Loh Mei: The one and only stall?: People's Park Food Centre Part 1 of 3
With iwatch_ueat, damien and liverpool
This is one of those blogs which I have a hard time writing. I write best when I am enamoured with the food. So why even include this stall in the blog? Well, I was told this is the "Last of the Mohicans", the "Final Dodo" even rarer than an albino Panda. Yep, I was told this is the one and only stall left in Singapore selling Loh Mei.
Damien raves about it and he looked like a little boy opening a christmas present when the dish finally came. I was of course looking forward to tasting this for the very first time. Such good food and yet its the only one left? Something just doesn't make sense.
I guess I can describe this as Kway Chap with a Nam Zhor (fermented bean curd) sauce. You know how they say somethings are an acquired taste? This must be an example of it. Both Damien and smart loved it, whilest the rest of us were ambivalent. OK, the sauce was nice but I wouldn't rave about it. 3.5/5
Not looking forward to eating this in the foreseeable future, but some others might drool over it. The real question is whether this is really the one and only stall in Singapore? Perhaps some of our readers care to shed some light on it?Loh Mei Specialist
Blk 32 New Market Road
People's Park Food Centre
If memory serves me, there was one at the Raffles City Food Court?
this reminds me that i haven't eaten it in yonks...but i do love it. heard frm my dad that a stall in geylang lor 7,9 or 11 still sells this -bleu
I rem there is one, by the same franchise? A few years ago along Geylang. It's a shop by itself. Sorry, no exact address, dunno if it's still around.
But the one at people's park, it's not as nice as before. The gravy/soup is kinda diluted now.
Another stall I would recommend at People's Park is a teochew fishball noodles stall. 5 big fishballs with noodles for the price of $3 per bowl. The fishballs are not the springy type, it's soft, more fish meat i guess. But be prepared to queue. And sorry again, no exact unit number.
hey..i agree with didally.
it used to be real good last time. i used to hv it for lunch everytime i go to opp. till one day, when i find the gravy absolutely horrible .... n the uncle was so rude abt givin me extra chilli sauce...
the standard had dropped tremendously!
oh the stall in geylang is long gone.
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