kway chup. I have tried the Kolo mee which is good value. Will try the YTF and dessert stall soon!
This YTF stall is a 'gem'. I patronised them a least once a week. They have so many 'new' items which you dont find at other YTF stalls.This is a die die must try YTF.
hmmm.. Leslie Tay i dun get wad u mean by 7am to 1pm (sold out)for the recently post about YTF
They opens at 7am till sold out usually 1pm, then you might not have many items left.
Sorry they closed on Thurs and also the 1st n 15th of the chinese calender.
thks smart
Hi Doc,
Ever since discovering your blog via Sunday Times, it has brought me immense joy, not to mention a few extra pounds. On your Amoy Street hawker center series, i was a little surprised to see the 2nd floor Hylam Brothers shop omitted. The kaya toast was pretty close to the original Ya Kun standards and the coffee also. What do you think?
I think it is time to revisit Amoy St Food Centre again! There are still so many other food stalls there that I missed out on!
So If you have any other recommendations, please write in and I will start compiling a list of new stalls to visit on the next outing
Quite good. I even knew the boss and his wife since the time when they started off at Tampines Blk 201.
But if I have to be honest about it, i find Xui Ji Ikan Billis YTF is just as good..should deserve a 4.6 well.
Ah..ieat, you quite baised leh..only give more points to your Tampines gang..kekekeke.
Ay I rate the food according to what my tastebuds tell me on that day. I have 4.75s all round Singapore not just Tampines and in fact, there are not many Tampines blogs because, as they say, you never really think about the stuff in your own backyard!
Was there at abt 12pm and luckily still managed to grab quite a few items. If you have 7 pcs plus noodles it's only $2.50. That's such good value :) I'm normally a YTF soup person but I had the dry version minus noodles as recommended by Uncle Smart. The items were indeed very different and fresh and good. Chilli was quite spicy and power. Wish a lil more sesame was added. 4.5 for the dry version!
However the soup was really lacking. Blend to almost no taste. So I suggest ONLY the dry version if you are there :)
Hello, was searching for a good Yong Tau Foo stall to eat for dinner last friday and came upon a few recommendations. You can go try a stall called, People's Park Hakka Yong Tao Foo at Allenby Road and Jalan Besar. It's delicious and i heard they open for 24 hours. Hopefully to see more food recommendations on your blog! Keep it up man!
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