One Million Hits! Thank You very much for reading!
I just realized this morning that we have achieved over 1 Million hits! So I really want to say a big THANK YOU! for reading this blog.I started this blog because I love both food and photography and was frustrated whenever someone recommended something in the forums but I could never see what was being recommended. So is the Hokkien Mee a wet one, dry one, thin bee hoon type or thick bee hoon type? All it takes is one picture and ...... Game Over.
I am very gratified that you have chosen to read this blog and I will continue to work at my ultimate goal to blog all the most famous hawker foods in Singapore, to document our Singapore Food Heritage and to honor our Hawker "Fathers" who worked hard to give Singaporeans something good to eat. It is a formidable task but I have many makankakis who would come and share the calories with me and spur me on.
"exceedingly, abundantly,
above all that we can ask or think"
Eph 3:20
It is by His Grace and Favor that I experience all the blessings in life!
And by the way, I have been toying with the idea of our next Makan Session. Several Makankakis have suggested that we make this a Charity Event so that the proceeds can go to a worthy cause. This event will probably be sometime in late August to coincide with the first anniversary of the blog. Let me know what you all think yah?
Happy Makaning and when I Eat, I Shoot and I Post, I hope that U Read, U Eat and U Comment!
Congratulations!!!!! =)
Ya, tat is a good idea! Who knows.. maybe other popular blogs might follow suit n it's e unfortunate who will benefits e most
Let us know more on e makan session soon!
Congras, the pictures & food look deliciously great with your recommendations! But do feature more food in the west zone, else have to always travel to the east =))
you're mentioned here:
on, on!! looking forward to the next makan session...!!
Congrats on your First million hit! And many more millions to come! :)
The Makan session with a worthy cause sounds great! Looking forward to it :)
Congratulations! Also like to thank you for taking the time to share with everyone all the good makan lobangs in S'pore. With your food features, we can have more good makan spots to check out.
Thanks for the efforts again and hope to see more recommendations in the future!
Hmmm ...
when I started reading the blog, I recalled there being a "Care Orphanage" Icon....
Maybe we could have a poll for which charity it should be ?
Congrats!! Enjoy your blog.
Good Idea on the Charity Event!! Will support! :-)
Congrats and many more million hits to come!
this is my fav food blog!!! good job doc.
Good to know that there are people interested in a makan session. Now if someone knows a restaurant which will be willing to do something special for us, please let me know.
Congrats but I actually prefer your old picture. That one looks a bit more ... umm ... 'holistic' :)
You really ought to leave religion out of this
Yeah I like this blog very much but all the bible verses and such just... don't fit at all. I'm christian myself but I don't think it's wise to add propaganda for the religion of your choice to everything you do.
Anyway, keep up the good work but please leave out the bible stuff. Leaves a bitter aftertaste in otherwise yummy posts.
"Propaganda is the deliberate, systematic attempt to shape perceptions, manipulate cognitions, and direct behavior to achieve a response that furthers the desired intent of the propagandist." Source: Garth S. Jowett and Victoria O'Donnell, Propaganda And Persuasion, 4th edition, 2006.... I thought he was only giving thanks to God? I guess some people have a big problem with him wearing his heart on is sleeve.... ; )
"really OUGHT TO..."??? Gosh, this is the author's BLOG. Whoever he wants to give THANKS to is his prerogative! You dont' like it, you can don't visit, or better still, write your own blog and let us know :-)
lighten up people and let us be understanding here - i dun see a problem with the Bible verses, no harm done as he is not advocating anything controversial ... like what liverpool say - he is only giving thanks to God ... besides, its his blog after all ! =P
Congrats, Doc!
Glory to God on high. =)
i think your blog is so popular because the food you feature appeals to us ordinary folks and the heartlanders. you diligence and perseverance in updating your blog on almost a daily basis also helps to make it a great hit. i also like your honest and frank assessment.
well done, doc! keep on feeding us.
why does you try asking Eighteen chefs to do the makan session?
Easy to find parking... easily accessible by mrt, cosy and nice ambience and I'm sure Benny can come up with something wacky and tasty! :)
Some people don't seem to understand that it's really rude to go onto someone's blog to leave criticisms on what the owner of the blog should or should not be writing about. It's similar to going to someone's house and telling them to get rid of their pet dog because he/she (the visitor) is allergic to fur.
I don't see how god helps this fella's blog! Honestly people, if he wanted to blog about his religion, by all means, go ahead... But food and one's religion are 2 totally different entities, if he intended to combine both of them together, it could've been "isay-grace-before-mealsieatishootipost-then-after-that-ipray" right? there's just no relevance...
When one gets a million hits to his blog, he thanks the readers, not god...
