New Hawa: Ultimate Prata Challenge: Round 2 of 2
The Prata over at Syed was excellent but it just lacked the taste to make it the Ultimate Prata. By this time, the criteria for obtaining the Ultimate Prata was quite clear. Syed's one was almost there, but it lacked the taste. So the obvious next step was to find a shop which makes it's own dough!
I repeated my instructions to the young Prata Chef and he happily obliged, slapped on 2 pieces of dough and started demonstrating his Prata Flipping Skills. Round and round it goes, overhead and under his nose...... (just kidding). Then I asked them whether they used Ghee and Evaporated Milk in the dough. They told me that they use Carnation Milk and margarine. But if I wanted Ghee, they can use it in the frying. Without any hesitation, I told them use Ghee instead of oil to fry the prata. Mmmmm.....looking good!
Now, please remember to save your calories for this AND to eat in moderation if you have high cholesterol levels! Ghee is clarified butter, so it is high in saturated fats. Actually, a lot of people would say that they don't want ghee because they are being health conscious. However, one must also bear in mind that the margarine they use may also be high in Trans Fats, which is just as bad as Saturated fats. So ghee or no ghee, if you have high cholesterol levels, prata may not be a good thing for you.
But I digress....and I hope I did not spoil your appetite.
The prata is crispy and fluffy but just slightly less fluffy then Syed's. This guy has less of a bench top to work with. But the taste was just awesome! There was no smell of cheap margarine. Instead you get a buttery aroma and taste which to die for! (literally) So good you can eat it on its own, but even better when you eat it with the savoury curry mutton.
The winner for this round of the Ultimate Prata Challenge! The perfect prata would be the Syed Chef flipping New Hawa's Dough and frying it with Ghee! But I am not complaining......much! 4.5/5
Oh, if you happen to head down to New Hawa, the team featured is the morning team who work a 12 hour shift until about 7pm. Ask for the "Ultimate Prata" which will cost $1.80. (2 doughs = $1.20 plus $0.60 for the ghee)
How to get the Ultimate Prata:
I think if you approach any reasonable Prata Stall, you should be able to get quite a good Prata. The following characteristics are important:
1. They need to make their own Prata Dough
2. The Prata Chef has to be skillful and obliging
3. Make sure their working area is big enough
4. Ask for 2 doughs and specify that you want it thick and fluffy
5. Stick around when they are flipping and specify you want them to flip it as big as possible then fold into many layers
6. Make sure they allow the prata to rest for at least 2 minutes
7. Fry it in Ghee (QBB)
8. Eat it as soon as it hits your plate!New Hawa Restaurant
Simpang Bedok (Next to the Market)
Bedok Road
Open 24 hours
Click here to link to Syed Restaurant
Wah ieat, i really envy how you can get hawkers to try out new recipes and even add them in their menu! n also ask them for their techniques! Good job!
It helps when the guys are friendly and have a sense of humor. You can tell from the Prata Chef's cheeky smile can't you?
hmm i serious wonder what is "ultimate prata" to you. One man's meat is another's poison. Everyone has different preference to how their prata to be done. Some want it to be crispy, some want it buttery, some just want it wet and sloggy.
Yes, one man's meat..... if you read my the blog before this, I already defined MY ultimate prata as Crispy, fluffy and tasty type!
hi, so can i really just tell them i want the Ultimate Prata, n they will know whats that ?
I dun mind paying the price but i don't know whether will they repeat the same order to me.
If you manage to see the guy in the pic or his partner in the small pic, definitely can. I already told him I am going to tell my friends about the Ultimate prata. But just to be safe, just describe it as 2 dough thick and crispy fried with Ghee and maybe mention about the guy with the camera. This pair works the 7am to 7pm shift. Until they start to get orders for this, I can't be sure if the other team will know about "Ultimate" prata.
Haha, tt's true. i guess i'll have to make my way down bedok someday then
Guess if the chef is happy he will dish out better Roti prata. You too will be happy if he obliged you.Best time is not during prime time, he will be too busy, time is money then. ieat makan at 2 to the chef can oblige him.
haha icic, btw I visited the char kuey tiao stall at Margaret dr yesterday and boy, the uncle was really friendly. Every customer he also smile
Try out the food at New Harbour Cafe and Restaurant located at Tanjong Pagar. The Stretch of shop houses there, with lots of Bridal shops. New Harbour is located opposite Rama Thai Restaurant.
Their burgers are recently featured in MakanSultra too. =)
Went down today for lunch in the afternoon, the friendly gentleman in the picture was present when i made my order. I believe the name of the stall is 89.7 which serves pratas and thosai. Not New Hawa which serves Zi Char fare as indicated on the respective menus. They have a seperate signboard if one looks carefully. As for the prata, I found them to be delightfully fluffy though lacking somewhat in the crisp department. Anyhow, a good find but i guess i'll think twice about going down again since i reside in the West Coast area.
Finally, a field report! Did they fry in Ghee? How did you find the taste? Actually if you are in the West you can ask the people at Al Azhar (Cheong Chin Nam) to do a double prata for you. I am sure they can get it as fluffy.
Wow your pic looked so good!! I went there but unfortunately did not ask for two doughs, many layers and ghee. Their prata kosong (as-is) was too soft and almost powdery (like consistency of a donut? can't think of a closer description!). It disintegrated too fast and easily - I like my prata a little bit more chewy and crispy. It was so unsatisfying that I thought I must have gotten the wrong shop.
I guess must really ask for the "Ultimate Prata". :)
I just went down today to Simpang Bedok to have lunch, Yong Tau Foo was closed, so I tried the prata. It seems the store selling prata has changed to stall called 89.7,
New Hawa (which is in the same shop but operating from the other side - stalls here operate from 2 sides) is now just selling chicken rice and malay Cze Char.
The prata taste ordinary, prata didn't seemed fluffy enough. Abit disappointed.
Ghee isn't as unhealthy as it is largely made out to be.
Tried it. Tasted quite ordinary. Preferred the other prata place beside Ming Fa Fishball Noodles.
If I'm not wrong, this was the store next to 7-11? I think it's closed down. 89.7's prata is not as good IMO
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