Unless god in heaven is reading people's blogs and asking his saints and angels to read in order for the blogger to garner a million hits!
To think you actually profess yourself as a Christian?
As a self-proclaimed ambassador of Christ whose primary mission is to evangelize, spread the good news and glorify His name, you are apparently ashamed of the omnipresent God in everything that is good - including good food; sharing it via the blog and through which, the various blessings God has bestowed upon Leslie in one way or another.
Why is it wrong to attribute these to the grace of God?
I can emphathize if you're a non-believer. But more so a 'fella' Christian, you OUGHT TO BE glorifying God's name - instead you're doing the contrary by suggesting that you can't see God in the benefits that this food blog has brought to many believers, myself included.
As if it's not enough to assume that you may perhaps be spiritually blind, it seems you could very well be physically blind too since you missed the very first paragraph of the article.
Only God knows. =)
Aye, chill out people.
Leslie's free to write whatever he wants on his blog. As long as he doesn't go out of his way to offend people in bad faith, who's to dictate what he should or shouldn't write. If people really find his entries offensive, you can either take it up to the appropriate authorities; email him and plead your case so he can respond correspondingly; or simply stop visiting the blog if you find it so offensive as such. The bottomline is that so long as free speech is kept within legal boundaries, we are free to express our views/personal opinion.
Similarly, Leslie has invited comments to his blog. To be fair, visitors to his blog are therefore entitled to air their own views and I personally see nothing wrong in objecting to certain position/opinion that Leslie has taken, either on the individual food reviews, or any other entries. Of course, that's also on the proviso that commentators do not publish offensive comments (in which case I believe Leslie, as the blog owner, reserves the right to delete them). And here, offensive comments shouldn't include personal opinions made in good faith.
So, chill out, people - have a nice cup of tea and tuck in to a nice piece of cheesecake, or a sinful plate of char kway teow. It's a lovely day!
I really dun get wat's the problem ppl have when Christianity or God is mentioned. Ppl seem to get offended very fast or think that faith/religion is being pushed/propaganda. I don’t see this kinda reaction when ppl say “I thank pu-sa (Buddha) for -----” I also really dun see how having bible verses on one’s blog leaves a bitter aftertaste??
The bible verses are cool....why should any one get so work up over it? The Word of God is the secret to Leslie's success and he is subtly sharing it with you. Maybe you should get the Word in your life bro.
Furthermore, I believe that this blog itself is a testimony of God's favour and abundant grace over Leslie's life. He is prospering and reigning in everything he does!! His work, career, his family, his blog, his ...etc.
Christianity is not a religion, it is a relationship with God. You can't have a relationship with God and not reign in this life.(Rom 5:17)Leslie in reigning in life! How about you?
Keep up the good work Leslie!
"Always and for everything giving thanks in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ to God the Father" (Eph.5:20).
amen bro
Wow, I have to give it to the anonymous objector! You managed to create more comments than I ever did with my blog!
And to everyone else, thanks for your support! It is great to hear everyone's opinion. I love to hear from you all, whether good or bad. I hope you will write in more as it is very encouraging for me to hear from you.
I have to share this one fact with you all. When I first started writing the blog, it was in the first month or so, I was really wondering what I was doing. I was praying and asking God if this was a wise thing to do. Then He told me: "What I have asked you to do, do with all your might". That was when I started putting all my effort into the project. In retrospect, I can see how the blog has opened so many new doors to meeting so many people and sharing their lives. So giving thanks to God is the logical and necessary thing to do.
Life is not just about food and drink although this blog is very much about that. The gratification from writing the blog comes from knowing that readers are benefiting from it and hawkers are grateful that their businesses improve after I write about them. I was very very happy this week when I was told by Benny from 18 Chefs that his business has doubled since my writeup! This should make all our readers feel happy too since it is you guys who spread the word, visit the restuarants and make it happen!
So I will continue to blog as long as I feel that people are getting something out of it. And I will decide to stop when I am instructed to and move to the next project. Till then, the order to "do it with all your might" still stands, so onward to the next million hits!
I thank God for my safe return from Vietnam. I joined Dr. Leslie in his makan hunting because I read about his Great message to help the needies. Leslie's blog is his open and sincere heart that we love food and we love God.In less than a year his blog obtained a Million hits. Yes let start with a Charity Makan Session to celebrate'.
Why do you all quarrel over some imaginary Angmo which no one has ever seen b4 and take him so seriously ? Isn't your family more imp ?
Idea sounds great !
Havent been viewing your blog as regularly as before, due to WORK !
Well, I hope I will be able to meet up with you guys for a makan session , when I take leave or quit my job once again..
Mark, nice to hear from you again. We last met at Tg Pagar FC.Hope to see you soon.
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